S1 Ep:18 Step into the Year with Purpose and Transformative Practices

Season 1 | Episode 18
6m | Dec 31, 2023

Welcome back, dear listeners, to another soul-nourishing session of Crossing Bridges with Ray. As your guide, Ray, I'm truly grateful for your presence as we stand on the cusp of the new year. In this special installment, we embrace the magic of December 31st, 2023—a day that doubles as a rare portal day, occurring once every century. We reflect on the power of adding transformative practices into our routines and consider the significance of the day's numerological uniqueness. I urge you to explore this phenomenon further; it's a fascinating cosmic wink that adds an extra layer of excitement to our discussion.

Listen in as I share a personal dialogue with the divine, revealing a heartfelt message on how to kickstart the year with intention and spiritual alignment. I discuss the revival of my morning routine from four years prior, now enhanced with current wisdom and the commitment to incorporate both tried-and-true and fresh tools for personal growth. From meditation and journaling to exercise and fasting, I lay out a holistic blueprint for ushering in 2024 with vitality and purpose. Moreover, I extend an invitation to you to join me in this journey, potentially through an accountability group within our Soul Food Family. Let's stride into the new year empowered and united, ready to manifest our deepest aspirations. Happy New Year to all, and may this episode be the spark that ignites your transformative fire.

Your journey matters and your voice will always be heard here, so be sure to share your thoughts, questions, and reflections with me on my my link below!

Thank you for joining me for another episode as we cross this bridge together!

So much Love,


Rae's Links...


(00:16 - 00:55) December 31st, 2023

(05:18 - 06:12) Short New Year's Message for 2023


00:03 - Rachel "Rae" Mindy (Host)

Greetings, hello, hello, hello. Welcome to another episode of Crossing Bridges with Ray. I am your host, Ray, and first and foremost, thank you so much for being here. So today is a pretty special day. It's the very last day of the year, december 31st 2023. Actually, it's a portal day, too. I think it's the portal of 123123, which is another reason why it's so special, because apparently it doesn't happen, but like every 100 years. I will not go into that, though, but be sure to look it up. It's pretty interesting. 


So first let me address the last couple of episodes. So, really, they are just really tools and practices that I personally thought were very important to share and to express. These practices and tools, I believe, are necessary in life, but definitely when you are working on yourself, working on your belief, your faith, your desires for your life, moving forward and building something solid between you and God, today is a perfect day to dedicate yourself to adding these things into your routine. Starting tomorrow, the first of January, is actually a good day to really just contemplate on what you will do, how you will do it and when, for example, I asked God myself today what would you have me to do today, like how can I spend my day on purpose. Share with me what you will have me to know and I will share the answer with you. As to what God said back to me, it was to start my morning routine from 2019, which was four years ago, meaning start over, but with the knowledge that you have today that you did not have four years ago. 


Set your alarm for 4.30 again. Create a sacred space. Get up and use your tools, new and old, to shape your day and your world. Pray, meditate, journal, speak your mantras and affirmations. Exercise get those weights you've been looking at in the corner of your room and use them. Start with 30 minutes and work your way up to an hour. Start that Pilates class or do that online walking program that you started with. This will awaken you in many areas of your life. Get that water in your system and let's start the year off with a fast for a minimum of three days. Let's just juice and drink water for the first three days of the year and if it spills over, great. If not, that's cool too. Let's flow, but take it serious. Take this seriously. We are leaving 2023 behind and creating the new year for 2024. 


Reading let's get that reading in in the morning, allow it to be motivational, and in the evening, let's read something new about business and money. If you start your day this way and dedicate yourself to this, your life will look different sooner than you think. We promise you, and we is that is from God and my spirit team, spirit Tribe, whatever you want to call it. So they went on to say if you like, if you'd like, to join me, let me know. Maybe we can create an accountability group or something inside of Crossing Bridges with Ray Soul Food Family. What do you think? Let me know. 


I simply wanted to share this with you so that you can be inspired and to let you know that I am working right alongside with you on this journey of not just self-discovering, self-improvement, but just overall, wanting something better for yourself, for your life. Yeah, let's just leave it at that. But I also wanted you to know that you got this like you really got this. No matter where you decide to start, whether it be small or big or whatever your endeavors and whatever your desires are, just simply start and perfect it along the way. Just simply start, even if it's just one thing that you do differently that you did not do in 2023. 


So there we go. I just wanted to leave you a very short and sweet message for the last day of 2023. I pray that you are all safe, that you have a great, great day and a great evening, and I look forward to talking to you next year. Thank you for listening to me today and please, please, please, share this with someone who needs to hear this. I look forward to the next one. See you on the other side and again, happy new year. 

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