S1 Ep:8 Harnessing the Power of Journaling for Personal Growth and Transformation #Throwback

3m | Nov 18, 2023

Part 7...

Ever felt like your head's about to explode with pent-up emotions, stress, and thoughts running wild? Welcome to our enlightening conversation about the power of journaling, a transformative technique that can be your life's game changer. We delve into two special types of journaling. The first, a 'dump journal', allows you to vent out all frustrations, irritations, and daily grinds. It’s a safe space for you to release everything, from workplace issues to personal battles. 

The second journal type we discuss is where you chronicle your hopes, dreams, and aspirations but also express gratitude and reflect on life's blessings. We provide tips on how to start small and then expand your journaling practice gradually. You’ll discover how journaling can help track your growth and lead to profound personal transformation. It's not just about writing out your thoughts—it's a cathartic process that can aid your life journey. So why not harness the power of the pen? Tune in and explore how journaling can change the way you navigate through life.

Your journey matters, and your voice will always be heard here, so be sure to share your thoughts, questions and reflections with me on my interwebs.

Thank you for joining me for another episode as we cross this bridge together!

So much Love, Rae

Rae's Links...


00:09 - Rachel "Rae" Mindy (Host)

Okay, this is one of my favorites. So the next thing that we discussed, or the next thing that I shared with her, was journaling, and I'm pretty passionate about journaling, because journaling has literally changed my life and has healed me in so many ways, in so many ways, and so the first thing that I suggested to her is for her to have a journal where she can just simply oops, where she can just simply write out what is going on, what's driving her crazy, what's getting on her nerves, if she's mad about something or whatever, just get it out, get it out of your head, get it out of your heart, get it out of your body, like just get it out. And that is what I call a dump journal. I tell all my clients to get one, anyone that is going through anything. I tell them to get a separate journal to dump in. 


Okay, dump everything in. It could be what's going on at work, it could whatever it is, but it's not necessarily good things, but it's things that you need to release. That is the purpose of the dump journal. The other journal that I told her to start is the journal where she's talking about her hopes, dreams, desires, goals, where she can express her gratitude for what it is that she has, or maybe even take time to write out five things that you're grateful for every day, that is. I mean you can take that into a separate journal if you want to, but you can also just have it in your journal. It doesn't have to be like three or four journals. At this point, we're trying to start off small. 


The only reason why I suggested the dump journal is because it's necessary If you're going through stuff. There's a lot of things that you can do when you're going through stuff. You can call your girlfriends, you can call your mom, you can call this, that, the other thing, but it's still going to be somewhat in your head, right, and so what my thing is is that getting that out, getting that out somewhere in a central location, and it also lends to seeing your growth over time as well. Like, I don't know how many journals I have. I have lots of them, but I'm sure that I can go back and see the trajectory of how I've changed from back then. Whether it was 2012 or whatever year it was, you know what I'm saying. So, anyway, journaling is powerful. Journaling allows you to not only spend time being grateful, but it also allows you to release the good and the bad. I wouldn't say that. 

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