Episode 48: Unstoppable Ambition: The Grit of a Real Estate Investing Salsa Dancer with Anaid Ramirez

1h 2m | May 15, 2024

On this weeks episode of the "Live Life by Design" podcast our guest Anaid Ramirez tells her fascinating story that despite being undocumented when she arrived in the U.S. at age 12, she put herself through college at Cal Poly Pomona by working multiple jobs - from knocking on doors to waitressing to cold calling. Her powerful mindset of embracing challenges and never giving up enabled her to graduate in the top of her class with a degree in mathematics and statistics. 

Anaid's entrepreneurial spirit shines through as she discusses starting a salsa dancing group in college to pursue her passion, then later launching her own dance classes at a local community center. Despite initially struggling with feelings of dependency after leaving her job to be a stay-at-home mom. Her drive to contribute financially and lift burdens from her supportive husband motivates her voracious study of real estate.

The conversation is both hilarious and profound, and illustrates how embracing life's inevitable failures can catalyze personal growth.

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