"How to deal with the taboo of recovering in circus" Saar Rombout & Sienna Bruce in Circus Whispers Season3 ep.

25m | Apr 7, 2024

Until recently, the sky was their preferred playground; now, for aerial artists Saar Rombout and Sianna Bruce, the soft crash mat beckons. Pain is intertwined with circus. But since they are both injured, this 'sensation' took on a whole new connotation. In this first episode of Circus Whispers, our host Maaike Muis is suspended in the air. There she discovers not only how much muscular strength this requires but hears all about a circus performer's greatest fear.


Tot voor kort was de lucht hun favoriete speelterrein; nu lonkt voor aerial artiesten Saar Rombout en Sianna Bruce de zachte valmat. Pijn is verweven met circus. Maar sinds ze allebei geblesseerd zijn, heeft deze 'sensatie' een hele nieuwe lading gekregen. In deze eerste aflevering van Circus Whispers hangt onze host Maaike Muis in de lucht. Daar ontdekt ze niet alleen hoeveel spierkracht dat vergt, maar hoort ze ook alles over de grootste angst van een circusartiest.

This is one of the episodes previously released on the channel of "Circus Whispers". A series of behind the scenes portraits of circus-makers and their research. Next series will launch in June 2024.

Circusmakers - Saar Rombout & Sianna Bruce

Hosting & editing - Maaike Muis

Production TENT house for contemporary circus

Music - Blue Dot Sessions

Made possible by - Dutch Performing Arts Fund & Amsterdam Arts Fund

Previously released 08 Jun 2023 

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Maaike Muis Presenteert: