Around Fresh - for Circostrada -LA VILLETTE & Espace périferique

Season 1 | Episode 6
16m | Feb 8, 2024

For the international netwerk of Circostrada I made the 7-part series 'AROUND FRESH'. This series was leading up to the tree day conference in Paris on the hot topics in the circus and outdoor arts sector in September 2023.

In this episode I talk with Raffaella Benanti from La Villette and Sylvie Cadenat from Espace Périférique in Paris about CARE.

What does CARE mean in the Circus and Outdoor Arts sector? 

How do organisations like La Villette and Espace Périphérique apply it in their daily practice? 

FRESH2023 is the 10th edition of the flagship professional meeting co-organised by Circostrada Network and ARTCENA, this time in collaboration with key partners located in Paris and its region.

Concept, recording, producing scripting, editing: by Maaike Muis

Commisioned by: Circostrada

more info on the Wonderfull work of Circostrada check out their website and socials:

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Maaike Muis Presenteert: