• 97. The Ultimate Guide to Ageless Jet Set Style w/ Diane Gilman

    In this episode of the "Too Young To Be Old" podcast, hosted by the legendary queen of jeans, Diane Gilman, listeners are taken on an inspiring journey into the world of mindful dressing. Diane, known for her decades-long career on QVC and HSN, now hosts "Fashion Thursdays with Diane." At 78 years old, she continues to inspire women around the world with her insights on fashion, aging gracefully, and living life to the fullest.

    Celebrating Women and Triumphs

    Diane begins the episode by celebrating the success of her latest book, "Women Thrive 3," co-authored with 12 remarkable women. This book, which became a No. 1 bestseller on Kindle and Amazon, shares diverse life challenges and triumphs, including Diane's own battle with breast cancer. She highlights the beauty of women coming together to share their stories and support each other.

    The Power of Intention in Your Wardrobe

    The central theme of this episode is the power of intention in your wardrobe. Diane shares personal stories and advice on how to dress mindfully, with a focus on creating the image of who you want to be. She recounts a transformative piece of advice from a friend: "Dress for who you want to be." This philosophy has guided Diane in her own life and she encourages listeners to adopt it as well.

    Personal Stories and Fashion Tips

    Diane shares several anecdotes, including one about an author friend who recently lost four dress sizes and was unsure about what to wear to an event in Europe. Diane's advice to her friend was to "create a new you" through intentional dressing. She emphasizes the importance of identifying your best features and choosing wardrobe pieces that highlight them. For Diane, her hair is her best feature, and she plans her outfits to accentuate it.

    Creating a Signature Style

    Diane discusses the significance of having a signature style. For her, it's a blazer paired with skinny jeans or pants, which reflects her identity as a successful career woman. She advises listeners to find their own signature pieces that make them feel comfortable and confident. Diane also highlights the importance of color psychology in dressing, sharing her love for pink and how it positively affects her mood.

    Fashion as a Tool for Reinvention

    A key takeaway from this episode is the idea that fashion can be a powerful tool for reinvention. Diane encourages listeners to use their wardrobe to express their aspirations and to reinvent themselves at any stage of life. Whether you're an empty nester, transitioning from the corporate world, or recovering from a major life event, mindful dressing can help you redefine your identity.

    Practical Fashion Advice

    Diane offers practical advice for building a capsule wardrobe, including choosing versatile, high-quality pieces that reflect your personal style. She shares her own wardrobe plans for an upcoming trip to Europe, emphasizing the importance of confidence-boosting pieces and simplicity in fashion. Diane also discusses the challenges and joys of wardrobe organization, encouraging listeners to declutter and focus on pieces that truly make them happy.

    Connect with Diane

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  

    Website: thedianegilman.com

    39m - Jul 4, 2024
  • 96. Menopause Reimagined w/ Dr. Prudence Hall’s Holistic Health Strategies!

    In this episode of the "Too Young To Be Old" podcast, hosted by the queen of jeans, Diane Gilman, listeners are in for a treat as she engages in a profound conversation with Dr. Prudence Hall. Dr. Hall is a renowned integrative gynecologist who specializes in helping women achieve optimal health and vitality at any age. This episode delves into the secrets of maintaining youthful energy, the importance of hormone balance, and the transformative power of a holistic approach to wellness.

    Meet Dr. Prudence Hall

    Dr. Prudence Hall is not just a medical expert; she is a pioneer in the field of integrative health. With decades of experience, Dr. Hall has dedicated her career to understanding and treating the root causes of hormonal imbalances and aging. Her holistic approach combines traditional medicine with cutting-edge treatments, making her a sought-after expert in women's health and longevity.

    The Importance of Hormone Balance

    Dr. Hall emphasizes the critical role hormones play in maintaining overall health and vitality. She explains how hormonal imbalances can lead to various health issues, including fatigue, weight gain, and mood swings. By addressing these imbalances through personalized treatment plans, Dr. Hall helps her patients reclaim their youthful energy and zest for life.

    Integrative Health and Wellness

    During the episode, Dr. Hall shares her insights on the benefits of integrative health practices. She discusses how combining conventional medicine with alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, nutrition, and lifestyle changes, can lead to more comprehensive and effective health outcomes. This integrative approach allows for a deeper understanding of the body's needs and promotes long-term wellness.

    Aging Gracefully and Powerfully

    One of the key themes of the conversation is the concept of aging gracefully. Dr. Hall and Diane Gilman explore the societal perceptions of aging and how they can be transformed. They discuss the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and embracing the aging process with confidence. Dr. Hall provides practical tips on how to stay vibrant and healthy, regardless of age.

    The Power of Personalized Medicine

    Dr. Hall's approach to medicine is highly personalized. She believes that each individual is unique and requires tailored treatments to achieve optimal health. In this episode, she outlines the benefits of personalized medicine and how it can address specific health concerns effectively. Dr. Hall shares success stories from her practice, illustrating the transformative power of customized health plans.

    Dr. Hall's Details

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrPrudenceHall/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drprudencehall/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@prudencehallmd




    Connect with Diane

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  

    Website: thedianegilman.com

    41m - Jul 2, 2024
  • 95. Brace Yourself for the Raw, Honest Stories from 'Women Thrive 3


    In this powerful episode of the "Too Young To Be Old" podcast, host Diane Gilman, formerly known as the Queen of Jeans, welcomes guests Emily Sanders and Kim Blythe. They discuss their contributions to the newly released anthology "Women Thrive 3." This episode delves into deeply personal and inspiring stories of overcoming adversity, making it both intense and relatable. Please note that the content is sensitive and not suitable for children.

    Women Thrive Vol. III: Inspiring True Stories of Women Overcoming Adversity - Book Link

    Diane Gilman's Introduction

    Diane Gilman introduces the episode by sharing her involvement in the "Women Thrive 3" anthology, which recently premiered on Amazon. As an author of one of the chapters, Diane provides insight into the purpose of the book: to share stories of women overcoming monumental challenges and emerging stronger. Diane emphasizes the book's aim to inspire and support women who have faced similar struggles.

    Emily Sanders' Journey

    Emily Sanders, a former Las Vegas showgirl turned successful entrepreneur and business coach, shares her harrowing experience of sexual assault at the age of 16. Despite the trauma, Emily managed to build a successful life, but the pain of her past resurfaced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through writing her chapter in "Women Thrive 3," Emily found healing and a renewed sense of purpose. Her journey from a secret keeper to an advocate for women’s empowerment is truly inspirational.

    Kim Blythe's Story

    Kim Blythe, a powerhouse businesswoman and mother, recounts her experience of long-repressed memories of childhood molestation by her stepfather. It wasn't until she was nearly 50 years old that the memories resurfaced, leading her to seek therapy and eventually write about her experiences. Kim's story highlights the importance of facing one's past and the transformative power of writing. Her resilience and determination to overcome her traumatic past to build a successful and loving life are deeply moving.

    Diane's Personal Revelation

    Diane shares her own story of incest, teenage sexual assault, and the battle with breast cancer. Her narrative of turning immense personal pain into a source of strength and inspiration for others is both heartbreaking and uplifting. Diane emphasizes the importance of confronting and sharing one’s story to heal and help others, underlining the anthology’s theme of triumph over adversity.

    43m - Jun 27, 2024
  • 94. Empowered Aging | Unlocking Your Best Years w/Joya Van Der Laan

    In this episode, Diane Gilman, formerly known as the Queen of Jeans, dives into a topic that was once taboo: menopause and perimenopause. Joined by Joya Van Der Laan, a nurse practitioner specializing in women's health, they discuss the physical and emotional changes women experience during this critical phase of life.

    Understanding Perimenopause

    Joya explains that perimenopause can start up to 10 years before a woman's last period, bringing symptoms such as hot flashes, libido changes, sleep disturbances, and unexpected weight gain. Diane shares her personal struggles with these changes, emphasizing the importance of awareness and proactive management.

    Exercise and Weight Management

    Diane and Joya discuss the common misconception that high-intensity exercise is the best way to manage weight during menopause. Joya highlights the adverse effects of excessive cortisol and recommends strength training and muscle-building exercises to maintain a healthy metabolism and reduce belly fat.

    Dietary Adjustments

    Joya offers dietary advice, stressing the importance of protein and produce while recommending a balanced approach to nutrition. She advocates for 12-hour fasting periods and mindful eating practices tailored to individual needs.

    Hormone Replacement Therapy

    The conversation turns to hormone replacement therapy (HRT), with Joya providing insights into the benefits and risks. She emphasizes the importance of personalized, bioidentical hormone treatments and addresses common concerns and misconceptions about HRT.

    Emotional and Sexual Health

    Joya discusses the often-overlooked aspects of emotional and sexual health during menopause. She encourages open conversations about intimacy and highlights the role of hormones like estrogen, testosterone, and DHA in maintaining a fulfilling sexual relationship.

    Personal Stories and Insights

    Diane shares her journey through menopause, including weight gain, mood swings, and the positive impact of bioidentical hormones on her overall well-being. Both Diane and Joya stress the importance of finding knowledgeable healthcare providers and tailoring treatment plans to individual needs.

    Closing Thoughts

    Diane and Joya wrap up the episode by encouraging women to embrace menopause as a natural part of life. They emphasize the availability of effective treatments and the importance of proactive healthcare management to maintain quality of life during and after menopause.

    Contact Joya Van Der Laan: 

    Website: nourishhousecalls.com 

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/nourishhousecalls/

    Dina’s Details

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dmcstyles/?hl=en

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dmcstyles/

    Connect with Diane

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  

    Website: thedianegilman.com

    35m - Jun 25, 2024
  • 93. Embracing Power Dressing w/ Dina Cerchione

    Diane Gilman sits down with the fabulous Dina Cerchione, a stylist who has redefined power dressing for women of all ages. Dina shares her journey from the bustling garment industry of New York to the glamorous world of Hollywood styling. Together, they delve into the transformative power of clothing, discussing how the right outfit can boost confidence and project a powerful image.

    Introduction to Dina Cerchione

    • Diane introduces Dina, highlighting her impressive career and influence in the fashion world.
    • Dina's background in the New York garment industry and her move to Los Angeles.
    • How Dina transitioned into styling and her experiences working on television shows.

    The Concept of Power Dressing

    • Dina and Diane explore the essence of power dressing and its impact on personal branding.
    • The importance of dressing with intention and how clothing choices reflect one’s inner self.
    • The evolution of power dressing from traditional suits to versatile, modern pieces.

    Personal Stories and Insights

    • Dina shares personal anecdotes about how changing outfits can change one's mindset and energy.
    • Diane discusses her own fashion choices, including her favorite blazer, the Balmain double-breasted jacket.
    • The role of confidence in styling and how the right clothes can empower individuals.

    Dressing for Different Occasions

    • Tips for dressing for various settings, from TV interviews to public speaking events.
    • The importance of considering the audience and environment when choosing an outfit.
    • How to create a versatile wardrobe with pieces that can transition from casual to formal.

    Challenges and Rewards of Styling

    • The unique challenges women face in finding clothes that fit and flatter as they age.
    • The psychological impact of fashion and how it can influence self-perception and confidence.
    • Dina’s approach to working with clients to help them discover their personal style.

    Advice for Women Over 50

    • Dina and Diane offer practical advice for women navigating fashion after 50.
    • The importance of self-discovery and embracing changes in the body and style.
    • Encouraging women to experiment with fashion and find what makes them feel confident and comfortable.

    Memorable Quotes

    • "Style represents who you want to be inside." – Dina Cerchione
    • "You have the power to reinvent yourself at any age." – Diane Gilman
    • "Find your lane in fashion and build on that with confidence." – Dina Cerchione

    Dina’s Details

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dmcstyles/?hl=en

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dmcstyles/

    Connect with Diane

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  

    Website: thedianegilman.com

    39m - Jun 20, 2024
  • 92. Episode: The Pillars of Successful and Happy Aging with Aging Expert Jennifer DiVita

    Be happier, live longer and embrace life to its fullest in your third act with these simple lifestyle hacks from certified gerontologist and aging expert, Jennifer DiVita. She talks to Diane about the essential pillars of successful and joyful aging, offering invaluable insights and tools for navigating the journey of growing older with grace and vitality.

    Overcoming Ageism: A Personal Journey

    Jennifer opens up about her own journey into gerontology, recounting the ageism she encountered along the way. From being deemed "too old" for television at 31 to being told she was "too young" to study gerontology, her experiences highlight the pervasive nature of age-related stereotypes.

    The Pillars of Successful Aging

    Diane and Jennifer discuss the foundational pillars of successful aging, including:

    1. Defying Societal Expectations: Ignoring society's arbitrary limitations on age and pursuing your passions unabashedly.
    2. The Power of Laughter: Embracing humor as a catalyst for resilience and joy, even in the face of adversity.
    3. Social Connection: Combating isolation by nurturing meaningful relationships and staying engaged with diverse communities.
    4. Mental Stimulation: Keeping the mind sharp through lifelong learning and cognitive challenges.

    Combating Ageism in Its Many Forms

    They address the three different manifestations of ageism:

    • Internal
    • Interpersonal
    • Institutional  

    Jennifer underscores the importance of cultivating a positive perception of aging, citing research that links it to increased longevity.

    Super Seniors: Defying Age Expectations

    Highlighting remarkable individuals who defy age stereotypes, Diane and Jennifer celebrate the accomplishments of "super seniors" like Clint Eastwood, Rosemary Smith, and Harriet Thompson. These trailblazers serve as inspiration for living life to the fullest at any age.

    Embracing New Experiences

    Diane shares her personal journey of learning to cook during cancer treatment, emphasizing the transformative power of trying new things. Jennifer advocates for embracing novelty and seizing every opportunity for growth and fulfillment.

    Redefining Time and Happiness

    Reflecting on the changing perception of time with age, Diane and Jennifer discuss the concept of a midlife crisis and the pursuit of happiness across different stages of life. Despite societal narratives, they affirm that each moment is precious and ripe with potential.

    Jennifer’s Details

    Website: www.jenniferdivita.com  

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifer.divita/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JenniferDiVitaBooks 

    Book: https://bookshop.org/p/books/not-your-shoe-size-a-novel-about-acting-your-age-or-not-jennifer-divita/20198678?ean=9798988126409 

    Connect with Diane

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  

    Website: thedianegilman.com

    S1E92 - 34m - Jun 18, 2024
  • 91. Travel Fashion for the Urban Chic Traveler

    Join Diane as she shares her fashion insights and travel tips. In this episode, Diane discusses how to pack stylishly and efficiently for urban travel, specifically for a trip to London.

    Why Travel Fashion Matters

    Diane just returned from Los Angeles, where she did an interview for CBS about her book "Too Young to Be Old" and discussed her upcoming anthology for Women Thrive. With an invitation to be the keynote speaker at a woman's forum in London, Diane emphasizes the importance of packing smartly for a variety of events while maintaining a chic and classy appearance.

    Packing Essentials for London

    A beige trench coat is Diane's go-to piece for London. It's versatile, breathable, and can be worn both on and off the plane. She recommends an unlined trench coat made of cotton canvas for its slim body effect and compatibility with various outfits. Diane suggests packing two pairs of leggings, one in tan and one in black, and a graphic print trench coat. She plans to alter a wrap dress into a tunic to wear over leggings, which she finds perfect for giving speeches or casual outings. Crew neck tanks, primarily cotton but some rayon, are a must for easy washing and quick drying. Diane also packs turtlenecks in black and ivory, which look great under a trench coat and paired with a classic status scarf.

    Accessories and Footwear

    Two statement scarves, one emphasizing black and ivory and another with shades of brown, add a touch of elegance. Diane's travel bag from Anya Hindmarch, with multiple compartments for easy access, and a gold metallic clutch for evenings, complete her accessory list. Diane recommends a status gold horse bit loafer and a fashionable sneaker. For a sophisticated urban look, she suggests the Adidas sneaker or a two-tone canvas sneaker from Toteme.

    Fashion Tips for Urban Travel

    Diane highlights the importance of looking stylish and polished in urban environments like London, Paris, Milan, and Zurich. She suggests packing a structured blazer, preferably in beige, and wearing classic European outfits that mix and match easily. Diane's approach to travel fashion is all about practicality without sacrificing style. She emphasizes the need for pieces that are easy to pack, versatile, and can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion.

    Connect with Diane

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  

    Website: thedianegilman.com

    33m - Jun 13, 2024
  • 90. Reduce Pain and Age Better with Cupping, Red Light Therapy, Acupuncture, and Cryotherapy

    Empower yourself to take control of your aging and wellness with Dr. Tom Ingegno, the host of the Irreverent Health podcast and a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. He discusses various modalities including cupping, red light therapy, acupuncture, and cryotherapy, shedding light on their efficacy in helping people to age comfortably without pain.

    In this enlightening episode, Tom and Diane encourage listeners to embrace holistic approaches to wellness, empower themselves through education, and collaborate with their bodies to maintain optimal health and vitality at every stage of life.

    Exploring Ancient Remedies: Cupping and Its Origins

    Dr. Ingegno enlightens listeners on the ancient practice of cupping, a therapy whose origins are so widespread across the civilized world that its precise beginnings remain a mystery. They delve into how cupping can effectively alleviate inflammation and address a myriad of ailments, offering a holistic approach to wellness.

    Red Light Therapy: A Modern Miracle Cure

    Comparing red light therapy to acupuncture, Dr. Ingegno draws parallels in their mechanisms within the body. Backed by 40 years of clinical research, red light therapy emerges as a potential miracle cure, with Diane sharing her personal transformative experience with its benefits. Tom highlights the inclusivity of East Asian medicine and its integration of successful elements from various medical traditions.

    Dr. Ingegno explains how red light therapy operates within the body, talking about the profound impact it has on cellular function. 

    Hyperbaric Chambers and Exercise with Oxygen Therapy 

    Tom and Diane discuss the benefits of hyperbaric chambers and a new therapy Tom introduced in his practice called exercise with oxygen therapy. It introduces even more oxygen into the bloodstream in less time than a home hyperbaric chamber. 

    Embracing Cryotherapy: The Cold Chamber Solution

    Next, they talk about cryotherapy. It is a relatively recent innovation originating in Japan in 1978. Dr. Ingegno says it helps reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and cleanses the blood. Despite its chilly nature, cryotherapy offers a dry environment that ensures safety while delivering therapeutic benefits.

    Aging Well: Bridging Hospital Healthcare with Holistic Wellness

    Delving into the gap between hospital healthcare and holistic wellness, Diane queries why these remarkable healing modalities aren’t more widely encouraged within medical institutions. Dr. Ingegno attributes this disparity to the medical system's focus on treating illness rather than preventing it, underscoring the importance of bridging the gap between conventional medicine and holistic approaches.

    Revolutionizing Wellness: Nutrition and Lifestyle

    Reflecting on the state of modern wellness, Dr. Ingegno expresses concern over society's departure from fundamental wellness practices such as adequate sleep, balanced nutrition, and regular physical activity. Diane echoes these sentiments, citing research linking processed food diets to adverse health outcomes, and discussing the detrimental effects of industrial meat production on consumer health.

    Empowerment Through Education: Making Holistic Therapies Accessible

    Recognizing that access to alternative therapies is often a privilege, Dr. Ingegno emphasizes the importance of education and empowerment in promoting wellness. His efforts to make cupping more accessible through his book underscore the potential for individuals to take charge of their health and well-being as they age.

    Dr Tom Ingegno links and details

    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/za/podcast/irreverent-health/id1725859350 

    Book: https://www.thecuppingbook.com/ 

    Website: https://charmcityintegrative.com


    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CharmCityIntegrative

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/CCIntegrative

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ccintegrative

    YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/CharmCityIntegrativeHealthBaltimore

    Medium: https://medium.com/@charmcityintegrative

    Qwoted: https://app.qwoted.com/sources/tom-ingegno

    Podcast Guests: https://podcastguests.com/expert/drtom/

    Connect with Diane

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  

    Website: thedianegilman.com

    S1E90 - 37m - Jun 11, 2024
  • 89. Redefining Beauty: Skincare Secrets and Self-Care Rituals w/ Kiki Hurwitt

    Diane engages in a heartfelt conversation with Kiki about health, wellness, and the journey of self-care. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to embrace a healthier lifestyle and find beauty in every age.

    The Journey to Self-Care

    Kiki Hurwitt shares her personal journey of realizing the importance of self-care after years of neglect. She opens up about the challenges she faced while being consumed by corporate culture and hustle mentality, which led to significant health issues, including pre-diabetes and high cholesterol. Kiki's story is a powerful reminder of the necessity to prioritize one's health and well-being.

    Skincare Secrets and Rituals

    A devotee of skincare, Kiki discusses the influence of her mother, who introduced her to a skincare routine from a young age. She emphasizes the importance of consistent skincare rituals and shares her favorite products, including a Korean skincare line that has transformed her skin. Listeners will gain valuable insights into effective skincare practices and the significance of using quality products.

    Overcoming Health Challenges

    Both Diane and Kiki delve into their personal health challenges, from battling cancer to dealing with menopause. Diane shares her experience of overcoming breast cancer and the drastic lifestyle changes she made to improve her health, such as giving up dairy and red meat. Kiki talks about her decision to quit alcohol and its positive impact on her health and appearance.

    Fitness and Nutrition

    Kiki highlights the role of fitness and nutrition in her wellness journey. She talks about working with a coach to learn weightlifting and the benefits of a macro-based diet. The discussion covers the importance of hydration, the role of supplements, and the positive effects of collagen on skin and joint health.

    The Power of Mindset

    Throughout the episode, Diane and Kiki emphasize the power of a positive mindset. They challenge societal norms that suggest beauty and vitality are reserved for the young. Instead, they advocate for a joyful and active approach to life, proving that one can be vibrant and beautiful at any age.

    37m - Jun 6, 2024
  • 88. Slow Down Aging And Encourage Healing With The Power Of Peptides With Dr. Suzanne Ferree

    Do you know what a peptide is? And how it can revolutionize how you feel in your body? In this episode of Too Young To Be Old, Dr. Suzanne Ferree, author of the book Counterclockwise: Using Peptides to Renew, Rejuvenate, and Rediscover, explains how peptides hold incredible potential in combating various effects of aging. 

    Understanding Peptides

    Peptides like insulin play crucial roles in our bodies beyond their well-known functions. Dr. Ferree explains their diverse uses, including weight loss and anti-aging properties. She looks at how peptides address common physical effects of menopause such as dry skin, hair, joint pain, and insomnia.

    Peptides in Hair and Skincare

    Dr. Ferree shares insights into the transformative effects of peptides in skincare. She highlights GHKCu as a favorite peptide of hers, which can be found in Vitali Skincare products. She breaks down how it can rejuvenate skin cells, encourage the body's natural repair processes, and promote a more youthful appearance.

    Peptides offer promising solutions for hair and skincare, reversing sun damage, promoting cellular rejuvenation, and surpassing traditional anti-aging treatments like vitamin C and retinol. Dr. Ferree discusses effective peptide-based treatments and their benefits over conventional options.

    Peptides for Wellness

    Peptides operate at a cellular level helping to restore cartilage, enhance cellular function, and aid in pain relief. Dr. Ferree also explains their role in hormone balance, sleep improvement, and weight loss. However, Dr. Ferree emphasizes that optimal results come from integrating peptides into a healthy lifestyle, complementing overall wellness practices.

    How to Access Peptides in Healthcare 

    Diane mentions the challenges of accessing peptide therapies, especially for specific conditions like knee treatments. Dr. Ferree talks about her passion for bridging the gap between medical discoveries and clinical application, stressing the need for more accessible peptide treatments.

    Connect with Dr. Ferree

    Book: https://www.amazon.com/Counterclockwise-Using-Peptides-Rejuvenate-Rediscover-ebook/dp/B0CWD3GXPB?dplnkId=8ffd6117-fa35-4b96-af05-04745d1ffbcb&nodl=1 

    Website: https://vinemedical.com/

    Connect with Diane

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  

    Website: thedianegilman.com

    S1E88 - 34m - Jun 4, 2024
  • 87. Dress For Less: Fashion Tips to Look A Million Dollars On A Budget With The Queen Of Jeans | Fashion Thursday

    You don’t need to spend a million dollars to look a million dollars. And this episode of Fashion Thursday Diane is going to share her tips on how to do just this. Diane Gilman challenged herself to refresh her spring and summer wardrobe without spending more than $40 on any single item. She shares her top picks for affordable, stylish clothing that won't break the bank. From versatile tank tops to chic sock sneakers, Diane's recommendations are perfect for anyone looking to dress for less this season.

    Layering Pieces for Less

    Perfect Tank Top

    Diane kicks off with a staple for any wardrobe: the tank top. She recommends the Afibi Tank Top from Amazon, priced at $17.99. Diane loves using these as layering pieces under summer outfits, hoodies, and blazers.

    Essential Crew Neck T-Shirt

    Next, Diane highlights the Dockers Crew Neck T-Shirt. Made from 100% cotton, this t-shirt is durable and washes well. At just $25, it's a steal for such quality.

    Diane shares a nifty trick to keep your t-shirts free from makeup and self-tanner stains: spray hairspray on the top of your t-shirt to repel the pigment.

    Striped T-Shirt

    For a touch of pattern, Diane recommends the Yumiday Striped T-Shirt in light blue and white. At only $12.99, it's a fun and affordable addition to your wardrobe.

    Footwear Finds

    Sock Sneakers

    Diane's wardrobe staple is the sock sneaker. She purchased pairs in mocha, pure optic white, and deep navy for $36 each. These sneakers are not only stylish but also practical, as they are machine washable and easy to slip on.

    Diane notes that these Amazon sock sneakers closely resemble the high-end Balenciaga pairs, making them a great budget-friendly option. They're especially ideal for women 50+ who prefer slip-ons over lace-up shoes.

    Cozy and Comfortable

    Bargain Hoodie

    For those cooler days or when traveling, Diane loves a good hoodie. She found a bargain hoodie on Amazon available in light grey and light cappuccino for $35. This piece pairs perfectly with jeans or jeggings.

    Ultra-Soft Jeggings

    Diane swears by jeggings for their comfort and convenience, particularly when traveling through airport security. She recommends the Hue Ultra Soft Denim Jeggings in mid-tone for $31.

    Versatile Leggings

    Diane also loves Lululemon navy blue leggings. Though primarily fitness leggings, she finds they can be dressed up for various occasions.

    • Brand: Lululemon
    • Price: $100

    Dress for Less alternative:

    • Brand: Yogalicious
    • Price: $24.99

    Find them both on Diane’s Amazon Storefront: Diane Gilman's Amazon Page - TYTBO: Dress For Less

    Classic Essentials

    Poorboy Ribbed Turtleneck

    Finally, Diane recommends the V-28 Poorboy Ribbed Turtleneck. At $35, it’s a budget-friendly piece that maintains its shape well and is a great addition to any wardrobe.

    Shop Diane's Favorites

    Exciting news! Diane is opening her own Amazon Storefront, where all these fabulous finds will be listed. Be sure to check it out and shop her curated collection.

    Connect with Diane

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  

    Website: thedianegilman.com

    S1E87 - 29m - May 30, 2024
  • 86. The 5 Important Questions To Ask Yourself For Women Over Fifty with Kwavi Agbeyegbe

    Discover some of the questions we should all be asking about ourselves as we age in this week’s Too Young To Be Old, as host Diane Gilman talks about learning to love the aging process with life coach and author, Kwavi Agbeyegbe. The answers might change how you see yourself, and the way we view aging!

    Discovering Your Path

    Kwavi, author of “50 Questions to Answer When You Turn 50,” shares her insights on how women can embrace their age without shame. She and Diane discuss Kwavi’s top five questions from her book. How would you live if you knew you had a year to live? What would you stop doing? What would you start doing? Kwavi explains how the answers can encourage women to live life to the fullest.

    Embracing Change

    Kwavi chats with Diane about the hesitation that many women have in asking questions about themselves as they age. She stresses the importance of accepting the change and confronting uncomfortable truths, and how these can lead to a happier life. 

    Redefining Aging

    Rejecting the notion that “50 is the new 30,” Kwavi and Diane assert that women should embrace their age proudly. 50 is the new 50, as Kwavi says! They discuss the societal attitudes that older women face, including the pressure to hide the signs of aging like having white or gray hair.

    Cultural Perspectives

    Kwavi contrasts the celebration of older women in Nigerian culture with the ageism prevalent in American society. She talks about the power older women have to redefine societal norms around aging, rather than having to accept them. 

    Community and Support

    Diane and Kwavi discuss the lack of support and community for women as they age, particularly in navigating health and happiness. They encourage women regardless of their age to work together to advocate for their rights.

    Seizing Opportunities

    Kwavi encourages women to pursue their passions. She shares her own experience of becoming Miss Georgia in her 50s, which only happened because she embraced her opportunities for happiness and fulfillment.

    Connect with Kwavi

    Website  www.kwavi.com

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kwavi_tv/

    Tik Tok - https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdkdYnCv/

    Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/kwavitv

    Book - https://a.co/d/fqKmJma

    Connect with Diane

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  

    Website: thedianegilman.com

    S1E86 - 34m - May 28, 2024
  • 85. Reinvent Yourself After 50: How I Became A World Famous Model At 54 With Caroline Bouchere

    In this inspiring Fashion Thursday episode Diane Gilman, the queen of jeans, sits down with Caroline Labouchere, one of the world's most renowned silver-haired models. The conversation dives deep into topics of beauty, confidence, and life beyond fifty, offering a refreshing perspective on aging and self-acceptance.

    From Insecurity to Confidence

    Caroline Labouchere opens up about her journey from feeling unattractive during her younger years to finding happiness and contentment in her later life, which she believes contributes to her sense of beauty today. Her candid reflections on her upbringing and the experiences that shaped her self-image resonate deeply, highlighting the power of vulnerability.

    The Silver Hair Revolution

    Both Diane and Caroline celebrate their natural gray hair, discussing how embracing their authentic selves has been pivotal in their careers. Caroline credits her gray hair for her success as a silver-haired model, while Diane notes that her natural hair color helps her remain genuine as a silver-haired influencer and podcaster.

    Becoming a Silver-Haired Model at 54

    Caroline shares her inspiring story of entering the modeling industry at 54, proving that it’s never too late to pursue new opportunities. The conversation touches on the challenges and triumphs of building a career later in life, especially for women over fifty who often feel overlooked.

    White Hair Care Secrets

    A practical segment on hair care reveals Diane's surprising trick to keep her hair white and prevent yellowing, a common issue Caroline also experiences. They discuss the lack of hair care products for white, highlighting the need for more options in the market.

    Beauty and Skincare Tips

    Caroline shares her nightly beauty routine, which includes using Avene, similar to Vaseline, to keep her skin in top condition. She also advocates for silk pillowcases, which contribute to her radiant complexion.

    Life in Dubai and Career Dynamics

    Caroline talks about her vibrant life in Dubai, detailing what it's like to build a career there at this stage of her life. She challenges the notion that life ends once children are grown, emphasizing her desire to avoid invisibility and make the most of her later years, a sentiment Diane wholeheartedly agrees with.

    Reflecting on Their Journeys

    Reflecting on her past as a military wife and mother, Caroline shares how she felt invisible at times. Both she and Diane exchange stories of how they overcame these feelings, gained confidence, and redefined aging. They stress the importance of seeking more out of life and seizing opportunities to make meaningful changes.

    Challenging Societal Norms

    The episode concludes with a powerful message: society often views the later years as throwaway, but Diane and Caroline are determined to disrupt this narrative. They encourage listeners to embrace their age, seek fulfillment, and continue challenging societal expectations.

    Caroline’s Details

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carolinelabouchere/ 

    Website: https://www.carolinelabouchere.com/ 

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CarolineLabouchere 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carolinelabouchereisgrey/ 

    Connect with Diane

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  

    Website: thedianegilman.com

    S1E85 - 35m - May 23, 2024
  • 84. Find Your Voice And Stand In Your Truth As A Woman Through Storytelling with Raimonda Jankunaite

    In this week's episode of Too Young To Be Old, host Diane Gilman welcomes Raimonda Jankunaite, the organizer behind the anthology Women Who Thrive andfounder of Women Who Thrive Media. Raimonda shares her incredible story and sheds light on the power of storytelling.

    Finding Voice Through Adversity

    Raimonda's describes her journey of resilience. She opens up about a traumatic experience that caused her to physically lose her voice  for two years. Diane shares her own traumatic encounter, showing how common these experiences can be for women. They both emphasize that despite the trauma, women do have the power to overcome these things and continue on to thrive in life.  

    Empowering Community

    Diane and Raimonda discuss the incredible community of women involved in the anthology. They marvel at the support and collaboration among the contributors. Raimonda describes how she created Women Who Thrive Media. 

    The Writing Process and Mentorship

    Raimonda provides insight into the writing process for the anthology, emphasizing the importance of reconnecting with the "why" behind each story. She discusses the role of mentors and the weekly calls that fostered a sense of belonging and perspective for the contributors.

    Raimonda Jankunaite’s Background

    Raimonda shares a bit about her background, from her upbringing in Lithuania to her experiences as an immigrant in the UK. She shares her journey of overcoming initial struggles to eventually obtaining two degrees. She highlights the cultural richness of growing up in diverse London. 

    Connect with Raimonda

    Website: https://womenthrivemedia.com/ 

    Podcast: https://womenthrivemedia.com/podcasts 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/womenthrivemedia/ 

    Connect with Diane

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  

    Website: thedianegilman.com

    S1E84 - 40m - May 21, 2024
  • 83. Accessorize Like A Pro: Elevating Your Style With Statement Piece Accessories

    Want to know how to bring your outfit from nice to fabulous? This Fashion Thursday Diane Gilman, is flying solo, diving into the world of accessories and how to use them to take your style game to the next level!

    Investing in Timeless Elegance: Hermes and Gucci Scarves

    Diane talks about the versatility and benefit of investing in a luxury scarf. She particularly mentions scarves from iconic fashion houses Hermes and Gucci. Diane says that a status scarf can be an investment which you could then resell on Poshmark or eBay. She also share’s styling tips on different ways to incorporate a scarf into your look.  

    The Status Belt: Hermes and Gucci 

    Diane recommends Hermes and Gucci to really make a statement with your belt. While belts aren’t her favorite accessory personally she still shares her tips on how to coordinate the perfect belt with your favorite jewelry.

    Handbag Heaven: From Birkin to Basket

    Diane shares her passion for handbags as she discusses her impressive collection and favorite styles. She talks about how to choose the perfect handbag to complement your look, lifestyle and budget. She discusses varying styles and price ranges from the coveted Hermes Birkin bag to the Kate Spade top-handle bags as well as the Jay McLoughlin picnic basket bags. Diane recommends Marshalls and TJ Maxx for a great range of knock-off and designer handbags.

    Statement Jewelry 

    Diane talks about statement costume jewelry and how to use it to elevate the color of your outfit. She is also a big fan of a medallion necklace. 

    Finding the Balance: Less is More

    Learn from Diane's wisdom as she discusses the importance of balance in accessorizing. Discover how to avoid overloading your look and achieve a polished, sophisticated style that lets your accessories shine. Diane highlights the range of designer accessories available at Marshalls and TJ Maxx for those who prefer a more budget-friendly option.

    Ageless Elegance: Accessories for Women Over 50

    Diane emphasizes the timeless appeal of accessories bringing elegance into your style as a woman over 50. 

    Connect with Diane

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  

    Website: thedianegilman.com

    S1E83 - 30m - May 16, 2024
  • 82. How To Deal With The Shame And Stigma Of Menopause From Someone Who Went Through It At Just 15

    Can you imagine going through the menopause younger than 40? What about at 15 years old? In this episode we delve into a profound conversation with Isabelle Geraghty, who shares her journey through early menopause due to Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI). Joining all the way from Nepal, Isabelle opens up about her experiences, shedding light on the often overlooked topic of menopause at a young age.

    Isabelle and Diane share their experiences with menopause, at 15 and 42 respectively. They discuss the stigma around menopause and the isolation, the loneliness and the shame they both felt. Isabelle's journey through early menopause serves as a poignant reminder of the diversity of women's experiences. But her story stands as a beacon of resilience and hope, challenging stereotypes and fostering greater understanding of menopause at any age.

    Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)

    Isabelle's story begins with an unexpected turn as she entered full menopause at the age of 15. Isabelle explains that she was diagnosed with POI, which is used to describe anyone experiencing menopause before the age of 40.

    The Loneliness of Menopause

    Isolation and loneliness accompany menopause at any age, a sentiment echoed by both Isabelle and Diane. With societal taboos and shame surrounding the topic, women often find themselves navigating this phase silently, without a support network.

    Medical Journey of POI 

    Isabelle's diagnosis of POI came amidst a whirlwind of symptoms, including anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and brain fog, initially mistaken as typical teenage experiences. She shares her path through various treatments, from the contraceptive pill to bioidentical hormones and a Mirena coil, in her quest to find balance amidst the hormonal chaos.

    Emotional Impact of Menopause

    Both Isabelle and Diane reflect on the emotional toll of menopause, exacerbated by feelings of shame and embarrassment. Isabelle recounts her decade-long silence about her condition, while Diane relates to the societal pressure of keeping such discussions taboo.

    Holistic Healing for Menopause

    Isabelle talks about yoga as a powerful tool in her journey, offering not only physical relief but also emotional solace. Integrating spiritual, medical, and self-healing practices has become pivotal in her path towards acceptance and self-love.

    Isabelle’s Links 

    Instagram: @isabelledoesthings and @journeytoselfyoga

    The Daisy Network (POI charity): https://www.daisynetwork.org/ 

    Connect with Diane

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  

    Website: thedianegilman.com

    S1E82 - 36m - May 14, 2024
  • 81. Shop With A Professional Stylist In The Home Of Fashion Italy With Traci Jeske | Fashion Thursdays

    In this episode with pink-haired fashion genius Traci Jeske dialing in from her home in Italy, Diane and Traci talk about accepting your body, dressing for your shape and Traci’s acclaimed shopping retreats in Italy. A personal stylist extraordinaire, Traci, has revolutionized the way women perceive and wear fashion.

    The Pink-Haired Genius

    Traci's iconic pink hair is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to her fashion prowess. As a personal stylist, she discusses a tool called The Digital Body Guide, that showcases how classic garments complement various body types.

    Fashion Retreats in Italy

    Traci's passion for fashion extends beyond digital innovation; she hosts exclusive shopping retreats in Italy. Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of the Amalfi Coast or the cosmopolitan streets of Milan, these retreats offer a unique blend of cultural immersion and sartorial exploration with Traci as your personal stylist and translator.

    Traci's retreats offer an insider's guide to Italian fashion, from browsing local boutiques with handmade treasures to indulging in designer splurges. Participants immerse themselves in the warmth of Italian hospitality, guided by Traci's expertise and fluent Italian.

    Traci’s Jeske’s Self Love Journey 

    Traci's journey hasn't been without its challenges. She bravely shares her experiences with mental illness and eating disorders, emphasizing the importance of self-love and acceptance. Through her work, she aims to empower women of all ages, sizes, and shapes to feel confident and beautiful.

    The Italian Lifestyle

    Traci and Diane delve into the enchanting Italian lifestyle, where savoring long meals and relishing the "dolce vita" are customary. They contrast the vibrant, relaxed atmosphere of Capri with the chic, metropolitan vibe of Milan, highlighting the diversity of Italian fashion and culture.

    The Fashion Cycle

    Diane and Traci reflect on the evolving landscape of fashion, noting the shift towards casual attire in the United States contrasted with Italy's enduring commitment to style. They muse on fashion cycles and the timeless allure of Italian elegance.

    Connect with Traci Jeske

    Instagram: @TraciJeskeofficial

    My Private Stylist (Body Silhouette Guide): https://traci.myprivatestylist.com - 40% discount at checkout use Diane

    Men in Style body silhouette guide: https://traci.menofstyle.com - 40% discount at checkout use Diane

    La Dolce Vita Shopping/Lifestyle retreat: https://calendly.com/milliondollarstyle

    Connect with Diane

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  

    Website: thedianegilman.com

    S1E81 - 35m - May 9, 2024
  • 80. Debunk the Menopause Myths: Redefining Aging and Menopause with Rachel Lankester

    Life doesn’t end after menopause. In this episode, Diane interviews Rachel Lankester, author, podcaster, and Founder of Magnificent Midlife. They discuss the overlooked and stigmatized topic of menopause, challenging negative ideas around it and advocating for a more positive view on midlife and beyond.

    Join Diane Gilman and Rachel Lankester as they redefine menopause, challenge ageism, and inspire listeners to embrace the beauty and wisdom of aging on this episode of Too Young To Be Old.

    Breaking the Taboo around Aging and Menopause

    Rachel is passionate about the idea that menopause shouldn't be taboo, considering it as common and as natural as puberty. She aims to reverse the stereotypes surrounding menopause and promote clarity by correcting misinformation.

    Dispelling the Myths about Menopause

    Together Rachel and Diane share their personal experiences of navigating menopause in their 40s, highlighting the way that the taboo around menopause can exacerbate women's difficulties during this phase.

    Holistic Approaches to Menopause 

    Rachel emphasizes holistic remedies for menopausal symptoms, focusing on stress management, physical fitness, and nutrition. She recommends ground flaxseed and discusses the positives of natural approaches.

    Women over 50 in the Media and in Leadership 

    Rachel argues about the importance of accurate representation of older women in the media and challenges the prevalent stereotypes. She draws surprising comparisons with whales, and emphasizes the value of women as leaders in society.

    Double Standard for Men and Women in Relationships

    Diane questions Rachel about relationships, especially the double standards faced by older women compared to men. They look at societal attitudes towards age-gap relationships and the need to challenge ageist perceptions.

    Rachel’s Details

    Website: https://magnificentmidlife.com/about/ 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/MagnifMidlife

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/magnificentmidlife/?hl=en

    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/MagnificentMidlife1/

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEteu6Z2mW1z1wnHiVB08uw?view_as=subscriber

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachellankester/

    Connect with Diane

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  

    Website: thedianegilman.com

    S1E80 - 37m - May 7, 2024
  • 79. Rock White Denim This Summer For 50+: Tips From The Queen Of Jeans, Diane Gilman | Fashion Thursdays

    In this solo episode of Fashion Thursdays, Diane Gilman, the queen of jeans, delves into the timeless allure of white denim for the summer season. Exploring its fashion statement and its deeper sociological implications, Diane shares insights, tips, and personal experiences surrounding the iconic white jean.

    The Evolution of White: A Sociological Statement

    Diane starts by tracing the historical significance of wearing white and what it represented throughout different eras, highlighting its enduring allure as a symbol of sophistication, luxury and effortless chic.

    The White Jean Struggle: Finding the Perfect Fit

    Navigating the realm of white denim presents its unique challenges, especially when it comes to finding the perfect fit with the right amount of stretch. Diane shares her own struggles and explains why finding white jeans with spandex can be even trickier than their blue denim counterparts.

    Tips and Tricks for Styling White Denim

    Offering practical advice, Diane suggests sizing up in white jeans and recommends pairing them with complementary colors like beige and camel for a sophisticated ensemble. She shares her own outfit of the day, showcasing a navy gabardine blazer with gold buttons by Balmain, a blue and white striped t-shirt from AmazonBasics, and Frame denim white jeans.

    Diane emphasizes the importance of accessories in elevating a white denim ensemble, recommending the addition of a gold watch and status loafers for a touch of luxury.

    Diane’s LA Trip Wardrobe 

    Teasing her upcoming TV trip to LA, Diane gives a sneak peek into her travel wardrobe, featuring staple pieces like a beige linen blazer, a white poor boy turtleneck, and a Gucci scarf, showcasing her signature blend of classic elegance and modern flair.

    Different Styles with White Denim

    Discussing the "quiet luxury" trend, Diane dispels the myth that luxurious style comes with a hefty price tag, offering tips on how to achieve a luxe look without breaking the bank.

    Diane recommends incorporating pastel hues like Barbie pink and pastel yellow for a vibrant and chic summer look, complemented by accessories like scarves and ribbed polo shirts.

    White Jeans Do Not Make You Look Bigger 

    Addressing common misconceptions, Diane challenges the notion that white jeans are unflattering, asserting that they offer a radiant glow to everyone. She advises on selecting thicker denim to avoid transparency and emphasizes the versatility of white jeans for all body types.

    The Quest for the Perfect Fit Continues

    Despite her expertise, Diane admits to still being on the hunt for the elusive perfect white jean, sharing her experience with a white legging from Hue and giving it a modest rating of 5/10, affirming her commitment to the pursuit of denim perfection.

    Connect with Diane

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  

    Website: thedianegilman.com

    S1E79 - 30m - May 2, 2024
  • 78. Date Like You Mean It: Dating Advice For Women Over 50 with Relationship Coach Laurie Gerber

    Modern dating can be confusing and exhausting but it doesn’t have to be this way. In this episode of Too Young To Be Old, Diane dives into the world of dating after 50 with Laurie Gerber, relationship coach and former resident love expert at Match.com. Laurie shares the message that dating doesn’t have to fill you with dread! 

    In this episode Laurie provides listeners with practical advice and encouragement to approach dating with confidence.

    Navigating the Dating Scene After 50

    Laurie Gerber sheds light on the challenges faced by women re-entering the dating scene after the age of 50. She emphasizes the importance of emotional maturity and development and how it influences your approach to relationships.

    Diane and Laurie discuss the common hurdles faced by those coming out of long-term relationships, including the loss of “hunting skills”, as Laurie calls them, for finding dates. 

    The Truth About Online Dating For Women Over 50

    From compatibility to wasted energy, Diane and Laurie chat about the realities of online dating. Laurie provides tips for potential daters such as conducting video chats before meeting in person. 

    Understanding Relationship Readiness Over 50 

    Laurie offers advice on determining your readiness for dating through a quiz on her website. For Laurie, the importance lies in resolving past traumas and being emotionally prepared to embark on a new romantic journey.

    Redefining Relationship Expectations

    Diane and Laurie look at non-traditional relationships, urging listeners not to limit themselves based on societal norms. This continues to a discussion on the importance of mindset and vision in achieving relationship goals.

    Laurie’s Details:

    Website: https://lauriegerber.com/about 

    Relationship Quiz: https://lauriegerber.com/quiz 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lauriegerber_coach/?hl=en

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/loveasaverb

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lauriegerber_coach

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauriegerber/

    Connect with Diane

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube: @thedianegilman  

    Website: thedianegilman.com

    S1E78 - 36m - Apr 30, 2024
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Too Young To Be Old with Diane Gilman, The Queen of Jeans