Episode 5: A Day in the Life of a Advanced Gastroenterology Pharmacist

Season 1 | Episode 5
1h 0m | Jan 4, 2021

Join us for a special episode, “A Day in the Life of an Advanced Gastroenterology Pharmacist"

In this episode we meet Mohammed Allah-Ditta, an Advanced Gastroenterology Pharmacist with a specialist interest in IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) working at the Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust.

Mohammed shares his journey from starting his MPharm, as a second degree at the University of Huddersfield, following a previous degree in pharmaceutical science. Throughout his MPharm, Mohammed has worked within community pharmacy after which he moved into secondary care for his pre-registration training year. Upon qualifying as a Pharmacist Mohammed was keen to break the ‘norm’, push the boundaries and develop as much as possible. This involved Mohammed becoming deeply embedded within the multidisciplinary team (MDT), on wards and attending MDT meetings early on his in career as a Pharmacist.

Mohammed excelled as a pharmacist and his MDT style of working, gained much support from the Medical consultants and thus secured Mohammed a senior position as an Advanced Gastroenterology Pharmacist within the medical division.

Mohammed’s roles include leading the prescribing on ward rounds, conducting his own IBD clinics, and also directorate work liaising with CCG’s on a wider level.

Mohammed has a clear passion for healthcare and education; discussing his thoughts on how Pharmacists should be developing, the MPharm and reform needed to develop the course towards a more patient facing clinical future. 

Listen in to learn more about IBD, the role of a gastroenterology Pharmacist and for advice on how to develop and evolve as a Pharmacist. Hear the challenges he has faced to get to his role and what Mohammed loves about his work.

Guest Speaker

-          Mohammed Allah-Ditta

-          Advanced Gastroenterology Pharmacist

-          Twitter @Dittanhs001

Please feel free to contact us for any questions or feedback at

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