If These old walls Could Talk 01

1h 2m | Dec 7, 2019

In our first episode of the If These Old Walls Could Talk podcast we head to the ancient and historical walls of a World Unesco Heritage site in Ibiza to talk to 82 Year Old Colin Youle.

Colin was born in 1937 and his father died shortly after in the Second world war leaving his mother to fend for the family during the blitz.

He was evacuated and came home to London where he was born to find many homes nearby a rubble next to his own. Rationing was the next hardship his Mother and Brother had to face as they navigated the latter part of the bloody battle.

Colin recalls hitch hiking from London to Africa in his early twenties, falling in Love for the first time and how he was taught from a young age that you just "had to get on with it".

Things are very different now in the age of digital technology.

The days before we were told we should and could have it all.

It was tough, there is no denying. But back then was only one way. Acceptance and adaptation.

We hope you enjoy this first episode of Series One.

If you have an elderly member of the family you would like us to talk to please get in touch with our podcast creators:

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If These Old Walls Could Talk