K Pop In America: Is It Working?

Season 1 | Episode 8
36m | Apr 8, 2021

SORRY FOR THE WAIT! We are BACK with a new episode of the Know It All, Not At All Korea Podcast! This time we are continuing the conversation of a popular topic on this podcast, K Pop In America! This week we talk about groups WE BELIEVE are doing it well, and others not so much, as well as their companies role in their success or failure with western audiences!



We here at the Know It All, Not At All Korea Podcast

thank you for joining us for another episode!

Please remember that our opinions ands ideas

stated in this podcast are from a place of

absolute love and respect for the Korean Culture

and K Pop Artists.

We belong to many fandoms, and never seek to

show favoritism.

We set out to make an honest podcast,

with our honest opinions.

Please, accept our apologies if we offend any groups

or their fandoms.

Thank you for your understanding.


Intro Theme

Home by KV

Outro Theme

Nature by KV

Audio Player Image