• S7E27 A Bike Ride Accompanied by Poetry

    Come on a bike ride with me to the lake and back via the woods, river and farm and along the way we'll enjoy some haiku and senryū poetry written especially for the podcast and some senryū to inspire you to write.

    Check out the show notes here.

    29m - Jul 1, 2024
  • S7E26 Single Object Haiku & Senryu Poetry

    Today we have oodles of original poetry, haiku and senryū, written by you about one single object.

    Much like beauty, the object is often in the eye of the author and the reader and so some of you might disagree with some of our choices, which as you know I don’t have a problem with. if you do disagree, slip me an email and let me know why. We won’t fall out about it.

    I promised you a journal out at the end of the month and so far I think I’m going to be able to do it, it will be journal 3:24 if you are over at Buy me a Coffee, but fear not, if you are on the mailing list you will be notified as soon as it’s out and of course if you are an Issa or Buson member then it will fall effortlessly into your in box.

    Show notes

    49m - Jun 23, 2024
  • S7E25 Modern Senryu Poetry Workshop

    Next month, July 2024, we are writing senryū together. To inspire your creativity and to give you a background in the history of senryū I’m running a series of podcasts all about them. This is the second one, the first was episode 23 of this series, so it would make sense to go back and listen or watch that one before you crack on with this.

    Unfortunately while I was preparing for this series of podcasts, my dear husband brought a rather nasty cold into the house and kindly shared it with me, and I spent more time sleeping away the virus than I would have liked, so apologies, this podcast isn’t as long as I’d like it to be, but I do have some great senryū to share with you, recommendations for what we’d like to see in the submissions and a little story.

    Hello I’m Patricia and you are most welcome to join me on a journey to senryū on this the Poetry Pea Cast.

    Show notes here at poetrypea.com

    23m - Jun 17, 2024
  • S7E24 Poetry Pea Reading Irish Poet Jeremy Haworth

    Today at poetrypea.com I’m inviting you to head off with me to my old summer stomping ground, the Irish countryside. For a reading of poetry, more particularly haibun.

    We’re going to meet the poet and farmer Jeremy Haworth and listen to the poems he wrote while he was learning his farming craft.

    “in Four Season farm, Jeremy Haworth’s writing is skilled, deliberate and accomplished. It is honest, humble and refreshing. Written in a clear and original voice, Four Season farm is a remarkable debut and a delightful read.” Sean O’Connor

    In 2019 Jeremy won the Cúirt New Writing Prize.

    Episode show notes here.

    45m - Jun 10, 2024
  • S7E23 Pre modern Senryu Poetry

    Over the next month or so I’ll be looking at senryū. At why senryū are often seen as a lesser form of poetry, at senryū in the pre modern era in Japan, ie. pre 1868 and how they developed from that point on both in the Japan and in the English speaking world.

    It has been a fascinating study from a poetry and an historical point of view. I’ve always thought that haiku can instruct us about life in the past, but as I hope to show you, senryū can give you a fascinating insight into the past.

    It has also left me with a couple of historical events that I’ll bring you at some time in the future.

    A reminder to make sure you are signed up to the Poetry Pea mailing as a very important email will be going out very, very soon, which if you write poetry, you will not want to miss.

    Also a favour, if you could review the podcast, or like and share it with other poets that would be fantastic. Thank you.

    Today I’m going to have a look at pre modern senryū.

    At the end of my podcasts on senryū, and there will be a couple at least, I will have an essay for you. You lovely bunch who support the podcast with memberships will be sent a copy, but it will be available via buy me a coffee for everyone else to purchase.

    Show notes here.

    29m - Jun 3, 2024
  • S7E22 Haiku Poetry for Knights

    This week poetrypea.com presents you with the haiku & senryu poems chosen by Linda to feature on the Podcast from the Poetry Pea YouTube prompt. There's one every month (except December).

    Issa and Buson members will get a copy of the poems featured today, but if you are not a member and you'd like to read them you can buy the next Poetry Pea journal, 3:24 out at the end of June. If you become a member in time you will receive it as one of the perks.

    For links in todays Peacast do click here for the show notes.

    9m - May 27, 2024
  • S7E21 A live poetry reading from the collection Off The Main Road

    poetrypea.com presents a live reading of haiku & senryū poetry from the collection Off The Main Road. The poets and editors are joined by a global audience to celebrate the launch of this new collection of haiku & senryū. This collection is a book poetry from 6 poets who have not yet had their single collections published, but on the evidence of this reading... that day is not so far away.

    Show notes here

    36m - May 20, 2024
  • S7E20 A Postcard to my Poetry Friends 2

    Patricia from poetrypea.com records a little postcard for all poetry lovers. This week a reading from a haibun by Thomas Festa, a short form that combines poetry and prose. There's a call for haibun submissions this month. Don't miss it.

    Show notes here

    5m - May 13, 2024
  • S7E19 A Postcard to My Poetry Friends part 1

    While she takes a little RnR, Patricia has recorded a postcard for poetry lovers. A little bit about seasons in haiku and then a split sequence, the editor's choice from the recent Poetry Pea journal of split sequences, Split Peas.

    Show notes here

    10m - May 6, 2024
  • S7E18 Fun and Games with Haiku Poetry: Toriawase

    Joshua Gage, haiku guru, came along and gave Poetry Pea a masterclass in Toriawase and how to use it to write your haiku. In fact I think you could use it in any writing practice. We then asked you to write some haiku and senryu using the prompts he suggested in the workshop.

    I was chatting to some of the editing team a little while ago and they mentioned that the submissions for Toriawase were really accomplished, so thank you to Joshua for supplementing our knowledge and to all you poets who sent us poems as a result of his prompts. Today, I’m going to read a selection of them to you…

    Don't forget there will be more in the Poetry Pea Journal 2:24. Make sure you are signed up for our newsletter to find out when it's published. You don't want to miss it.

    Here's a link to the show notes.

    45m - Apr 29, 2024
  • S7E17 Three Little Birds and their haiku

    Poetry Pea presents poems spoken out loud. In this episode the successful poems from the Poetry Pea Video Prompt.

    If you'd like to feature on the podcast and in the Poetry Pea bi-monthly journal, you can go to the Poetry Pea YouTube channel and leave your poem in the comments. You can submit as often as you'd like and Linda will read them and choose her favourites to feature.

    There's one every month except December and the submission period is open all month.

    Check out the show notes here

    7m - Apr 22, 2024
  • S7E16 Haiku Futures, a live poetry reading

    Poetry Pea presents a live poetry reading, haiku and haibun from a group of North American poets, from, shall we say, a younger generation of poets.

    Read the show notes here.

    Thanks to Alex for hosting of this episode and to our lovely poets:

    • Antoinette Cheung
    • Nicky Gutierez
    • Carly Siegel Thorp
    • Ari Azimuth aka Brown Weasel
    • Ryland Li
    • Matt Snyder, one of Poetry Pea's Renga masters
    • Yvette Nicole Kolodji
    • Edward Cody Huddleston

    Their bio's are in the show notes, their unpublished haiku will be in the next Poetry Pea Journal.

    If you know them, do let them know how brilliantly they did.

    21m - Apr 15, 2024
  • S7E15 All hokku are single object poetry, aren't they?

    A companion podcast to S7E14. This podcast by Poetry Pea offers:

    • more examples of poems by the disciples of the master haiku poet Basho
    • illustrations of the single object method of writing
    • an answer to the the question: all hokku are single object poems, aren't they?

    You may not agree, in which case, let me know.

    Hope you enjoy the poetry, it's always lovely to hear poetry spoken aloud, isn't it?

    13m - Apr 8, 2024
  • S7E14 How to write Single Object Haiku

    On this podcast from Poetry Pea you will learn:

    How to write single object haiku & senryu poetry and get your work published using a variety of techniques

    • Reversing expectation
    • Toriawase
    • Using senses
    • Sketch from life
    • Looking beyond the boundary
    • Yūgen

    Show notes here.

    You can submit haiku & senryū for this topic to Poetry Pea May 1-15 2024.

    Become a member

    29m - Apr 1, 2024
  • S7E13 Spoken Poetry from the Anthology To Live Here

    featuring the UK poet, Katherine E Winnick. Poetry Pea presents the Anthology To Live here, published by Wee Sparrow Poetry Press, proceeds of which go to charity. Show notes.

    Become a member

    18m - Mar 25, 2024
  • S7E12 Meet the Heron: Original spoken Poetry

    This week Poetry Pea features some original haiku from the February video prompt on The Poetry Pea YouTube channel. If you'd like to feature please add your poetry to the comments on the latest video prompt on YouTube. There's some exciting news for all you poets and writers out there.

    Become a member

    7m - Mar 18, 2024
  • S7E11 Poetry Pea Reading American Poet Kristen Lindquist- Island

    Is this a tourism advert for Monhegan Island off the coast of America? No, it's a reading from one of Maine's premier short form poets. A master of haiku, Kristen Lindquist illustrates her prowess in the haibun form too in her reading from her latest book, Island. The book is inspired by Monhegan Island off the coast of Maine.

    Show notes.

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    33m - Mar 11, 2024
  • S7E10 Ghosts of Haiku featuring US poet Craig Kittner

    Poetrypea.com has a visit from Craig Kittner at Ghosts on Vacay. We discuss many, many writing topics, but why should you listen?

    We discuss:

    • What’s your writing process?
    • Do you sometimes have periods when your need to unlock your creativity?
    • What his process and website can offer you in your journey to become a better writer

    Whether you write poetry or prose, there's something for you.

    Show notes

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    1h 8m - Mar 4, 2024
  • S7E9 Harry Potter meets the wolf twenty years hence - poetry spoken here

    Poetry Spoken here: Today poetrypea.com presents a podcast of original haiku and senryu alluding to other pieces of literature for example:

    • Harry Potter
    • Little Red Riding Hood
    • Winnie the Pooh

    An opportunity for poets to let their haiku imaginations run riot.

    Five judges join Patricia to choose their favourite of the original poems. Will you agree with them?

    Show notes

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    50m - Feb 26, 2024
  • S7E8 Poetry out loud Haiku in a Flash

    There are few things better in life than listening to poetry. This podcast from poetrypea.com brings you haiku and senryu written for the video prompt on the Poetry Pea YouTube channel (you submit by writing your poem in the comments... there's a prompt every month, except December) AND our latest successful flashku, more wonderful haiku and senryu from Poetry Pea's listeners and viewers. Poets on our mailing list are invited to submit to this spontaneous call out for poetry and then we celebrate by listening to them and reading them in the Poetry Pea Journal... these will be in Journal 1:24. Check the website to see how to download it.

    Show Notes

    Become a member

    11m - Feb 19, 2024
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Poetry Pea - haiku and other English Language Japanese short forms