671: clearing contracts from atlantis. how to master your emotions & psychic gifts.

1h 20m | May 21, 2024

Today, Lo joins the Oracle for a conversation about working with your emotions, the lessons we can learn from what happened in Atlantis, and closing karmic loops. 

Today on multidimensional: 

  • 8:40 - Working with your emotions & turning your feelings into your fuel 
  • 14:35 - The parallels between mastering your emotions & mastering your psychic abilities 
  • 20:22 - What it really looks like to go 100% into your feelings
  • 27:03 - Feeling safe to be fully expressed & the value of past emotions 
  • 37:10 - The mermaids, animals, & non-physical beings that are trying to get your attention
  • 50:55 - Lessons from Atlantis and how we can choose differently 
  • 1:03:53 - Doing energy work for the planet and the power of choosing love & connection

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