Ep 4 : Phasmophobia vs Real Life | Cursed Items

1h 30m | Feb 19, 2022


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In-game Items

Music Box (0:05:19)

Voodoo Doll (0:11:00)

Cursed Mirror (0:16:14)

Summoning Circle (0:21:37)

Tarot Cards (0:28:36)

Ouija Board (0:35:32)


Real Life Counterparts

Ouija Boards (0:45:08)

Summoning (Magic) Circles (1:02:50)

Tarot (1:12:35)

Voodoo Dolls (11:17:37)

Mirrors (11:21:20)

Music Box (1:23:09)


Transcription by

Welcome to the Madhouse Presents Group Therapy where we talk about games, argue about our different viewpoints, make fun of Joker's voice, dive into the strange or whatever we decide in the moment. I'm Owls and I'm going to let myself introduce the Joker NLMP over here. Thank you. Tonight, we're going to talk about the cursed objects in Phasmophobia. This is a continuation from last week where we talked about the different evidence and how it is compared to real life. But this week we're going to talk a little bit more specific to the game with the new cursed objects that have been implemented into the game.


Now, as far as the cursed items, when did that update come out about? It was December 10, is what I believe that I saw. December 10, 2021. Let me pull that up again. I'm thinking that that is the correct. Yeah. The information was posted on December 10, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. So, I'm going to say either it happened on that date or happened very close to that. So, it was just like two and a half months ago, maybe tops. Got it. It's already been two and a half months since last year on the where the article that you sent that you referenced and we will put in the show notes, it says since September of 2020, Connectic Games has bought consistent updates to Phasmophobia recently. I know what's in here. I just saw it. No, it doesn't give the date on there. Ever since it's released in September 2020, Connectic Games has brought out consistent updates to Phasmophobia that have since introduced a wide range of new aspects to the game. It looks like maybe initially they just kind of kept the base game as it was, but then started making a lot of updates, probably because they lost a lot of people playing the game and they wanted to kind of continue on and keep getting people to go into it. That's what I'm thinking. There's been a lot of updates. Yeah. What I foresee is that a lot of the bigger streamers stopped playing it as much on the different streams, whether it be YouTube or Twitch. And that's when they decided, well, I guess it's getting stale. Yeah. I mean, you can only play it so many times before you're like, all right, well, this is getting kind of boring. So, a lot of the updates have actually made it so that it is more enjoyable to play. And it does get a little scarier again for me. I do find it doesn't matter what level you are anymore because of all the changes that they've made to the game. It's so different. It's so drastically different from when I first started playing it to now every single time, different modes, everything and even some of these objects I haven't even come across. I'm going to go ahead and say the music box is one that you're talking about. Yes. I have not come across that one. So, I guess we'll go right into that one. Well, see, here's the thing, because out of the list that I've seen, the only one that was in the prior bill of the game was the voodoo doll. That was the very first one to come out. It wasn't the way that it is. It was in the game, but it didn't make sense, but it was usable. As far as the pins being prodded into the doll itself, I don't remember them being there. I remember there being a voodoo doll, but no actual interactions with it. Like you can mess with it and throw it around and it wouldn't upset the doll or upset the ghost, but it wasn't a cursed object in the sense that it is now. Like it was present. But it's definitely been updated. Yeah. And then, of course, you have the Ouija board as well. Yeah, the Ouija board was already there. It's just been updated a lot more as far as features and what you can do with it. Yeah, that's where the other website link in the show notes as far as what we're referencing tonight. Yeah, well, definitely with a music box, I've never come across it. Have you come across the music box? Yeah. So, this one's a relatively new thing. I've learned a lot by looking this up because now I'm going to look for these particular, I probably would not have looked for the music box because the music box, it's just like a little wooden box and apparently it shows paranormal entities singing along to this haunting melody and then it says don't get too close. It's supposed to let you hear the ghost, meaning that you can identify the ghost room easier. Or the music box. It has a one in six chance per contract of being chosen as the cursed possession that will spawn with one specific spawn location per map, a specific one. So, each map has a spot that it will be, and that's where it'll be regarded if it spawns if it's the item. Because in each map or each, I guess, game session there's only going to be one cursed item. Correct. So, you won't have a music box and a Ouija board at the same time unless they again update it later on that you could have more than one. I had no idea. I'm going to definitely look at this, but yeah, I was not aware that it had a very specific spot. Yeah, I haven't been able to see where it is in the Wiki text, but it definitely helps to know it's a one in six chance. So, if you can find out specific location, then you can go straight there to look for it instead of trying to find what just running around the map kind of thing. And is this for all objects or just the music box in general? All right, well, let's see. Next option. And it has also a one in six chance. That's a one in six chance of it spawning per cost because there's six different cursed items. So that's not necessarily, in other words, where it's going to be. It could be completely random. Okay, but you've confirmed within that article that the music box has specific locations in each map. Yeah. And some other resources I was looking at were saying that that's one of the only cursed items that has a very specific spot that it can't spawn. Got you. I mean, that makes sense because it's an item that would be specific to areas. You're not going to find a music box, maybe in the garage, like not in the bathroom. That's not going to be there. It might be in, like, a bedroom or a kid's room playroom living room, like that kind of places. That would be, in a way, logically where it could be. So maybe they're using logical as a place for it to be, but who knows? Again, I've never experienced this one. I don't know exactly the exact mechanics. I was reading it. So, it says you can identify the ghost room easier. So how would that help you? Have you read how that works? As far as playing it. The ghost can be heard singing along early. So is it that when you have the music box open, you're using it, the ghost will sing? So, then you start following it until the ghost gets louder? Is that what I'm saying? That's what it seems like. Yes, that's exactly what it is. So, you're holding the box and you turn it on or however you do the interaction with it, go start singing along with the box. It sounds kind of far. You start to move. It's like the hot and cold kind of aspect. Like as a kid, you're like you're getting warmer, colder, warmer, colder. But instead of that, it's like you're getting louder as you're getting closer. Now what it says here is if the music box is 5 meters or less from the ghost or I'm guessing the spawn location. Yes, it will manifest and start walking towards the box. If the ghost walks for more than 5 seconds, the player will reach zero sanity. Wow. Yeah, I didn't see that. I don't know the specifics, but it does say also, if it gets too close, it will trigger a cursed Hunt and the music lid will Slam abruptly shut and you have to run to find a hiding place. Stop playing. Hunt starts as a result of other reasons. So even if it starts to Hunt for some other reason, it'll shut immediately. That's a trigger to let you know that the ghost is hunting well. And also, it's the cursed Hunt. So that is a newer aspect that's going to be kind of along the lines of all the different cursed items, possessions. It's the curse Hunt. So, I looked this up. It says you only have a 1 second Grace period. So, like other hunts, you have a little bit longer before it starts to actually come for you. You got 1 second before it starts to come for you, and you have to get away with the beer the other night. It cannot be stopped by a crucifix. So, crucifix is not going to help you in any way. As well as following a cursed Hunt, every normal Hunt that is triggered afterward Will last longer than it normally would have. So, I think the initial cursed Hunt is longer, as well as it lengthens the other hunts after it. So, it's a little bit of a slippery scale. All right. All right. So then kind of moving along. We talked a little bit about this already with the voodoo doll. Like I said, I personally never saw it where it was usable before. I saw the voodoo dolls in general as kind of like a prop and then, like, moving around like, the Teddy bears upset it sometimes, that kind of thing. But I've never seen it with the pins. So that was a lot newer for me on screen right now Is what the original voodoo doll kind of looked like. It basically was a sock puppet or a sock doll. Yeah. That's kind of what it looks like. And a stitched mouth. I remember less than a year ago, like maybe four or five months ago, Playing the game, And I picked it up, and it said interact or something like that. It took a pin and poked it, and then the ghost started hunting. But apparently this is now what it looks like. It looks very different. It's got let me see if I can. I'm pulling it up right now. Yeah. So, it's Brown with some Gray spots, like, you know how raggedy and dolls are with the different kind of patches of fabric. It's got, like, the two different colored eyes. Are those buttons? Yes. They're stitched on button stitching. Yeah. As well as heart little cutout heart fabric. And then, like, different pins in different colors all over and one in the heart. Is that a good description of it, would you say? Yeah, I think it would be like, a fabric hard onto it. One button versus three buttons of the previous version.


Yeah. So, it's a little bit different. These ones have what is it, ten pins? If I'm reading, I feel like I had this doll is filled with nine pins and one heart pin. So, ten pins, in theory, just nine random ones all over and one heart pin and that little fabric heart. And each time you do a pin, it does a different kind of interaction with the ghost, Kind of like that. And it takes away 10% of your sanity every time you do that. Let's see.


Okay. And then also, where does it say the randomly syncing heart pin Will trigger a cursed ghost Hunt? So, it doesn't look like it's the very last one it looks like it can randomly be put into the heart. Yeah. So, on the Wiki side, it's one of those things that you want to take a picture of, kind of like the bone or the Ouija board. Interacting with the voodoo doll will cause one of the ten pins stuck in the doll to be pushed into it at random. So, you could have a different pattern every time you interact with this thing. It will cause the ghost to perform an interaction and will drop your sanity by 5% each time it says 10% on the one I did. If the heart pin is pressed down, the user sanity will drop by 10% and a cursed Hunt will initiate immediately. I do remember the first time I saw this, and I had no idea. I'm really bad about when updates come out for games I kind of like to experience. It just completely new. And I picked up the doll and I just went, what am I doing? Click, click. I did every single one of those pins I remember. That was interesting. I was like, what does this do? And then it started hunting. God Almighty woman. Sorry, what was that? Nothing. Continue. Let me see if I have anything else on this one. Force goes to interact. Yeah, definitely.

There's not a whole lot more with the voodoo doll just because it's very straightforward. Other than, like, if your sanity is less than 10% when you try to use it. All depends. So, as it does it randomly, you have to have sanity in order for it to continue going. But if you have less than 10%, all the pins, like, if that's your first time and you already have your sanity at like 5% and you go to use it, all the pins get sucked in. So, it's a one-use kind of situation. And then, of course, the cursed Hunt will trigger. So then there's the other one we talked about, the haunted mirror near mirror on the wall. No, it's not like that. Well, kind of in a way, yes. Because it is posted up on a wall at random throughout a house, not on a wall. I've seen that when I was in the high school. It was just on the stairs. Or maybe that's where because Zack was playing with us. Zack may have put it on the stairs or. I don't know. I don't remember it being on the wall. Yes, it could have been. I have noticed it on the wall, and house is usually by the front door. That makes sense. Now, according to the Wiki, it says that it is also spawns in one specific location per map, so it should be found in the same location every time you play a type of map. If it spawns. Okay, so it's similar. Like the music box has a specific spawn point. Okay, this one is more so it's not as bad as what the interaction. Generally, it's something that you want to find pretty quickly in the game because it's going to help you find the room. As long as it doesn't crack. Well, you can't stare at it. So, the thing about the Honda mirror is that it shows you the room. You look at it, but you can't look at it too long. It can only be used inside of the location. When you're using it, an animation will play out? You look around the room from where the ghost is the location. As the ghost can move around, it has a massive effect on your sanity as you will lose about 7.5 sanity per second. Use it when all your sanity is gone, then the Mariner breaks and it starts the cursed Hunt. So, you, in theory would like, probably don't want to look at it too long, of course, but you want to make sure that you have enough sanity to look at it for the needed amount of time to be able to describe the room because it's a panning motion that it does. So, it sweeps from one side, usually from my experience, from right to left in the room and shows distinctive areas. Yeah, I've only seen it a little bit when we were trying to use it. I saw kind of like the smoky look of it. And then I went back, and it was cracked. And then I had to run for my life, which I eventually lost the same. It was a game we played it with you, right? Yeah. I think that was one of the first times we played the new update that happened for you. This last time we all played together, I grabbed the mirror, didn't tell anybody. I was like, hey, it's this room. It's a blue room with something on the wall. And I was like, oh, shit, it cracked. And all I hear is that what the fuck are you doing? Stop. Well, we don't really know how all the like I said, looking at all this information, I've actually learned quite a bit about the different updates within the game that I can actually use. And I doubt that I'll do this ever again other than to research for this kind of thing. But now I know how a lot of these different things work rather than going, wait, what? And running when a mirror cracks. I do remember you going, it cracked. And we're like, oh, no, you better go. You better find a place to hide for a good amount of time. Didn't even. And I blocked everybody in because I was at the front door when I did this. Everybody was deep in the house. Yeah. It was very nice. Very kind of you to do that. Yeah. Just always thinking about other people. Absolutely. I can't die alone, you know. Isn't that the dream to die with somebody? Your three ghost hunting friends? Absolutely. I mean, that one is pretty straightforward. It's just another option to look for the room. It seems like a good portion of these are to help find the room because I know they've made it a little bit harder with certain things to find the room. Like you no longer can use temperature right away, so that's not a big factor. EMF is a little bit more troublesome to find the room, I would say. So, I think they're trying to balance out the different things that they had to take away and give different options. But also, there's the drawback with all of these things. And then there's other things like the summoning circle, which we've had a lot of good and bad experience with quite recently. So, I mean, the summoning circle is kind of exactly what you think it is. It's to summon the ghost. And there's like a number of candles in a circle, hence summoning circle. And it is the pentagram, right? Yes, if I'm remembering correctly. Okay, a pentagram. And then around the circle, there's like all these little kinds of runes. Yeah, the symbols around it. I'm going to see if I can find a better image of the summoning circle because I can actually read the runes around it. Oh, you can read. Okay, well, while you're doing that, I'll kind of give a little bit more description of it. So, this one is meant to summon and trap the ghost, but this is temporary after a portion of time, I don't know the exact time frame. I don't know if you offhand did some research and found out the exact time frame, but it'll break free and then it'll go into, I believe, a cursed Hunt. Yeah. So, a cursed Hunt. So, this is generally used to complete the optional objectives. So, things like going through the salt. One of the objectives in the game is getting the ghost to walk through salt, getting a picture of the ghost witnessing a ghost event. Those would be helped by having the summoning circle. And it looks like they are taking pictures. So, you get a higher star rating for your pictures, more points, more money. They're all five candles. So, you can, like four of the five candles. And it still doesn't do it. One thing that we learn is you need to be on the outside of the circle. Yeah, you can't light it inside. So that's the thing that we did learn. We were playing with our friend Cookie and Atari and I; we still don't know everything about the game, and we didn't even think about watching him. So, we're like, oh, yeah, let's go. Let's do the summing circle. It's in the front of the prison. We're all going to do it. I got my camera ready. And so, we walk in and Cookie's lighting it, and he's on the inside and he's going to light the fifth one. Tori and I are ready with our cameras and we're ready to take the picture. He goes, all right, I'm lighting the last one, and I go, and I click it, and we don't see the ghost. We're just like, what just happened? And then we see cookies character stand up and start choking. He's been killed. Well, not obviously, because we didn't think so. If you're in the circle, apparently it doesn't matter if it's trapped in the circle, you're also there, and you get killed. So that's something that we learned definitely within that game is that you have to be on the outside of the circle or to die. Sorry, I had to go get some tea. You're fine. But the runes around the summoning circle actually repeat. So, between each set of candles, it repeats the same rooms. And what it says is sacrifice your sanity. Well, that's what it says. That's interesting. I had no idea. So, it says, Sacrifice your sanity. And it referenced what they have here in the Wiki. As the summoning circle can be used by lighting all five red candles with a lighter. Each candle deducts 16% sanity for nearby players, leading to a total of 80% being deducted for all the candles. So even if you don't die, you still lose 80% of your sanity just by being around. Just by being around it as someone likes it. I had no idea. That is actually really interesting. Now, you were talking about the Grace period. So, summoning the ghost where it stays motionless for one to 6 seconds. So, it could be anywhere in between that it could say 1 second. Or it could be like, I'm going to take 6 seconds. Yeah. So, I'm pretty sure it depends, of course, on the type of ghost. A demon would probably be like, 1 second, and I'm coming for you. Yeah. Now, here's one thing it does say is all five candles are lit. The ghost is summoned and fully materialized, except for the shade, which is the really shy ghost. Yeah. So, it appears as a transparent shadow. Interesting. All right. But it stays motionless for one to 6 seconds, unable to kill anybody. After that Grace period, it immediately initiates a cursed Hunt on the spot. So, you have roughly one good second to get a picture of the ghost, and then you need to get the fuck out of Dodge and hide. Oh, yeah, definitely. What we did when that happened is we took a picture as soon as that last candle was lit, and so that's why we were so confused, because we're, like, we didn't see it. Well, it might have been shade, or you snapped too soon. Well, we didn't see it because it materialized and killed Cookie immediately. So, it was probably a demon. Well, he was in the middle of the circle, so it doesn't really matter what it was. You missed that part because it's a T. No, he lit it inside of the circle. None of us really thought about that when he was doing it. We're just like, all right, light it and he was in the middle and got killed right away. So, it didn't even have a chance to really materialize because it already had somebody to Hunt. So, note to self self-lighted on the outside. Yeah. And will remind me of that fact when we get to the IRL counterparts. I can give you a little more understanding of what the real world says when it comes to summoning circles. Okay, I'll let you leave that aspect because I wasn't quite prepared for that part of it. Then there's next the Tarot cards. So, I mean, just about everybody knows what a Tarot card is, but there's specific ones within this game. It's ten different cards in a deck and they have each a different kind of thing that they do. They're positive and negative effects. So, this one can have good things happen, but you don't know what's going to happen until you start drawing it. So, there is actually ten of them. There is the High Priestess. A random dead teammate will be revived. So, if you had somebody that died earlier and you draw that somebody will come back to life, you have the hermit similar to like smudge sticks where it repels the ghost. It will prevent the ghost from roaming or hunting for a brief period of time. The Wheel of Fortune. If the card Burns green, players will gain an additional 25% sanity. However, that Burns red, they will lose 25%. So that I didn't know the Hanged Man, the player who draws this card will die immediately. Death. You would think that death would be immediate death, but it actually just triggers a ghost Hunt. The devil. A ghost event is triggered the tower. This will trigger ghost activity to occur. So maybe like something being thrown in the room is what I would assume. The moon fully depletes sanity to zero or the sun that fully increases sanity to 100%. And I think that's only on the person who is using the deck. And then within all of those is the full a joke card which briefly shows you a bad card only to disappear into the fool. So, it may show you something like the Hanged Man which would make you die, but then immediately switches over to the fool which says just kidding. Got you. It's not really a bad thing that's going to happen to you. And with the fool, it can happen on multiple draws of cards. Correct? I did have it happen like four times in a row. I had it happen six out of the ten cards. So, each time you pick up a set of Tarot cards, you have ten draws that happen per game and you have a chance. The fool can also spawn on the quote unquote good cards as well. I have had a High Priestess turned into a fool and the High Priestess is the one where it revives. Yes. So, one thing with Wiki that's a little different is each card. When it takes effect, it Burns off and it typically will burn a different color. So, like the sun will burn yellow, the moon will burn off white, the tower will burn blue. And then the Wheel of fortune, either depending on its effects, green or red, the devil Burns off in a reddish pink. It's purple after it switches from whatever other card that it was. Let's see. So, it says that there are no effects whatsoever. It's like drawing a null card. The hermit Burns a bluish color and if it's right in front of you and you draw the hermit, it transports it and it's trapped there for a minute or roughly about a minute in the ghost. Okay, so that's an added thing. Of course. Death triggers a cursed Hunt. Hangman is an instant kill on a person on the player that has the cards. So, these are generally all if you're the one holding the deck, you're the person that gets affected. If it's a specific effect. Purple, of course. For death, no color Burns for the hangman. It just disappears along with your life. Yes, along with your life. And then the yellow burn for the high priestess. I didn't know that they had different colors. I think I've only used it like once.


There are percentages for possibility of receiving these cards. 5% for the sun, five for the moon, 20 for the tower, 20% for Wheel of fortune. So, I'm guessing that's roughly 10% per burn on that. Outside of that 20, and then 10% on the devil, 17% outside of a Hunt. For drawing a full card, but 100% during hunts, it says so minus the hermit, which really sounds like it only activates during a ghost Hunt. Or it's only effective during a Hunt or during the ghost roaming. I think that's when that of the fool turns into a little less. But of course, 10% for the hermit, ten for the death card, 1% for hangman, and 2% for the high priestess. Now I have had the high priestess spawned for me, but no one had died yet, so it was ineffective. We actually had it where somebody had died, and it didn't work. I don't know if we maybe missed the full part of it or what happened because I think it was mom's holding the card and so all we did is hear what the card was. So maybe she missed the full part or it just glitched. I think Atari was dead. I mean, there are new features, so there's bound to be some glitches here and there. Definitely.


I learned a lot because I didn't really know all of the different cards within there. And then the last one of the cursed objects, which is one that was already within the game but had been quite updated, was the Ouija board. So, the Ouija board, of course is just the same as everybody knows it to be. Just that wooden board with all the letters on. It has the yes. No, I believe it has. Does it say hello and goodbye? If I remember correctly,


yeah. Hello. Goodbye. Yes. No. A through Z and one through zero. Okay. Yeah. So, with the Ouija board, it was simple phrases like when did you die? How old are you? Where are you? Those kinds of things. But the updates made it so that you must now say goodbye when you're done talking to it. You can't just turn it off. You can't just say see you later, click. You have to actually say goodbye to the Ouija board or it continues draining your sanity, if that's what I'm understanding. This is redescent of the real life Ouija boards. We'll just kind of tie this into the IRL stuff after the short break. But typically with Ouija board, if you activate it and actually do get responses for you to cut the ties or the tie from the Ghost Realm to the real world, you have to say goodbye and they have to respond with goodbye. Otherwise the darkness or the evil coming from the other world can still drain into the real world. And as far as I've seen it, with the game, if you say goodbye, it automatically no matter what says goodbye or breaks. Because now versus the older version of the Ouija board, where you could just click it off and light would die and it would be a black board again, the letters would go dull. Now you have to say goodbye and instead of just turning it off and then instead of it burning like the old version did, it breaks. Yes, it does. And then if it breaks, then a cursed Hunt starts. To my knowledge, yes, you must say goodbye. Yeah. The board will break itself up and trigger a cursed event as well as it looks like there's a new phrase, hide, and seek, which will trigger a countdown on the board at the end of which is a cursed Hunt and a broken board. So I didn't know about that. You can play games with the dumb. I've never done that, and I kind of want to do that now. Do you want to play hide and seek with a cursed Hunt? Just for research purposes? So I won't go through everything, but there's quite a few questions that I didn't know that you can ask the ghost. We do the typical where are you? How old are you? When did you die? That kind of thing. There's actually things that you can ask it. I won't go through them all. You can ask where your sanity is or like what your sanity is without having to go to the truck, which is really useful if you're playing alone solo. Yeah, you can ask it where the bone is. Did you know that? Yes, I did know that because I think Atari actually did it one time. Yeah, I didn't know that at all. And that's actually really good. To know. You can, of course, find out how long it is, how many ghosts are present, how many people are present. Now, while she's going through those, there are really only 13 different types, as you can see on the screen right now, dealing with location, age, how they died, room count, sanity, method of death, bone location, yes or no questions. Hide and seek, how they are feeling, purpose. Like, what is their purpose of being a ghost? I got something about a joke. Yes. Knock knock. You can say knock knock to it. Yeah. That was one of the things I found I thought was really cool. And you can also ask it, am I pretty? I'm going to ask it next time. Am I pretty? Do you hate me? Are we friends? I saved this because I'm going to do all of these things. Also with shyness. These questions tell the player whether the ghost responds to people who are alone or to everyone when using the spirit box. So do you respond to everyone? And I'm guessing that would be yes or no question. Oh, that's interesting. I didn't see that one. You can also do Marco Polo. No way. I'm guessing that would be its response because it says knock, knock. It would be Marco or the two joke questions or response or things you can say for it to give you a response. Interesting. Yeah. I saved all these because I'm going to ask a lot of these questions


to initiate the hide and seek portion or the countdown from five. So you have 5 seconds. Once it initiates, it says do you want to play hide and seek? So I thought you just said hide and seek because saying do you want to play hide and seek is different than saying hide and seek. So if you said like, do you want to play hide and seek? And if it said no, then you just no harm, no foul. Yeah, in theory, right? Yeah, in theory. But if you see it goes straight to a number, you better start to run. Oh, yeah. You got to start getting while the getting is good. Yeah. So sanity monitor. Some of the questions that the Wiki shows is what is my sanity? Or greater than 80%? 60% to 80%? 40? 60%? 20%? Less than 20%? Yeah. Or how insane am I? You would get greater than 50. 25 to 50 and less than 20. 05:00. A.m. I insane greater than 90%? No. 20% to 90%, maybe. And less than 20%. Yes. So if you get no yes or maybe that would be what your percentages are. If you ask how crazy am I? And you get not very, very insane, then you get those percentages. So it's specific questions will give specific answers that you kind of have to have these references up. Unless you are really good at remembering all this because there's no way I would remember if it was like, oh, awful that means 20% to 40%. I mean, that's too much for my brain to. Oh, that's not even. It's under 20% for mine. For awful bad would mean 20% to 40%. And then to find out, the ghost room, Where are you? Which everybody's used forever in the day. Yes. What's your favorite room? I've heard you use that. Me? I don't think I've used what's your favorite room? Well, someone we were playing with has used Where is your room? Or what is your room? Where is your room? Or Where are you? Pretty much is what I've done to find it. But that also has been under criticism. It'll tell where it currently is versus where it is. The room. Yeah. Like the room could be say baby room, but it's currently in the boy's room, so it's going to say boys room. And so that's not going to help me with evidence because I'm not going to get what I need.

Yes. All right, so jumping into the IRL applications of the cursed items that you can find in Phasmophobia, I have an idea of moving backwards on the items a little bit. Okay. And because some of these are a little more easier to talk about either from personal experience, like the Ouija board. All right, so fun fact, the Ouija board itself, the idea of what it looks at like today with the Alphabet A through Z numbers, one, two, three, all the way to nine and zero, and then the yes and no, and occasionally both hello and goodbye. But would traditionally using goodbye was actually created or the original creation of the Ouija board was in


Bond. I like that name. Elijah. The Ouija board was regarded as an innocent parlor game unrelated to occult until American spiritualist Pearl Curran popularized it, its use as a divining tool during World War One, so it was not necessarily given its aspects towards interacting with the supernatural until World War One. Now, in recent times, of course, the name Ouija, spelled O-U-I-J-A is now trademarked by Hasbro Toys. Is it really? Yes. Interesting. So people can't can they not put Ouija board on their things? Apparently. That's interesting. Why is it pronounced Ouija? Because we like French. No, actually, I was looking and the precursors to the Ouija board were originally done as automatic or the first mentions of automatic writing method used in the Ouija board is found in China around the 1001, 1000 thousand, 700 Ad, which falls in line with the Song dynasty. And the method was known as Fuji F-U-J-I. So that's where the J I at least comes from. Yeah. And then the use of the placette writing as an ocean is able, or


Participant #1:

at least the first initial concept of it being Ouija came from the Song dynasty, where they named it Fuji or Fuji. And then that was its connection to the spirit world. So it was originally in 1000s. The concept of automatic writing with spiritual connotations or uses was all the way back in the 1100, and then it was considered a talking board. As far as the automatic writing method for spiritualist as a medium to talk to the dead in the American Civil War. Let's see, mediums did significant business and allegedly allowing survivors to contact lost relatives at the Ouija itself was created and named in Baltimore, Maryland, in


Participant #1:

Bond. So the name itself was given by Elijah Bond as a parlor trick. And that's when the board was created. How it looks today as a parlor trick. As a parlor trick, yes. Interesting. But he had the idea to patent the placette method sold with the board on which the Alphabet was printed, much like the previous existence of talking boards. Ponfiled in the 28 May 1984 patent protected for crediting the invention of the official Ouija board. And it was issued in patent to him on February 1. Let's see. Trying to see where it actually starts to gain the occult following.


So there was one guy named William Fold, F-U-L-D-F-U-L-D who was going against the patent, saying that he claimed he learned the name Ouija from using the board, that it was an ancient Egyptian word meaning good luck.


When Philip told overproduction of the board, he popularized the more widely accepted


etymology. I guess it's E-T-Y-O-L-O-G-Y.


Entomology. Yeah. Entomology. Thank you. Study of insects. Yeah. And that the name came from the combination of the French and German words for yes. Okay. I was on the money on that one because the we. Yeah. What is German? Yes.




We yah instead of. But of course, Americans bucket everything up as far as pronunciations.


Yeah. But I mean, maybe it's like a play on the Fuji aspect as well. Yes. But it's like everything kind of combined together to make it what the name is now. Like, it went from it went from however you said it to then they were like, well, it originated from Fuji. It just sounds better. Probably somebody there was somebody somewhere somebody was playing with them. Like, what is that thing they started researching? This is what we want to call it. That sounds good. How should we spell it? Completely annoying. Let's do it. Yeah. So there is Alistair Crowley, the English occultist, ceremonial magician, poet, painter, novelist, mountaineer, Mountaineer. All the other things in Mountaineer, along with it, had a great admiration for the use of the Ouija board and it played as a passing role in his magical workings. Popular probably, considering he was an occultist and he was probably used to try to summon spirits. So I'm guessing by reading this and that's typically where the cultist version or usage of the Ouija board came into play.


Probably. Interesting. And then, of course, and then in horror movies in the 1970s, using in The Exorcist and other movies, which board in Lies Beneath and 2000 Paranormal Activity in Seven movie and seven I am Zuzu and then the prequel Ouija Origin of Evil in 26.


Yeah. So now going to my experience with a Ouija board. Now for the longest time, of course, I didn't necessarily believe in the occult or ghost or anything else until I experienced a fucking Ouija board. And then what some occultists or some spiritualists is what I'm going to call them say is your third eye opening where you see in the other realm came from messing with a Ouija board and not saying goodbye to that. Of course, typically you have at least two people interacting with the board mouse, which is simply just a block with either a hole in the center or some type of magnifying aspect to the center of this triangular piece, puzzle piece kind of thing. And what it does is that you use this and it said that the energy between the individuals using it, you can have up to I think it's six people interact or all interacting at once. They say the more people that interact with the device on the Ouija board, the more energy that is transferred into the board and allowing spirits to speak through it. So it works better the more people are using it. Yes, up to roughly about six, because the standard size of that piece is roughly, I think two and a half inches across. So from one corner, each side is about two and a half inches from the corners down each side of the three sides. So you can fit roughly two people on each side. More people the energy output. But like in the game, you ask it questions. You start out simple, trying to allow for the energy to transfer to the spirit realm for someone to then reach back, typically starting out with yes or no questions or simple answer or something with a simple answer of maybe number or small letters. And then you build up from there, asking more elaborate questions for more elaborate answers. And then because of the occultist use, the fact that I guess the evil spirits have been able to find this or the supernatural have been able to find this as a way to get back into the realm and possess people. If you don't say goodbye, it leaves that door open and then goodbye is very important. While you sleep, they're seeping out kind of thing and they could possess you while you sleep because you're vulnerable. But we didn't say goodbye. Dumbass teenagers in the early two thousands. I think it was like 2001 or 2002 and we were fucking around. Well, my dumbass jumped off the board, which is also considered by standard practice a very big no. No matter what's going on around you, you keep everybody stays. As long as you keep contact with the board, you are typically safe. So I jumped off and ran because I was a scared pussy. And didn't know the standard practice either. Does anyone really ever know when they're that young? No, not at all. So in the process of doing so, of course, everybody else followed suit. Well, it wasn't until my later years when I did it again, forgetting about how scared I was and all this crazy shit that was going on. I was more focused too because this was after the death of my parents. Oh yeah. And we got some answers that were very specific that no one else would have known. And I made sure that I had very light contact because I was still skeptical of it. Well, it was after someone kind of pushed for a, what's the word? Manifestation of something that something very specific to my mother happened. And then that's when I started to believe, or again, as the occult would call it, your third eye opening. Now before that, I thought that ghosts were real, but you couldn't necessarily see them. It was just your own imagination kind of conjuring ideas of it. But after Holy shit, have like, personally, I believe in afterlife. I believe in spirits roaming the Earth for the various reasons that have and with that since that second time, good evil, like just zombie ghost type things where they're just wandering aimlessly. I feel like I see things and it's odd and I just kind of play it off. Of course, you can't really talk about those things to real people, either. Or regular people. I say real people, but regular real people because they're going to fucking think you crazy and lock your ass up. And since switching to the also true faith and starting to dive into more of the aspects of like, animisms, and occultist style proceedings, it's starting to come back as far as that whole, quote unquote third eye visualization of the other worlds. So that's my experience with Ouija board. I've never had any experience with Ouija board because I'm definitely a skeptic, but I'm also


healthy. Kind of like I'm a skeptic, but on the off chance or the one way or the other, I don't want to mess with it. That's just one of the things I will probably never actually do because I don't want to find out it's real the wrong way. You don't want to be the one that summons a demon from the other realm. They come and cause havoc on people. True. Yeah.


Fair. I mean, I can absolutely understand that. Yeah. I haven't had too many experiences with any of this. I think the one time I'd ever even been around is like, no, I'm not going to do that. That doesn't seem like a good idea for me. So as far as the Ouija board, yes, it is a real thing. It is trademark that what you see in the game and can find anywhere nowadays is typically a toy in a sense. But if you choose to actively engage in a Ouija board, use caution coming from myself, do the wrong things. You can end up losing your real life sanity because I believe personally that they are a very real thing. So yes, if you want to indulge yourself and experience a Ouija board, please do just be mindful, be respectful. Don't do like I do in the game. The game is very different. Call the ghosts, cunts and twats and everything else because you do that to a real spirit whether you believe or not. You'll find out if you really believe in them if they talk back to you. All right. So moving on to the other one that I have some experience or understanding of is the summoning circles or the real life entity is actually known as a magic circle. And thanks to the early 2000s and 2010s of Supernatural, the TV show which we talked about last episode as well, I believe the summoning circle as it's being used in the game is to manifest a spirit or demon and hold it temporarily. Now that also has been considered very logical in real life use cases where people of the occult have tried to summon or been in ritual works trying to summon their God or their deity. Also in some use cases when Wiccans, which is considered white magic, you also have black magic witches that have tried to summon dead entities to cause harm on someone that they are vengeful against. And they'll typically call up certain Gremlin type entities, not necessarily spirits, but entities of sorts to include demons and vengeful spirits as well. Now with the real life application, they use siduals to barricade the spirit within the summoning circle or within the magic circle. Other use cases that Wiccans. What I've got here is common technique for raising energy within the circle is by means of cone of power. According to this, the cone of power is a method of raising energy and a ritual magic essentially or especially within the wicked faith of witchcraft. The cone of power is a visualization as a cone of energy that encompasses the circumference of the circle of Wiccans and tapers off to a point above the group. So in the case of the Wicking belief system, they stand within the circle, probably in pre designated locations that have been designed for best energy. Yes. For energy usage and output. So as far as keeping it within the circle is that again with the idea that they use in the game is more for calling for that vengeful spirit or that demon entity where you don't want to be within it because it can't escape the barriers that are there being siduals and other marks within the marked circle typically could be marked in salt or in blood. Now if it's blood of a human, blood of an animal, that all depends on the satanic faith. Rituals? Yeah, different rituals call for different things. Yes. But typically your innocent summoning’s are typically for salt or chalk innocent is what you're saying because you're trying to summon some type of spirit. Most likely you're not going to get what you wanted. It's most likely going to be either some type or variation of demon or a vengeful spirit because those typically the anger aspect or the rage aspect has more power than someone that's just idly sitting by, just hanging out. Yeah, basically, that makes sense. Those are the ones that are more eager to come out. So they're going to push through. Yes, exactly. Let's see if I can find anything else on it real quick.


Yeah, pretty much everything ties back


to the magic circle, whereas it being more of a ritualistic thing. Now here I'm going to show on screen some typical between satanic or other types of witchcraft what some of their circles would look like. Okay. Now also, depending on the type of energy that you're trying to embark or summon in the real life application would determine how it looks as well. A lot of modern witchcraft, they use very geometrical shapes and designs with siduals in between them as well. People like here, they've used the satanic pentagram, which is indicative of the shorter leg stems upside down with a longer singular stem. Then you've got most of the other pentagrams that are different face, different followings, and they have different meanings as well. But mostly the reward application is going to be more for summoning energy instead of spirits or entities. Let's see, there's quite a few that of course, I've seen. And a lot of times you'll see these siduals or summoning circles, typically for the occult or some type or variation of witchcraft, and they're not necessarily meant as a spiritual summoning. Now, of course, in movies like the craft or something, you'll see something similar to this where I don't know why it's not showing larger, but you'll see a witch sitting within the circle with sigils all around. Most of the sigils in this image on my right are very demonic and satanistic nature. So don't just Google search schedules and decide to put them in your summoning circle of energy or whatever because you could inadvertently summon a very bad person. So like you can see here the black craft of black witchcraft of the occult, symbols of satanic nature with the six six six and other sidualistic symbols of the satanic arts. So yeah, be mindful if you decide to use these because they can be very powerful. Most witchcrafts also use their ritual books and talk like do their particular sayings during their calling of the energies that they're requesting. Interesting. Looks like they all generally have some sort of starlike feature within them. Yeah. Because of course, I don't know exactly if you look at anything that is not your typical star like upright star, upright being the single point at the top. It is considered a pinnacle star, especially with a circular design around it. So even like right here, the Star of David and still is used by real satanic cults or the occult. It doesn't make it any less of use to them. So the consideration of the Star David or the typical Baja Met Pinnacle star as well.

Interesting, but they are from everything I've ever seen. And of course, what you can see on the screen here, they're all very geometric in nature. Yeah, definitely. Any real life cases for yourself? Honestly, I've never really dabbled in any of this. So this is all really informative for me, just kind of getting information here. I know the Phasmophobia aspects of all these, but not the actual real life applications of these things. Next, I'm going to make sure I have a lot of information. But Tarot. So again, everybody knows about Tarot cards. You can buy decks at freaking Books A Million now. Yes. Which is you can probably get them at like Target. I found more at Books A Million and other bookstores with Tarot cards Wiccan witchcraft, white witchcraft than I did with Also True or The Rooms. And that is mind blowing to me. Let's see if I can find an English translation of the images after. So Tarot, as it's shown, typically is used for your horoscopes or life readings. Yeah, I've seen it typically today. Yeah. It's mostly used for that kind of thing. What is your future, past, present, future kind of things. Yeah. Or if you have specific questions, it'll give insight on that kind of thing and it is very vague to the receiver of the readings. Now, of course, if you don't do your own research into Tarot, then you're not going to know there could be a false Prophet of sense that go into the aspect of Tarot because it is a true archaic magic or Arcana magic that was originally developed with the Tarot. Let me see if I can find the origins. So roughly about the 18th century. Well, let me read what says. It's an ancient divination that began in 14th century in Europe. Traditional Tarot card decks consist of roughly 78 cards which are the major and minor Arcana and depicting symbolistic archetypes that allow us to tap into our intuition and gain clarity through readings. So the archetypes that they're talking about represent in the true practice of Tarot, very specific things. Let's see the history. It was playing cards first entered in Europe in the late 14th century, but its true origins are relatively unknown. The first recorded date of Tarot was 1367 in Berne, and they spread rapidly across Europe after that. Let's see. Little is known about the appearance number of these cards, only significant information being provided by text of John of Rinfield.


Interesting, is there's different readings as well for each one that is popping out to me is the Celtic cross Tarot reading, which the ten card class. The ten card one. So that kind of matches maybe what they were trying to do within the game is the ten card Tarot spread for guidance with any issue. So, yeah, you can go to and do this for yourself. And I will make sure that I get the link for the card meanings from house that she used. So you can just on the bottom right. Is it? Yeah,


I just clicked Tarot. So, when I click Tarot and I scrolled all the way down, bottom right, all the links are there, the card meeting. So there you go. All can be found in Got to do your own readings. Well, not as efficiently or probably precise, but there is a lot of looking inward to understand the meanings that it presented to you. Yeah, definitely. I guess we will go through the others pretty quickly. The next viable one that I see as far as real life usage is the voodoo doll. And the voodoo doll isn't necessarily something that I mean, maybe this is just perception. It's not necessarily used for like, ghost hunting or anything. It's generally a more standard thing. It's made towards a specific person that you want to torture. Yeah. Everything that I've ever looked at as far as voodoo is interaction with the real world versus interaction with the supernatural. Now, they do say that they can interact or use interactions with the supernatural world to affect the real world as far as voodoo in itself, because they are very specific in how they're used. Let's see. Brown University actually has a page on voodoo dolls. And the Kingdom of Congo is accredited with the origins in the 19th century with wooden voodoo figurines in the shapes of humans. They're generally made like a doll in the shape of a human. Yeah. And it was from the Nicassee tribe, or Minkinsi tribe, which means things which do things, interests the things which do things. Got it? Oh, here's where probably the occult came from, the containers that capture the spirit of the dead and make it available to use by living, though complex relationships between people, thing and spirit, kind of combining them. So what I was saying earlier, as far as using the occult or using the spiritual realm to affect real the human realm, according to Brown University, they give reference or credit to the Congo for the origination of voodoo.


And then, of course, as you can imagine, it has spread westward due to the Afro-Caribbean religious aspect in the Caribbean areas of the Western Hemisphere and how it became popular. So Haiti and other areas like that. Anything on your side? That's pretty much my only interaction with it. I just like movies and kind of basic ideas of it. One thing that I do remember, maybe not necessarily voodoo doll, but like the movie Wicker Man comes to mind where they make kind of the dolls out of like, sticks and grass kind of looking stuff that comes to mind. That's a really good movie. And then next we got the mirror or mirrors. There is so much lure as far as cursed mirrors or the usage of mirrors to help or hinder a ghost or some type of supernatural entity. And so much superstition follows through mirrors because of that as well. Like, what is it, nine years? Bad luck for breaking one. Oh, yeah, definitely nine years. Also going into the occult, like, vampires can't see their reflection or you can't see the reflection of a vampire because they have no soul of their own or not saying particular names into the mirror more than a couple of times. Yeah. Playing the Bloody Mary game. Bloody Mary. There's some other ones that fall in line with that same aspect. Candy man. Candy man. I can't think of anybody else, but they all fall. They all fall in line with the same kind of context. Also mirrors where if I remember one of the stories when they were first being developed, a lot of the religious faith didn't like mirrors. One for vanity, but two, they spread tales that mirrors were the doorways to the other realm. Yeah. That's pretty much the mirror in its essence. And now this is where I'm confused as far as real life application of the music box. Yeah. I don't think there's really any application as far as I know. I think it's just something that they did in the game. Unless you found anything else. I'm looking right now to see if there's anything else. I really don't think so. I think it's more of the creepy aspect of it. Yeah. Like that slow tone of a typical music box. I do know that music or instruments of some sort can be manipulated and have a momentum aspect to them, like pianos, music boxes. They are just, hey, I'm here kind of things. It doesn't necessarily tie them directly to a ghost or an entity, but they are used in ideas of, excuse me, ghost interacting with them. That's how they're used with the idea of ghost interacting with them because they are a momentum device that makes some type of noise. Yeah. So it's not necessarily an object used, but just something that they interact with. Now, as far as the summoning aspect, I have no idea. I've never. I've never heard of anything with a music bot. I've heard of anything that helps summon a ghost. The only way I think any object like that could be accredited to summoning a spirit or supernatural entity is if it was that as they were alive, holding either some part of their DNA blood or some very special bond with the host of the ghost when they were in a living state. So I think that covers everything. I think that covers pretty much all the things, at least as far as the cursed object itself. Yeah. All right. Well, I'm going to shut my mouth because I'm already having enough trouble keeping a constant tone. But I want to do, say, thank you for coming by hanging out and I will leave it to the wonderful Owls to close us out. As Joker said, thank you for listening watching. However you're getting to us, I just want to make sure that you know that we are live on camera every Wednesday, 09:00 p.m.. Eastern standard time at We are also available through audible options podcast. 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You can find them at We do not use a discount code with our sponsorship Due to the fact that portions of their proceeds go to help very good foundation of people. One including the Gary seneis foundation, also a warrior path program. The warrior path program helps post traumatic growth for military and first responders along with Gary Sunis Foundation, also helping those in need from traumatic incidents. Also St Baldwicks and particularly with the St. Baldwick's Foundation Dealing with childhood cancer research and support. So that are the two foundations and again, why we don't necessarily put out or ask for a discount code when you order their coffee. But they are locally owned by a veteran couple here in South Carolina And they ship currently everywhere in the continental United States, and I am working closely with them to extend that reach to everywhere our mother. So, if you like coffee, please go check them out. That again is

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