Megan Karp, Writer, Health Coach & Life/Styler Creator — On Living Simply, Healthy, Beautifully

Season 1 | Episode 4
1h 2m | Dec 5, 2023

Megan Karp describers herself as a spirit in a human body — living in this world with various titles: a writer, a health coach, a tastemaker, and my favorites, wife and mother. 

Like me, Megan is inspired by nature when it comes design. But what motivates her is finding peace and harmony in everyday. She shares tips and tools for how she creates space to find your own peace and harmony.

Megan lives a very intentional lifestyle, she is wise beyond her years and as you listen to this episode you'll know exactly what I mean when I share that Megan possesses a captivating spirit, an extraordinary understanding of the world around her, and an inner radiance that shines so bright.

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