042: Behind-the-Scenes of DARK NATURE (2023) ft. Director Berkley Brady

56m | May 26, 2023

Berkley Brady, based in Calgary, Alberta, is a producer, DGC director, and writer, known for her work in film and television. Operating under the corporate entity Nika Productions Inc., Brady draws inspiration from cinematic and art history, hip-hop culture, and the natural landscape. With a passion for storytelling on screens of all sizes, Brady's creative pursuits reflect her diverse influences.

Raised in a family of storytellers and night owls, Brady's multicultural background as a Metis on her father's side and predominantly Scottish on her mother's side shaped her early experiences. A vivid childhood memory involves sitting under a restaurant table, captivated by her father's animated storytelling, which brought laughter and joy to the listeners.

In 1986, Brady relocated to Calgary, a city nestled between the Rocky Mountains and the prairies, where she discovered her teenage passions for books, snowboarding, and indulging in the mystique of brooding boys with baggy pants. Her dedication to snowboarding led her to compete in half-pipe competitions, even achieving a notable third-place ranking in her province in 1994. Brady's connection to snowboarding extends beyond the sport itself; she views its physicality, flow, and rhythm as influences that shape her directorial approach. The mathematical curves and musicality inherent in snowboarding inform her intuitive collaboration with actors and her pursuit of fluid camera work.

After completing university, Brady embarked on a journey as an assistant to documentary and experimental filmmakers, immersing herself in projects such as editing documentaries on the International Criminal Court and capturing potlatch ceremonies. These early experiences kindled her passion for narrative filmmaking, leading her to pursue an MFA in film directing at Columbia University in New York City. During her six-year stay in the city, she absorbed its vibrant cultural landscape, exploring various art forms, including dance and the legacy of hip-hop. Brady's time at Columbia involved working as a Teacher's Assistant at Barnard College and collaborating with different production companies as a reader. Additionally, she produced her first award-winning short film, "The Immaculate Reception," which premiered at Sundance Film Festival, marking her inaugural visit to the renowned event.

Brady's accolades continued to accumulate as she won the prestigious Alfred P. Sloan award, which provided the opportunity to create her debut short film, "Blow Out." This atmospheric piece delves into the story of a lone geologist battling her crew on an isolated, snow-blown oil rig.

Despite being inspired by the creativity and ambition surrounding her in the United States, Brady decided to return to Canada in 2016, driven by love. She is happily married to Ian Lister, a notable Canadian cinematographer. Brady cherishes the artistic landscape of Canada and directed her first two episodes of the upcoming TV series "Secret History of the Wild West." With the support of Telefilm funding, she ventured into feature film directing, completing her debut feature, "Dark Nature," in the autumn of 2022. The film premiered at Fantasia in Montreal, marking a significant milestone in her career.

Currently, Brady's creative focus lies in directing horror films infused with adventure and evocative emotions. For her, the perfect film is one that elicits laughter, screams, and tears. With a desire to offer guilt-free escapes, Brady aspires to craft stories that employ genre conventions to tackle significant and sometimes challenging ideas.

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