The Beatleplaces Podcast Episode #2

1h 2m | Jul 18, 2022

Episode #2- “Are You 13 Amp.?..”

By George, it’s time again for another Beatleplaces Podcast with Messrs Mark & Col, lovable local guides, gregarious genial hosts and occasional idiots. If you like The Beatles a little or a lot then you can enjoy as much as you like on the Beatleplaces Podcast. This is where we celebrate Liverpool’s most famous local heroes and their formative years. Every show has a wealth of rip-roaring regular features, the Beatles Trivia Quiz, The Beatles Book Review, Beatles Album Guide and a bunch more plus one or two interesting features giving you new and interesting insights to the world’s best band. This time we feature the back story to the Yellow Submarine movie, smash the ”Paul Is Dead” myth and we’re reviewing the books “Beatles Gear” by Andy Babiuk and “Fab” by Howard Souness. In short, it’s all about The Beatles and nothing but The Beatles and you never know, you might like it...  

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The Beatleplaces Podcast