The Beatlelaces Podcast Episode #8

44m | Oct 29, 2022

Episode #8- “Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.”

It’s very nice to be back bothering your earholes once again with another Beatleplaces Podcast with Mark & Col live from Liverpool with a chocablock show of Beatles gubbins for one and all to enjoy. In this effervescent edition Mark is raring to go with his Beatleplaces Tricky Trivia Quiz- lyrics special, Col is on standby with a feature about The Black Music Pioneers in Liverpool who influenced the early Beatles, there’s This Month In Beatle History of course and this time we’re talking about the release of Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band in The Beatleplaces Album Guide. As a bonus track Col is talking about the Hamburg Star Club Tape Treasure Trove mystery. It’s all glued together with the usual surreal silliness of Messrs Mark & Col’s ramblings but enjoyable none the less. So settle in for a lot of Beatles facts and fun along the way. All aboard.

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The Beatleplaces Podcast