Jaso : In Conversation

49m | Feb 1, 2024

In this conversation, iancomplex* interviews Jaso about his creative journey and evolution as a musician. They discuss the importance of vulnerability in songwriting and the impact of live instrumentation on Jaso’s music. They also explore the role of imperfections in music and the value of collective artistic conversations. Additionally, they delve into the significance of visuals in Jaso’s work and the influence of childhood and current media on his artistic style.


00:00 Introduction and Background

02:29 Creative Growth and Evolution

05:11 Reflection on Older Music

07:21 Involvement of Live Instrumentation

09:31 Writing Process and Vulnerability

13:01 Seeking Instrumentals and Collaborative Process

16:46 Appreciation for Imperfections in Music

19:17 Importance of Collective and Artistic Conversations

22:42 The Role of Visuals in Art

23:41 Influence of Childhood and Current Media

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