5 Years of Procrastination : The Pro* Origin Story w/ iancomplex*

38m | Jan 30, 2024

In this episode, iancomplex* reflects on the past five years of ProcrastinationRadio* and discusses the growth and changes the network has undergone. He expresses gratitude for the listeners and emphasizes the emotional journey he has experienced while sharing the origins of ProcrastinationRadio* and his initial struggles with procrastination and self-doubt. He discusses the importance of community and collaboration in his creative journey, his transition to graphic design and the impact it had on the show's branding, and highlights the relaunch of the show with a new focus on human conversations and the idea that Art is Air.

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00:00 Introduction and Gratitude

02:10 Reflecting on the Past Year

03:30 The Beginnings of ProcrastinationRadio*

07:10 Expanding the Show and Finding Community

09:01 Transitioning to Graphic Design

11:25 Taking a Job Offer and Learning Graphic Design

13:18 Improving the Show's Branding

18:37 Separating the Show into Podcast and Radio Show

20:15 Embracing the Creative Community

22:08 Relaunching with New Branding and Focus

23:07 The Importance of Art and Community

24:06 Quality Control and Collaboration

26:14 Expanding the Network and Adding Voices

29:00 Learning to Collaborate and Building a Team

30:27 Improving Promotion and Communication

32:50 Finding Community and Being Authentic

36:28 Embracing Your Passion and Being Yourself

37:30 Closing Remarks

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