Actually Helpful Tips for Intentional Dating | Rachel Hoover Canto

52m | Jun 27, 2024

There's a marriage crisis in today's world. Far fewer young people are getting married and settling down to raise a family.

Most people blame this crisis on hookup culture. Others say that young people are putting their careers ahead of marriage. But these aren't the only problems. More and more young people are struggling to navigating dating culture. They want to get married but can't seem to find someone.

Rachel Hoover Canto tackles this problem in her new book, "Pretty Good Catholic." As a young woman, who was recently married, she knows the struggles that young men and women are facing. On today's episode, she shares her *actually helpful* tips for intentional dating.

Get Rachel's book, Pretty Good Catholic: Pretty Good Catholic | Vianney Vocations

FREE E-book! Discover what Planned Parenthood doesn't want you to know: What is Planned Parenthood Hiding from You? | Human Life International (


00:00 Modern Marriage Crisis

00:55 Common Dating Struggles

05:36 Tips for Meeting People

17:20 Tips for Asking Someone Out (or Getting Asked Out)

23:52 Dating Outside Your Tribe

37:24 Advice for Couples

Living a Culture of Life

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Living a Culture of Life