From Stanley Kubrick to Ridley Scott: A Conversation with Legendary Cinematographer Stuart Harris BSC

1h 11m | May 10, 2024

Cinematographer Stuart Harris has shot over 4000 commercials, several feature films and loads of renowned Pink Floyd music videos with director Storm Thorgerson. Stuart now heads up the Directing Commercials course at the NFTS and co-heads its Cinematography course. He is an Honorary Full Member of the British Society of Cinematographers (only the third person to ever receive this!)

Stuart started his career in the camera department on Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. We go into detail about his experience on this legendary production and what it was like to work on a Kubrick film. We delve into the weeds of the commercial 'The Deficit Trials' which Stuart shot for Ridley Scott as well as Pink Floyd's music video for 'High Hopes' which Stuart shot for Storm Thorgerson.

We highly recommend you watch both of these (linked below) before listening to the episode.

More generally we speak about self confidence as a director, being persistent and the importance of shooting as much as you can. Stuart has such an inspiring take on the industry and the filmmaking process. We can't wait for you to give it a listen!

You can find 'The Deficit Trials' and 'High Hopes' alongside some of Stuart's other cinematography work on his website, linked below.

The Deficit Trials

High Hopes

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Short Films, Big Questions