• Harry potter CH 10 Halloween

    It's harry's first Halloween! he receives a special post with a note, and starts his first-ever practice on the field!

    E9 - 29m - Mar 3, 2021
  • Harry Potter - Ch 9 The Midnight Duel

    Harry on his first time on a broom is fantastic. He is selected for the Gryffindor Quidditch team as a seeker. He is also tricked by, Malfoy into almost getting caught by Argus filch. during his escape from the caretaker, Harry discovers some clues about a hidden package.

    32m - Jan 7, 2021
  • Harry Potter- CH - 8 The Potions Master

    Harry has his first class with Professor Snape. During this experience he thinks that Snape doesn't just dislike him, he hates Harry.

    20m - Jan 6, 2021
  • Harry Potter - CH 7 The Sorting Hat

    Harry gets his first view of Hogwarts and gets sorted into a Hogwarts house by the sorting hat. He also has the best dinner of his life in the great hall.

    32m - Dec 28, 2020
  • Harry Potter and The Sorcerers Stone - CH 6 Platform Number Nine and Three Quarters

    Harry finds his way into the magical platform nine and three quarters with the help of the kind Weasleys, he even makes friends with Ron, the Weasleys' second youngest child. On the train, he makes eternal enemies with Draco Malfoy, and his goons as well as meet with Hermione and Neville for the first time.

    E6 - 44m - Dec 27, 2020
  • Harry Potter & scorchers stone - Diagon Alley

    Harry Potter & scorchers stone - Diagon Alley

    harry search all tools and books in this famous street. He also find out how famous he already is.

    49m - Dec 27, 2020
  • Harry Potter - CH4 Keeper of Keys

    Chapter 4, harry comes to know about him being in wizard and existence of magic world. He also come to know about wizard school and that he need to join the school Harry also come to know about who he is and about his enemies.

    E4 - 26m - Nov 9, 2020
  • Harry Potter - Ch 3 Letters from No-one

    In this chapter, harry gets letters from hogwarts school as invitation to join and learn wizard skills. However his uncle is not giving the letters or permission.. would harry be able to go?

    listen and find out


    E3 - 26m - Nov 8, 2020
  • Harry Potter - Vanishing Glass

    this is second episode of the harry potter audio book. in this episode. chapter 2 is played. Chapter 2 is about harry knowing its magical powers.

    S1E2 - 23m - Nov 8, 2020
  • Harry Potter and Sorcerer Stone CH1

    This is chapter one of the famous series Harry potter, we will be bringing you this audio experience chapter by chapter full of expressions so that you can enjoy the book.

    S1E1 - 32m - Nov 7, 2020
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Stories by Yishika