Ep. 19: In The Line of Duty 4 (1989)

41m | Mar 25, 2024

Closing out the month of March, In The Line of Duty 4 continues the story of Cynthia Khan's Inspector Yeung and features the most established director of the series to date - Hong Kong choreography legend Yuen Woo-ping. A stone cold martial arts classic, the fourth entry in the franchise features a tight, dialed in script and non-stop action, from brutal fights at the docks featuring wrenches and dangerous chemicals to breakneck rooftop chases, vehicular stunt madness, and damning indictments of the American government's foreign operations. Join Jack and Vaughn as they close out March with an in depth discussion of a favorite director, the brilliance of Donnie Yen, the grueling intensity of shooting this film, and much more.

Next week we'll be back with an expansive exploration of Johnnie To, focused on 2006 gangster action epic Exiled. Until then, for more words, thoughts, and action adoration, find us all around the internet.

Vaughn on The Twin Geeks, Letterboxd, Twitter, and Bluesky.

Jack on The Twin Geeks, Letterboxd, Twitter, and Bluesky.

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Throw Down: An Action Cinema Podcast