Ep. 22: The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974) / The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (2009)

41m | Apr 23, 2024

Joseph Sargent's 1974 action crime thriller based on Morton Freedgood's original novel released to critical and audience acclaim, a scuzzy '70s B-thriller punched up by David Shire's stunning jazz fusion score, Gerald Greenberg's inventive editing, and the rapid fire back and forth of Walter Matthau and Robert Shaw. 35 years later, vulgar auteur Tony Scott reimagined the film as a slick, modernized thriller with an entirely new and contemporary approach to the film's examination of New York City. Scott's take was critically panned and only a moderate box office success, but today on the show, Jack and Vaughn dive deep into both films, comparing and contrasting their many differences as well as taking a new look at the 2009 remake - does it deserve the reputation it's gotten over the years?

Next week we’ll be back in the neon-soaked, muscle-bound dreamscape of Luigi Cozzi's Hercules (1983). Until then, for more words, thoughts, and action adoration, find us all around the internet.

Vaughn on The Twin Geeks, Letterboxd, Twitter, and Bluesky.

Jack on The Twin Geeks, Letterboxd, Twitter, and Bluesky.

Looking for more shows? Check out Jack on The STACKS and Vaughn on I’m Thinking of Spoiling Things.

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Throw Down: An Action Cinema Podcast