Ep. 15: Black Samurai (1976)

29m | Feb 26, 2024

As the height of blaxploitation collides with the cultural discovery of eastern martial arts cinema, stars like Jim Kelly came from appearing against Bruce Lee to being steely protagonists of cheap B exploitation cinema. With Black Samurai, Al Adamson crafts a scuzzy, sleazy actioner that pulls as much from the likes of Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung as it does from that of cheesy James Bond espionage. Flooded with cartoonish antics, diabolical cult schemes, violent carrion-devouring vultures, and jetpacks, join Jack and Vaughn as they explore this '70s schlock classic.

We’ll be back throughout the month of March to talk our way through the first four films in Hong Kong's girls with guns franchise In The Line of Duty – but until then, for more words, thoughts, and action adoration, find us all around the internet.

Vaughn on The Twin Geeks, Letterboxd, Twitter, and Bluesky.

Jack on The Twin Geeks, Letterboxd, Twitter, and Bluesky.

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Throw Down: An Action Cinema Podcast