Fighting over Tinkerbell characters??? DOUBLE FEATURE PT 2 w/ Em Davis

Season 3 | Episode 11
1h 33m | Oct 5, 2021

This is the second part of a double episode with me and my (former 😭) roommate Em! (The parts were recorded about a month apart lol)

In part 2, we talk about weird 2000s childhood toys and experiences, take a Tinkerbell character quiz, go off on Nick Foster/internet misogynists, and discuss growing up as evangelical Christians. 

Disclaimer: the end of this is pretty negative. We were really struggling after a whole year of being stressed out by COVID on campus. I’ve changed my mind on a bunch of things since then, and I think our college did a good job of keeping us safe, but it was a lot of pressure on us students to do what they wanted us to do.

Keep wearing your masks for the sake of those around you, and get vaccinated if you have the option (people in America/Canada/UK, I’m looking at you). Stay safe!

CDC booster shot eligibility link:

Links (for both parts):

Most iconic song link:

Weird goldfish crackers animated video:

Youtubers we reference a lot:,

For some reason, Mashable took down the childhood toys article 🙄

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Semicolons and Some Thoughts