Honor How Far You've Come

18m | Aug 17, 2023

Kelli delves deep into the significance of self-worship and recognizing one's own growth. She underlines the counterproductive nature of continuously focusing on our flaws and yearnings for 'fixes.' By emphasizing that we are not innately broken, Kelli encourages embracing and honoring your journey, commitment, and the daily choices made in the pursuit of personal growth. This message serves as a reminder that life's experiences aren't just about binaries of right or wrong but more about the lessons they impart. Kelli invites you to take a moment to appreciate yourself for your inherent worth, beyond any perceived imperfections.

Today on The Naked Mama:

  • The importance of self-worship in personal growth
  • Recognizing and combating the tendency to focus on perceived flaws
  • Viewing life experiences as lessons rather than binary judgments
  • The significance of daily choices and showing up authentically
  • The need to pause and appreciate oneself amidst the hustle of self-improvement

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

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The Naked Mama