• Episode 7: Accessibility Pt. 2

    In this episode using video, closed captions and other tools that may benefit those with hearing impairments are shared. These benefits reach beyond those stakeholders to other groups as well. Notes and links can be found at https://www.thecluttereddesk.info/2019/05/accessibility-in-classroom-part-2.html

    15m - Dec 25, 2019
  • Episode 6: Accessibility Pt. 1

    This begins a series about classroom accessibility and is the first of those discussing meeting the needs of stakeholders with hearing impairments. Find the links mentioned in the post and notes in The Cluttered Desk Blog https://www.thecluttereddesk.info/2019/04/accessibility-in-classroom-part-1.html

    14m - Dec 25, 2019
  • Episode 5: Accountability

    In this episode of The Cluttered Desk I talk about my views on accountability in education. I also add a new component to the cast with a discussion on a post I have found on social media by another educator that I found interesting or beneficial. Links can be found by going to https://www.thecluttereddesk.info/2019/03/accountability-in-education.html

    13m - Dec 18, 2019
  • Episode 4: Second Chances
    When working with students, sometimes they believe that they cannot succeed the first time. What does it take to help them see that they can get it right the first time? https://www.thecluttereddesk.info/2019/03/second-chances-are-they-only-option.html
    8m - Dec 11, 2019
  • Episode 3: 20% Time
    In this episode we take a brief look at 20% time and how it could be incorporated into the classroom. It could also be used to help prevent teacher burnout. https://thecluttereddesk.info/ep003 http://www.20time.org/ https://www.20timeineducation.com/ http://ajjuliani.com/20-time-guide/
    8m - Dec 11, 2019
  • Episode 2: The Teacher Shortage
    The nations schools are facing a shortage of teachers. What are some ways we can remedy this problem and make sure our schools have qualified staff to fill these positions? A few ideas are shared in this episode. https://thecluttereddesk.info/ep002
    10m - Dec 4, 2019
  • Episode 1: Introduction and Digital Citizenship
    In this episode the purpose of the podcast is explained and an overview of digital citizenship and how educators should model it for their students. https://thecluttereddesk.info/ep001
    8m - Nov 27, 2019
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The Cluttered Desk