Round Table | March For Life 2020

Season 1 | Episode 3
11m | Jan 29, 2020

The Citizen's Brief team traveled to the pro-life and anti-abortion March for Life in Washington, D.C. last week. While there, they heard Donald Trump, Steve Scalise, and David Platt speak at the rally and participated in the March down Constitution Avenue. After the March, the team met personally with US Rep. John Joyce in his Longworth building office. He spoke with the team about the importance of quality governance and about various issues valued by our district. After taking pictures with Representative Joyce, the team met with a staffer from Rep. Reschentaler's office in the Cannon Building. This podcast features TCB contributors David Struble, Owen Miller, Tyler Williams, and Jacob Taylor. They chat with Editor-in-chief Daniel Hostetter about their experience at the March and share their unique perspectives on the day.

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