Beautiful Birds, by Edmund Selous (1857 - 1934). Part 4.

1h 16m | Apr 5, 2023

In this volume, Edmund Selous explains the beauty of birds to children. We meet some of the most beautiful birds in the world, and learn about their lives. We also learn what to do when our mothers decide to wear hats with stuffed birds on them! 

All 12 chapters:

Why Beautiful Birds are Killed

Birds of Paradise

The Great Bird of Paradise

The Red Bird of Paradise

The Lesser, Black, Blue, and Golden Birds of Paradise

About all Birds of Paradise, and some Explanations

About Humming-Birds, and some more Explanations

Some very Bright Humming-Birds

Hermit Humming-Birds and Two Other Ones

The Cock-of-the-Rock and the Lyre-Bird

The Resplendent Trogon and the Argus Pheasant

White Egrets, 'Ospreys', and Ostrich-Feathers

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