055: Lori Eyler - Rest and Recreation

1h 31m | May 6, 2024

I met Lori Eyler back in the fall of the 2016. She was incredibly kind to a complete stranger (me) who needed help. I learned a lot about her the winter I lived in her suburban California home, but this episode allowed me the chance to ask some of the questions I never got a chance to ask. There's no doubt Lori Eyler is a talented, accomplished skydiver, particularly as an established camera flyer at her local dropzone Skydive Perris. And in this episode, Lori and I talk specifically about that, but also catch up as friends and discuss everything from how she started in this sport, the pros and cons of taking breaks from skydiving, and how things are going to look moving forward for her.

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Fall Risk: A Skydiving Podcast