ESD #123 - Stoner-Psych Releases 19.05.22

59m | May 19, 2022

Aired on ALEX Berlin Radio on May the 19th 2022 (6 pm).

Ganz viele frische Fuzzigkeiten der underground Szene, mit:

Stony Sugarskull, The Christian Family, Brother Grimm, Sid Vision, Hekla, The Re-Stoned, Dog Dimension & LA Witch

Vielen Dank an der Bands und an Voodoo Rhythm Records, Noisolution, Grand Lonely Productions, Kozmik Artifactz, DogSpeed Records, Suicide Squeeze Records.

Nächste ESD am 16. Juni um 18 Uhr, follow us:

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East Side Delta radio-show