The One That Started It All

Season 1 | Episode 1
46m | Aug 14, 2023

Originally Aired on June 20th, 2018, This episode is the first successful recording with Gord (He hadn't agreed to be a Co-Host at this point)

The following program is for adult audiences only. This is, this is Eric and Gord. What if we're right, live right now. Are you ready? Find and like us on Facebook. Follow us on Instagram. I don't have anything to drink. I hate my life. Here we go on 3, 2, 1, 0. Well, hi there. Happy Sunday. It's June the 10th. And I'm Eric talking at you as always, from beautiful downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, where if you have to argue the semantics between sexual assault and rape, you've probably already gone too far.

Okay, we'll call that long enough. That's a little shorter than normal. Welcome to, is it Just Me, a special Sunday edition. The reason we're doing a special Sunday edition is because I am canceling, um, Eric Brennan's Sunday School. Eric Bre Sunday School is just too much work or too little reward. Uh, maybe I'll pick it up again in the future, but it's really hard to do what we do on camera and, uh, try to make it fun and interesting, um, with substandard equipment.

So that was a long-winded thing to talk about. Um, welcome to the show everybody. Podcasting. Fm, very happy to be back working with Anchor FM because it just opens up a whole bunch of new doors. This doesn't mean that I'm abandoning because they just opened three new doors for us too. So that's three more platforms where you can listen to this show.

Um, and plus, with what Anchor does for us, it's pretty much anywhere you can hear a podcast. You can hear me and Gord, speaking of Gord, how are you tonight sir? I am fantastic. How you doing buddy? I am, we're almost four minutes into a whole recording, so I'm doing really well.

We'll take our victories while we can get 'em. Exactly. How is the Province of Ontario? No one's burned it down yet. No, no, we haven't started the the riots yet, so we're doing okay with that. I'm happy with the weather. We haven't had any sweltering heat for this last, uh, almost week, so I've been pretty happy with that too.

That's been nice as a, uh, that's fantastic. As a fat ginger, I am not a fan of the heat, so, you know,

you know, after, after all, you've got winter coming in about a week or Yeah. Something that, yeah, it's usually about every three weeks you get a good blast of winter.

We're, uh, we're pretty standard Vancouver weather here. It's been, uh, cloudy and dreary and can't make up its mind. It won't rain, but it won't get nice. Perfect. Uh, very despondent weather. Yeah. The very atypical BC weather.

Need a Woody Allen soundtrack playing. All right. I am I making weird noises here? I don't know. So, um, little disorganized tonight. I wasn't expecting to be, but I am behind schedule trying to get the mobile studio up and running. Uh, so Gord, did you wanna start us off tonight with, uh, maybe pick up some stuff you didn't get to say last night?

Um, or whatever you like. Well, one thing I didn't get to touch up on last night, um, I did a Facebook post about this, um, the other day. Um, I had, uh, you know, I'm out here, I'm, you know, getting, trying to get some new work going and, uh, first of all, Ontario is very sexist in what they're willing to hire you for.

I have actually only walked into three separate companies and asked about a job, and all three times I've been told specifically, sorry, you're a guy that is for women only. And, uh, well, I have never such a thing. It was unbelievable. Um, that was all three for, for customer service based jobs. Um, two was to work in a bar as a server.

I was just flat out told, no, if you wanna work in the back of the kitchen, no problem, but we don't have dudes in the front. Um, and the other one was for an office job. And I was told, no, no, no office jobs are for women. And it was a woman who told me this. I do believe that is against the law, but I don't know Ontario law.

Oh, it is the very definition of sexism against the law. Absolutely. But uh, yeah, it is what it is. And welcome to Ontario. So as a guy, the funny thing, yeah.

I wanna know if anyone else has encountered this. I want send in an email to maybe it's me Have you ever experienced sexism in a word, male or female? Uh, call in and, uh, a message here on Echo, echo fm, uh, phone number. 3, 4, 3 9, 7 4 5. And leave a message and please specify if you don't want your message played on the show.

'cause if you don't specify, we will play it. Have you experienced sex at all in applying for a job? I can tell you, like as a guy, this is the first time in my life I've ever actually experienced this. In a sense, reverse sexism, if you will. Uh,

You're here a job, you will work in the warehouse. I'm like, I don't wanna work in the warehouse. I'm fucking old. I'm, my body is half falling apart and it's not what I wanna do anymore. Put me in front of people. No, no, no. I'm gonna get you slinging because you're a guy. Shocking. You know what? It's funny, I'm, I experienced something very similar last week where, uh, I was told by an, a job placement agency that, uh, manual labor was what I've cut out for and the fact that I'm now old, my knees are shot, my back can't do what it used to, that's irrelevant.

It's, I'm a, I'm a construction worker and that's what I'll be until I can't do it any. So it's uh, that, that, that part makes sense to me. But the, the flat out being told it's a job for a woman, I don't see how that's even tolerated in this day and age. Yeah, there it is. My buddy who's a director of HR for a company, when I told him he is like, you know, you should be charging 'em.

I said, that would be three separate lawsuits I'd be going through and I've been in the province for a week. Like, come on, you.

Um, but my, wow. The thing I wanted to, what I, what set me off on my initial rant wasn't actually about the sexism. It was the, it was what I actually had to go through. It was a job placement thing where they're doing like a job fair. They had three areas that you could apply for, um, office work, forklift drivers, and um, warehouse work, general labor work.

I went in to apply for the office work because again, I'm good with people, I'm good with customer service, I'm good with the phones, and I was told, no, you're a dude. That's for women, so no, no, no. You'll be, you'll, you'll be applying for the forklift or this. I'm like, I don't wanna do those. I. So she hands me the forms to fill out.

This is probably one of the most depressing things I've ever done in my life, and I've dug graves for people. I mean, I've worked in cemeteries, I've made monuments, I've worked in warehouses, I've done midnight shifts. I've done jobs where people off themselves for a regular basis in, and this hands down was the most depressing shit I've ever dealt with.

The, the, the, the, the testing they have me do, it's right. It's testing for a two year old and this is the companies that want to hire saying, well, you should be able to do this. And I'm just like, I couldn't understand how low the expectations were and what the minimum requirement was. 'cause it was so, it was so s.

Here's nine more versions of that picture. Between one and three of each row will be different. Circle the different ones. And I'm like, this is what you do in grade school. Like, why am I 40 years old doing the same type of bullshit? It just, it just, I I was mind numbed about it, but what was, I wonder? Not sorry.

I, I, I just wonder if that corresponds with, um, Education levels in Ontario. It'd be interesting to look up numbers of, you know, high school graduate percentages and whatnot. Maybe that is the, uh, the standard testing for a 40 year old male. You know, it, it sure as hell shouldn't be. Absolutely not. But, uh, that's something we'll have to look into and get and get back in touch on.

Maybe there is a, a. School system or something. Well, I had asked, I'm like, is there, 'cause like when she first handed it to me, I filled it out and I went back to her and I said, um, you might have given me the wrong one, but do you have one for adults? And she kind of laughed it off and she's like, oh, you know, no, this is the standardized test.

I'm like, well, if you're gonna make me do this, can you at least gimme a crayon? Like, you know, let's just go with, with what you're giving me here. And she's, she's laughing. She. When I'm, each level, they give me, I did three different tests at each level. They gave me, I'm, I'm coming back to this woman more and more angry and frustrated.

And one thing that blew my mind was one of the things, but again, keep in mind I'm applying for a customer service or office position, and the paperwork is all for general labor. One of them was a picture of a forklift. Yeah. Okay. That is three quarters labeled and then on the bottom of the labeling is all the terms and all the pieces of the forklift, and it has like six empty spaces.

And the guy next to me who is like I would say 10 years older than I am, clearly this guy's been in the labor industry most of his life. You know, you can just tell. Yeah. Um, he turns to me and he goes, how am I supposed to know what these things are actually called? And I looked at him, I go, and I, I thought he was fucking with me.

I'm like, really? And he goes, seriously? I'm like, okay. I said, well, you see the stuff that's already labeled? He goes, yeah. I said, find those words and cross them out from your list on the bottom. What you have left over is what's gonna fill in the blanks. Fill in what you do know and what's left over. Yes, absolutely.

Seems pretty simple and understand. This is a white guy and there's no language barrier. Well, I'm gonna take his, as someone who holds four valid forklift certificates at the moment, and I have to redo my written test every two years to renew any given one. Yeah, it's hard. Looks really, really simple actually.

And they don't change. No. So, uh, That's pretty sad. It was quite sad. So I have that. There's a dude in a business suit sitting on the other side of me. He's cursing and swearing through this 'cause he doesn't understand what he's doing. I'm, if you have enough to show up in a business suit, you should be able to add one plus one on difficult stuff there.

Math. Like, it's the thing that baffles me every time I take a forklift test. Yeah. And I'm in a room full of people, half of them drive cars, which more intricate and to learn and, and operate. And yet these people can all get driver's licenses and over half of them failed their forklift test. It blows my mind.

It makes no sense. It really doesn't. It really doesn't. Oh, it makes sense if you don't think it, I suppose. But that was, I think that was the problem. Um, so the last part of the test, if you will, she gets me in the room again. At this point, I am legit frustrated. I'm, each time she gives the test, I'm telling her, I said, I'm stealing another pen.

'cause at least I'm walking in here with something. She's like, I understand. Take the pens. I'm like, thank you. So I'm stealing these big.

I do the final test and she hands, she takes this case, she flips her case open and on one side it's got these round discs with three different colors on it. On the other half of the case are round slots colored and the same colors that are on the discs. And she says, using one handle only, you take, you know, a red goes in the red on the bottom left corner and you go from bottom to, and then the second row bottom.

We have, did you get a food PT kind? Kinda right? I'm expecting data or electric shock. It's one of the two. So I'm like, okay. And she goes, and this is a kind thing. I'm like, all, so I begin and I'm doing this and I'm cruising through it pretty quickly and I get about halfway through and I just sort of paused and I, I, I literally, I stopped doing, I was doing and I looked up at her.

I go, so what's the point of this? Is this like I hand coordination? Is it. How you can pay attention to detail what it is. She goes, oh, it's kind of a combination of those and, you know, just sort of making like a basic aptitude test. And I'm like, oh. So I'm finishing up and I'm airing away talking to her because I'm, you know, I, I'm bored as I'm doing this.

I feel like I'm a child in fucking daycare, you know, putting circles in circles. And I was just gonna, you know, so I'm, so I finish the thing off. She hits the stopwatch. She goes, oh, you know, a minute 12. I'm like, and wow, that took me over a minute. That's pretty sad. I should have done that about 45 seconds.

I did pause, I did talk to her for a bit so I can understand. She turns me and she goes, wow, I'm minute 12. That's one of the fastest times I've ever seen, and the fastest so far. Today is two minutes is two minutes slower than you. It took somebody three minutes to do this. That was the quickest. Wow. So, yeah, I, I left there feeling normally you would feel proud of yourself, of being able to accomplish so much.

But yeah, no, I was quite insulted by the whole thing. I. I genuinely need to know if this is an indictment of the employment system or if it's an indictment of the school system. And if anyone listening in Ontario, uh, tonight, I know you're probably not, but after tonight, you will be anyone listening in Ontario right into the show.

Maybe it's me and let know. Uh, is this on what Gord's going through or is this a new thing? Is it an your Ontario system or is it, is every, is the government putting fluoride in the water? Why, why do people think Ontario are stupid? Uh, right in, maybe it's me or phone in, uh, three four three nine six four five, I believe.

And leave us a message and we have no t-shirts. Left to give away, but apparently if you write in or give us a call, Gord will send you a pen. I'll send you one of the pens I stole. You can have one of them.

You know, as, as a really quick side note, I have to quickly get this thing out. When I left there, I felt, you know, depressed and I thought I'm gonna go grab a quick beer. So I popped into a local, uh, you know, likes in p o U are to pour drink. So I'm thinking, cool, I'll try out some local craft beers and he'll check something out.

So I go in there and I sit down, I'm like, yes, I wanna chuck some local beers. First word I said, local beers. And the girl goes, well, we have Moosehead. Like, well, of course you do. It's Canada, but come on. Like, you know, help me out a little bit here. So I explained, I just came from BC and Craft Central, the world for beer and blah, blah, blah, and I'd like try something different.

And then she goes, well, we have Stella.

You're the bartender, honey, I shouldn't have to tell you how to do your job here. And I'm thinking maybe this place just opened up. So I'm like, how long have I been here for? She's like, well, I've been here for four years. Like four years, and I am okay. Uh, whatever I said. So we go through a bunch of the beers.

I do a couple of tastes. I find one that I like. I'm like, oh, I'll take this one. And she goes, really? She goes, yeah, really? People ever actually get these ones, everybody sticks with or this, and I.

And there's like eight regulars already in the place. Drinking. Yeah. And it's a healthy mix of guys and women. I mean, this is the craziest thing about it. I'm just like, I'm like, wow, this is nuts. So I turned around. I have my beer, I go to leave, I get my bill, my one beer, $9 and 75 cents. Oh my for one beer.

And I am just like, wow. And it wasn't even great.

Well, if you, if you can get the, uh, colored circles into the slots and earn that kind of premium salary, then you get to drink the beer. Oh, man. Yeah. I came home and I'm thinking I might just go and bury myself in the cemetery when I'm done here. This is, And I'm, I'm thinking you moving to Ontario is the best thing that could have possibly happened that show you're be getting a lot more Ran.

I did before I can't. Fantastic. I do have to pause really quickly and just mention, uh, some things that are going on here in the province. 'cause believe it or not, we're almost 20 minutes into our episode. That is absolutely spectacular. Um, so real quick, uh, I need to mention this Saturday, June 16th, uh, 58 West Hastings.

That's the Hastings Farm, right between the Grand Union Pub and the Potluck Cafe is the first annual downtown East Side Memorial Hockey. Street hockey and barbecue. Start at 9:00 AM with a pancake breakfast. Then, uh, the teams hit for four on four. Action, uh, co-ed team, one member of your team at least must identify as female.

$125 grand prize to the winner. $75 to the runner up. And we get a smoky barbecue when we're all finished with the action. Uh, pastor Al will be there to give a blessing and some elders from the uh, first Nations community are going to be there to help us. Remember the friends we've lost through the worth.

Worst health crisis that this, uh, community has ever faced and will probably ever face again. Um, for more information, you can go to my website, eric and to register your team, you just go to the contact page there. You can register as an individual or a team. Please specify if you're a goalie 'cause we need them.

Uh, that it's again, Saturday, June 16th at 58 West Hastings.

That's really cool. It's really exciting. I am on a sprained ankle, a severely sprained ankle at the moment. Oh. So I won't be playing, but I will be, uh, doing the play-by-play from rink side all day, interviewing people and putting it all out on this fantastic show of ours. So it's gonna be really exciting.

Um, want lots of people to come out for that 'cause, uh, it's a good, good thing to support. It's put on by the guys at Insight. I've just recently gotten to know insight, um, and what it really is and what it's really like, and it's just baffles me what an amazing place this is. And the people there are just fantastic.

Um, I couldn't do what they do. They just take abuse all day and they, they accept it with a smile on their face. And, and welcome everyone with open arms. They're a really amazing and inspiring group of people. So come down and, uh, enjoy this event with us Saturday, June 16th. Um, yeah, I have no music to play.

Ordinarily I'd be playing a song right now. I'm gonna have to get used to this new platform and how it works. Um, just, you know, for the record, Eric, we'll get, uh, the, my end keeps cutting out. So your, your vocal on my end sounds really here. It's like I can go and then we're got, eh, so it's just really, I'm killing myself laughing on this end, just so you know.

Uh, that could be because I'm moving around and that could be why I get a little beep ly quite positively that like, that Was that, where did I just cut out right there? Y yeah, you're cutting about every few seconds, but it's, I, it's killing me. I, I, I'm loving it. It's very, very humorous to me. It's like you're singing me a song through a bad computer voice.

It's like Stephen Hawking is singing me a song. Ah.

Uh, that recently passed. Good man. Shit. Was it too soon?

Yeah. It's never too soon on this show. That's what this show be too soon. It's too not a bad idea. Um. What have I talked about? All right. Sunday School not happening. We're on anchor fm, Gord's talking to us. Uh, hockey promo. Get free coffee for doing that. So that's a good thing. Um, I. And I will just shamelessly plug, uh, the Champion Tree Entertainment Company is very proud to be sponsoring this event and lending all the, uh, talent and recording capabilities that that company has to offer at the moment.

Um, doing what we can and hopefully next year we can actually do something for them. Um, They're just fantastic. Uh, champion tree because the only things in life that are impossible are the things you don't try. Um, moving on, I guess this is kind of in line, uh, with what you were saying. Ford is it, it seems to.

At least here in BC that the direction things are going is they're trying to remove the stigma from homelessness and addiction by getting as many people as possible homeless and addicted. Hmm. Less and less help from the government in the actual areas that able-bodied people need. Uh, I was told last week that, uh, manpower doesn't help you find a job anymore.

That's not what they do. And BC housing a, a government department whose entire mandate is to find housing for people, they won't do that. I, I was flat out told that's not what they do. Uh, go, go find your own housing and report back to them. I, I don't understand. There's 110 different levels of government working together for nothing, it seems like.

Well, um, the thing that I've heard so far about that, that was that a lot of it's going for immigration. It's not going for locals. So all the housing, all the money, everything's.

That's what I hear. Number one complaint in Ontario. Anyways. Now I want people to, to answer this genuinely, and I know I'm not gonna be popular with this opinion. Is it just me or should we not be helping ourselves? I know that's wrong, but I look at it like the oxygen masks on an airplane. Put them on us so that we can help the ones who can't.

Does that not make, is it just me or does that not make sense to you? Help out. The, the people who were here were established. We've been tax paying citizens now, I've been registered since I was 12 years old. Um, I've been off and unemployed since I was 12 years old. I've been paying into this system that makes, uh, 30, I can't do the math.

Uh, 28 years. Why don't I get help first? I'm all for immigration. Absolutely. We're the largest country in the world. We have. I believe it's something ridiculous, like two thirds of the country is unpopulated. We have tons of room. Send everybody here, but get us employed and working so that we can help them.

Does that, am I offside on that one? Gordon? Does that not make sense? Well, for the fact that I only heard about nine of those words, I think I got pretty much the key ones. I think you're pretty much right on point. It's um, it makes no sense. Uh, but I think you're pretty much right. It is. Take from the people who have been investing in this country for the last, you know, 10 to 70 to 80 years, and screw 'em when they need the help.

Basically. I, I don't understand. And, and I'm, I'm all for immigration. If you didn't hear that part, I'm glad to bring these people in. We've got massive land that we don't use. Let's share it all, but help us so we can help them. And help me first. I've been paying into the system for 28 years. I had, um, as a, as a prime example of that one, while I was in BC right after I lost my job, or I should say, no, lemme rephrase that.

When I, I, I broke my foot and then I applied for EI while I was off broke my broken foot, I got denied. I'm 43 years old. I've been paying into this system since I've been 16 years old, or 15, 14. My official job. I've been paying this. I've never collected e EI a day in my life. I've been working nonstop for three and a half years, and I get told and I got denied.

I was the manager of a, because said, oh, you don't have enough insurable hours. Come on my whole life and you can't tell me my entire life. I can't collect a dime of this. Come on. And I got denied. I want someone in the government or someone who works for someone in the government to write in to, maybe it's me and explain employment insurance to me.

I pay into this every two weeks. It's my money. I'm not asking you for money. I'm asking you to return some of my money to me. Is that not just a given? Yeah, the system makes How, how do you deny me anything? It's my money. I never gave you permission to take it. And then it's just gone. How does that make sense?

And out here, by the way, in Ontario, they take even more than what's done in BC because out here you lose about anywhere between 41 to 53% of your paycheck has gone to taxes. So 41 to 53%, that's a huge amount of your money gone to taxes. And yet I can't collect. Come on. It makes sense. I firmly believe ei, I mean this, I mean this genuinely, I think EI should be, when you fill out your government tax forms, there should be a yes or no question.

Do you want to pay into EI or not? If you don't pay, you don't get it. Uh, I think it should be optional. I have as is now, I have a simpler solution. Well, it's not simpler, it's actually more advanced, but I've always thought. Then your money comes outta your check and it goes into an account. That money is your money.

When you are out of a job, you can collect that money and you can get your pay to keep you going. If you work your whole life and you don't get your money and you don't use it, or whatever money you have left, then you get that money back and that is part of your retirement fund. You've been paying into it.

How does that not make? That's absolutely that. Now, see that not only encourages gainful employment because you get a reward at the end, well, it's not really a reward, but it's like, it's like a savings account for someone like me, that would be brilliant 'cause I'll never maintain a healthy savings account on the phone.

Especially in today's society. You're not, you're not set up to do it unless you're getting paid 300 grand a year. Yeah. You know, that's something I wanted to talk about, not necessarily tonight, but since you bring it up, I do wanna mention, and I don't know if you're going through this, but it costs an incredible amount of money to be broke.

Oh, it's very expensive to be broke. I, I am spending a ridiculous amount of money every day on things that I never really noticed. But when you're, when you're counting your pennies every day. Well, not in DC 'cause we don't have them. I guess that's Canada. Why? Um, and this is where my would play, but I don't.

I'm spending a lot of money every day on things that perhaps I just didn't notice, uh, because you don't think of them when you're going to work every morning. But now I'm pinching pennies and I can't believe the amount of money it costs to be unemployed and homeless. It's, uh, it's no wonder no one could get on their feet because once you're there, it costs a lot of money to get up there and nobody's.

And as gorgeous points, the government, the last group of people willing to assist you. So what do you do? What do we do as a country to help out the less fortunate drop the housing price in our housing market? First of all, million dollars for a house that's not even worth 130,000. Come on. Ridiculous the housing market.

I, I honestly don't know enough about who's setting these prices or why, but they make sense and I don't believe wages in.

Saying if we raise business, I don't believe they said it 10 years ago when we raised it up to $11, they made the same complaint back then was gonna break the bank. They couldn't do it. They would all go outta business. I don't buy it. Yeah, but look at what happened to the economy that happened though.

Look at the cost of everything now. You keep raising up the minimum wage, the cost of everything else goes up because the companies are losing money. Company can't stay in business if they're not cutting enough profit. So they're laying off more people, making the people who are there work harder and longer hours.

So you keep raising up the minimum wage, all the other costs, your cost for groceries, cost for gas, cost for hydro, for, you know, fuel. Everything goes up, everything raises up, and everybody, nobody gets it. Like Ontario, they just raised the minimum wage to what? 14, $15 an hour. And somewhere in there. Yeah. As soon as it happened.

But they did it all at once. Well, that it's supposed to go up to, I think 17 is the total. By 2020 it goes up to like 17 an hour. I mean, great. So I'm gonna be making minimum wage making $17 an hour. Fantastic. Bread's gonna cost me.

Yeah, exactly right. And the argument is that all the other wages have to be, uh, adjusted in line. I mean, you, you don't wanna, uh, a doctor or someone, you know, like that saying, making minimum wage just because that's what minimum wage has gone up to. Um, Which I think is kind of not a valid argument in my opinion.

I don't, just because it's called minimum wage, you still make a decent amount of money, and now more people do too. I don't see why that's, that's just a social, well, think about this. You're working at a company. You worked at a company for say, three years. You started at $12 an hour, right? After working there for X many years.

You all of a sudden are up to $14 an hour. Now minimum wage hits 15, which means you get a boost up to $15 an hour, the same as the guy who just walked on the job. It's not fair. You gotta take that guy and boost him up to 17 or $18 an hour, but they're not gonna do that because it costs too much money.

So they just fire the people or they push the people out that have been there for longer and they bring in younger. People who have no work ethic, who have no work desire because they're easy to replaceable with another batch of younger idiots. I was taught, when I was in management, a very prominent Canadian retailer, um, I won't name them, but they rhyme with Bona.

Uh, they instructed me as a manager. It was taught to me that it is cheaper. Really hire and retrain people than it is to maintain a good, long-term employee. So you are that, that turnover is encouraged. Um, it's, it's cheaper and easier to hire and retrain than it is to have a good, loyal employee that, that I don't understand how sick and backwards the world has gotten where that makes sense.

But that is why large retailers. Do what they do. It's loyalty does not exist in business anymore unless you're getting into a private company that's not part of a chain. Anything that's part of a conglomerate. Anything that's a larger business that employs more than five people. Loyalty means absolutely nothing to anybody anymore.

It's just all we need is just fresh. We can keep replacing people instead of hard time or full-time. We're gonna hire two part-timers because we don't have to pay them Benefits. I had this conversation with someone else regarding something very different on East Hasting Street this weekend. What has happened to integrity in our ring?

What has happened to loyalty? What has happened to just basic human decency? And it transcends all levels of society and all occupations and, and whether it's business, whether it's personal, whether it's two criminals stealing each other's shoes in the. What has happened to common integrity and decency?

Why have we all become these horrible people? I can answer that question. Please do. Money. The cost of living. Look at what it used to cost in the 1970s to live in Canada. You could buy a house for, you know, 60 75, buy a car for. One person could maintain three kids, a wife, a dog, and a house on a 40 hour, 40 to 60 hour work week.

Now you need two people working 80 hours a week full-time, and that's two single people. Just to be able to have a form of savings. If you have a kid, well, you know, you're basically screwed.

So you have to have a multi income family. The, the stress to be able to afford to live is so high that every single person, it's not even a matter of being out for themselves as much as just it's pure survival. You're just seeing a different type of survival. Instead of us going out and killing somebody for meat, we're gonna stab them in the back mentally.

I wonder how far we are away from the first one you just mentioned though. Honestly, five, 10 years. I do see our society going that way, and that's frightens me. I see a Mad Max style dystopian society, or a really good example. Now people don't give this movie credit where it's due, but the movie Demolition Man.

Yeah, with Sylvester the Underground in that movie, headed by the amazing Leary. Uh, very possibility. Just a group of people out there stealing food, not, not for anything other than to nourish their families. Uh, that's not far off, I think, in our society and it frightens. I fear for my child. I also think that the movie, the Courage isn't too far off of being the truth as well.

What better way spin the numbers and let people go rampant on each other for a night? I wonder now, obviously we've got, uh, uh, too much of a, uh, uh, moral society or, uh, supposed, uh, cleaning society dictating the way things go. Um, Which is what's putting large roadblocks in front of genetic engineering and, um, genetic manipulation, uh, you know, children and whatnot.

Thank God there's some roadblocks still in the way. But are we far from removing those, do you think? Are we, are we going to get to that immoral? You kind of, uh, you know what's funny? I personally believe in genetic human genetic engineering. Absolutely. I think it's the next step of human evolution.

Eliminate the stupid perfect the human body. Once you're able to perfect the human body, once you're able to eliminate forms of disease and really forms of absolute stupidity, you can start raising the IQs. Once the IQs get raised, people start looking for better solutions for humanity. Right now, the world is pandering to the idiot and well, who gets to play God scenario?

Who decides what the perfect human body is? The the rich because they're the ones that can afford it. But God forbid. But I mean, really when you look at it at its core, what you really need is you need end of the human evolution. You need three core things. Common sense, you need population control. You need iq And I'm not talking about bookmarks iq.

What's that? We definitely need a full be introduced or even legislated in the next, I think. I think I've been told we're due to double our population. Something like 50 years. Oh yeah. Easily. Uh, some ridiculous in the last 40 years.

It's insane. Uh, which, which has a rippling effect too, because the more population, the less, uh, arable land you have. Um, just snowballs. Yep. Jobs, cars, food, space. And I still don't understand why no one's come up with theistic soil style food stuff made for people.

Stop burying people, turn them into food. We can solve two problems at once here. Well, I still love the idea of putting people into, uh, urns in the sense and then turning them into trees. I think this is a great idea. I mean, I've worked near the death industry my whole life, like growing up in the death industry.

I've been around it. I've, like I said, I've worked in cemeteries. I've made monuments.

Of a casket, uh, laying a body in full length, bearing 'em in the ground, it's, makes no sense to me. Have you heard of the, the process they've come up with? I don't know if they came up with it at B C I T, but they're now offering a core seat where you actually are decomposed into a, uh, uh, a usable, essentially a topsoil.

Yeah. And it is to replace cremation. Uh, I have a friend, she was actually an intern at Eric Brennan Studios before it was shut down.

Uh, and luckily, That's no longer being offered at the moment. Um, anyway, she's taking this course and it's, instead of, it's an alternative to creation, which is process. Um, and you become a soil, a usable soil and put back, it gives you whatever you know, your, your next of kin chooses to do with that. Soil is, it's a fantastic idea.

And I don't get the attachment to the human body. I've always viewed us as a sack of being water. Um, I'm a spiritual person. It's supposed to be all about the soul, isn't it? You know, the soul moves onto the next stage of the world or next level of whatever the hell it is that's out there. The body does nothing.

It rots in the ground. There's nothing else. It's.

And not particularly useful one, really the left in the animal kingdom. We are the weakest animal you could possibly imagine. We have no claws. Our teeth are dull. We have no hair to protect us. We're a pretty sad animal if it were for our ability to. To, to think we, yeah, we, we, humans wouldn't exist at all if there were to It's communication basically.

Really. We have a language where we can communicate ideas, I think much better than the rest of the animals. And we have thumbs. That's all it is. We can, that's it. Talk and we have thumbs. I, I, I've been doing this podcast from a mall in East Vancouver, and I guarantee you that's all that separates most of the people in this mall tonight.

I mean, we watch animals, we watch, we all watch those. When animals attack, you know, when an animal focuses on us, we're pretty screwed. Absolutely. And I meant what I was saying. I know it sounds funny, but it's true. Uh, pound for pound in the animal. Oh yeah. We do, we, we have evolved beyond our defenses, which is.

I think pretty counterintuitive to the spirit of evolution, but, uh, we've, I, I, I, we're all gonna become is, as you said, sooner or later we're all gonna be Stephen Hawkings. We're gonna be in chairs with computers talking for us, and we're gonna have, what was that animated movie where the people was at Wally?

We'll end up like Wally Bunch.

RP rp.

Closer than we think. I do believe I'm gonna do,

uh, Gordon, sit tight for a we'll have you back on minute. Absolutely. The. That is about it. Believe it or not. Gordon, we're 45 minutes

an episode out there. You have more.

I've probably heard about two and half minutes of conversation the. Oh, okay. You can, you can hear the, uh, you can, you can hear it when we, uh, publish it, which, uh, ideally will be immediately. I really hope I've been answering proper questions. 'cause if I've just been going off on a completely different ran top, you're going with it.

This is gonna sound really humorous on my end. So that's, that's the joy of having two people hosting the show. Frankly, I just.

I gonna change the weekly poll question. I had a poll question planned for the week, which introduce every Monday. Um, the new poll question is going to be, have you ever experienced sexism? Well, job hunting. I want to hear from guys and girls on this one. Maybe it's at Gmail. 4 3 9 7 4 5. Area code 6 0 4 3 4 3.

Uh, or yeah, please specify if you don't want us to play your message on the show. Uh, Gord, are you ready to wrap it up or do you have another subject?

We did it the first official complete episode with

music. The, uh, sound effects and all that aren't there yet.

Can you hear me? I can hear you barely, but I can still hear you. Uh, can we count on you to be tonight, tomorrow night with us? Um, I believe so, yes. Excellent. On that note, Gordon and I will return at some point tomorrow night. Join us tomorrow on m and anywhere you enjoy your podcast. And until tomorrow night, take care of each other.

Have a good night, everybody.

Yeah. Okay, we're, I don't wanna push, we'll get cut off, but, uh,

I guess so I wonder what was causing that. I don't know. It's just like I said, from my end, it's just like I get the occasional few words and then it just goes to either dead air or your voice goes, and I don't understand it. Is it, let me guess. It's perfect now, isn't it? Because I'm not, it's still sort of cutting in, but I get the occasional, like I, I'm still getting occasional sort of blip, but it's apparently it's still enough.

I can still into most of the conversation. Oh well that was a lot of fun. Anyway, really interesting stuff. This is, I didn't think this obesity thing was gonna be quite as interesting as it's fascinated by it. I love it. Um, well I'm excited 'cause I'm finally gonna have, once you get the other episode up and then this one up, I'm actually finally gonna have a chance, something I can then post and share and.

Get a part of this one a little bit more involved. Well, I'll do first, I'm gonna do this tonight's episode first because I think it's better, and then we'll do our episode right after that. Absolutely. So I'll, I'll try get on that right away. Um, because they're gonna kick me out of the mall here. They actually closed 10 minutes ago and I'm just, oh shit.

Okay. Uh, so I'll let you go if, uh, there's, alright, thanks a again, have a good night, brother. Talk to you later.

Stories have a penis, girls have a vagina. Please be advised that this podcast is meant for educational and informational purposes only, and is in no way a replacement for legal or medical advice. The opinions contained within are solely those of the interviewers and interviewees and should be received as so those seeking help or advice are encouraged to obtain professional legal and medical services.

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Eric & Gord: What If We"re Right?