Season 1 | Episode 6
21m | Jul 1, 2021

Our guest for episode 6 is Patt from The Southern Arizona Hiking Club.

They are a hiking club founded in 1958 and at one point have had over 1000 club members. Its a great way to experience the natural wonders of southern arizona and to discover places you’d never visit on your own while forming lasting friendships in the process.

With more than 60 guides, they offer a wide range of weekly guided activities - from peak bagging to mall walking - you can find something easy or strenuous.

Our guest Patt is on the board of directors and has also been a member of the club for a little under 30 years. We talked about how to join, her favorite local places to hike, and how the club adjusted during covid 19

If you’re interested in joining the club or trying it out before committing, go on their website and click join sahc on the top left corner. Also make sure to follow their facebook page at arizona hiking club

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