Pornography & the Church w/ Jonathan Edwards (Ep. 35)

1h 10m | Nov 23, 2023

This podcast episode is part of the 30 Days of the Truth About Porn newsletter by FMBS. Jonathan graciously agreed to come on the podcast and talk candidly about the subject as it relates to the church and how we, as a church, respond to and think about this issue when it comes to real Christians who sit next to us. Perhaps we are the very ones who struggle with this sin.

Here are five questions that I (Aaron) ask Jonathan during our podcast discussion:

1. Question: Generally, what are your first thoughts about the issue of porn and Christians in the church?

2. Question: How would you sum up the history of how we (as a brotherhood) have handled this subject?

3. Question: What is your take on the issue of porn among women in the church? Is there a need to even address women in this discussion?

4. Question: What do you think we need the most or more of (as a church) as we go about fighting Satan for sexual integrity and freedom from porn?

5. Question: If someone comes to you and confesses they have a porn problem, what do you recommend to them and what would you recommend others do?

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Five Minute Bible Study Podcast