The Armchair Psychologists 13 | Honey, meet your new cellmate, I mean roommate!

Episode 12
39m | Jul 23, 2023

In this episode of The Armchair Psychologists Podcast, Xochitl and Jack discuss three AITA threads from Reddit: 1) AITA for wanting to split expenses in half vs. a percentage based split with my BF? 2) AITA for begging my GF to uphold a sexist tradition just so she can make a good first impression? and 3) AITA for being upset that my BF invited his ex-con friend to live with us?

We're offering our armchair analyses to these three situations, but we'd love to hear what you think. Email us at

Intro/Outro Music: Eaters, Transmission #2

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The Armchair Psychologists