Five things we wish we knew as new parents

35m | Apr 5, 2023

Becoming a new parent is challenging, beautiful and confusing all mixed up together. When we became new parents we learned some things quickly that we wished someone had told us before bringing our baby home.

Each family and each baby is different, but we're sharing what worked well for our family. In the podcast we chat about the five things we wish we knew as new parents.

The five things we wish we knew as new parents are:

1. You'll have little sleep but somehow you figure it out.

2. A schedule for the baby makes a world of difference.

3. It's okay to ask for help.

4. Everyone's child is different.

5. You don't need all the gadgets.

These will make more sense as we explain them in the podcast. We hope they are helpful things to hear as you step into new parenting.

You're doing a great have entered into the beautifully challenging and rewarding world of parenting.


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