89. Mom Brain is REAL

34m | Aug 29, 2023

This episode is for the Mamas who feel behind and feel like they're never doing enough, even though they're always doing SOMETHING! You're not alone - and you're not crazy!!

I share some research about "Mom Brain" and how Motherhood literally causes permanent changes in our brain, and provide some ways to work WITH it to get what you need to get done, DONE, while being a great Mom!

Check out the research I referenced here:


The Money Making Housewife Show was created to empower women to achieve their version of success so they can have all they desire and deserve in life!

Jelisa is your BFF in your head reminding you how dope you really are and giving you tough love when you need it! Because you CAN achieve the success you desire, while being an amazing Mother/Wife/Sister/Daughter/friend, AND keeping your body tight & right, AND making all the money you want HOW you want - without going crazy in the process!

Women tend to play supportive roles in everyone else’s lives and never become the star of our own - especially as Moms & Wives. And as a result, we aren’t living truly fulfilling lives.

Here at The Money Making Housewife Show we are moving with purpose, honoring the season we’re in, and remembering to show up for ourselves while showing up for everyone else. 

Thank you for being here! Subscribe so you can listen and watch the episodes on YouTube. Share with your girls, rate and review…all that!

Everything we need to create the life we desire and deserve is inside of us. 

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The Money Making Housewife Show