Not One But Two - Our Common Thread

1h 0m | Apr 5, 2021

Don't we love when things go our way, situations fall right into place giving us exactly what we want when we want it--- no potential interference from another? We can sometimes feel a desire to approach our life, with all its wonder, --alone; only to discover that it is so much richer shared with the other.

Join Dr. G. Dau and Judi Miller as they come together exploring life's most important questions finding the common thread that unites us all.

Tune in for this philosophical conversation at or watch the Facebook Livestream by clicking here.

Show Notes

Segment 1

Dr. Georgeann starts tonight’s show off by introducing the show’s new co-host, Judi Miller. The two start off with a story that is a metaphor for God’s constant presence. Dr. Georgeann reads a poem about how we are all connected to one common thread and discusses the meaning it took on for her. Judi goes on to discuss how being on the same thread, we still have free will and are unified by love. Judi asks Dr. G. what the thread means to her. The two talk about how we are shaped by our childhood, and how there were other outside factors affecting the interactions we had with others. They move on to a discussion of love and what it means to love.

Segment 2

Dr. Georgeann brings up the reason the show started, talking about how the topics the show covers are often overlooked by society. Life can be difficult sometimes, the two hosts discuss why this is and how we can transcend our problems, living for a higher purpose. They go on to talk about the importance of awareness and the gap between stimulus and response. Dr. Georgeann calls back to the point about childhood, diving deeper into how our experiences up to the ages of 5 to 7 shape how we react to stimuli throughout our life. Judi and Dr. Georgeann talks about the idea that we can be impacted by events in our life without realizing and then explain the topic of epigenetics. Epigenetics is the idea that we can inherit the past traumas of family members.

Segment 3

Only 10% of our life is lived consciously, the other 90% is unconscious. Dr. G. draws a comparison to a glacier, with 90% of the ice being underwater. She continues on to discuss the difficulty a lack of control can bring to our lives. Judi brings up the question often asked, “if we are all made in the lord’s name, why do bad things happen to us?”, and the two share their takes on the question. We are all the creators of our own lives, but we project outward what we don’t want to see. When we lack a sense of identity, we look to our possessions to define ourselves, which can make us feel less than. This is only a feeling though, we are not less than. Judi shares another analogy about water, the analogy represents how we are all part of the creator. The two talk about the value we receive from sharing love, and how giving love is not something to be announced, but something that adds value to our life.

Segment 4

Coming back from the break, the two hosts move on to the topic of gratitude and how it can connect us to God. Dr. G. believes that love is the answer, even when she doesn’t feel loving, she knows that she is the creator of her life and every outcome in her life is a result of something she’s done. Judi agrees on the importance of gratitude and continues on to talk about how we often lose ourselves in our lives and don’t take time to do things we enjoy. Every night she looks for something she can channel her love into. Judi talks about truths in her life and how realising them has impacted her life. The two move on from these truths to talk about how they share many of the same beliefs but arrived at them in different ways. Dr. Georgeann then shares daily rituals she practices everyday that may help listeners in their daily lives. A practice shared by Judi is the slowing down of her mind, through prayer, nature, and other activities that give her reference. Dr. G. ends tonight’s episode in prayer.

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Journey Through To Awareness