Connective Literacies with Dr. Jocelyn Washburn and Dr. Suzanne Myers

1h 11m | Nov 15, 2023

Connective Literacies with Dr. Jocelyn Washburn and Dr. Suzanne Myers

As technology becomes more and more interwoven into educational spaces, how do we as educators utilize digital tools in ways that are effective and beneficial for ourselves and for our students? In this episode I talk with Dr. Jocelyn Washburn and Dr. Suzy Myers about the term “connective literacies” in their article titled “Adolescents' perspectives about their digital and connective literacies”

In this episode we explore what are connective literacies and what is the Connective Literacies Framework. We investigate what we can learn from adolescents and their experiences and perceptions toward technology use in the classroom. And we close by discussing how educators can help students navigate these connective and digital literacies in the classroom. 


 “Adolescents' perspectives about their digital and connective literacies”

Literacy Insights

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Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy Podcast