Origin, Variety, Process, Part 3 : Process

18m | Jul 17, 2021

This is the third and final podcast of our three-part series; Origin, Variety, Process. 

Throughout this series, Christian and Tyson will catch up with Jason (Market Lane's co-founder) to discuss how a coffee's origin, its variety, and how it is processed will differ significantly from one region to another. Thus, impacting not only the flavour profile in your cup, but also how the coffee is produced and what this means for a producers cost of production.

Part Three: Process

Processing is essentially how coffee producers will remove the seed (what we refer to as coffee beans) from the fruit and skin of the coffee cherry and prepare that coffee to be exported.

How a particular coffee is processed will have a significant impact on how that coffee tastes. For example, some processing methods will produce a more fruit-forward cup, while others can help to reveal layers of complexity and nuance in a coffee.

To find out more about our wholesale coffee partnerships, please visit us here.

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Coffee Up! - A podcast from the wholesale team at Market Lane Coffee