• 526 - Why Women Will Never Be Happy With Men

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    Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

    This video is brought to you by a donation from Rusty and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, Near the final months of my marriage when things were going downhill, my wife accused me of having aspbergers syndrome. She claimed that aspbergers was probably the reason I do not emotionally connect with her in the way she wanted, and if confirmed, then she would know for sure that she would "never get the kind of love she wants from this relationship". She asked me to take a questionnaire on a website with 33 questions. Answering "yes" to 25 of these questions suggests a high likelihood of being on the Autism Spectrum. I ended up scoring 19, but I also felt that many of the questions were ambiguous without context. This questionnaire makes vague generalizations about a person's personality based on hypothetical ideas, but a person's real life reaction to such situations could be very different depending on the specifics the a situation. I feel that many of these questions are designed to penalize a person who has a somewhat stoic and serious attitude about life, qualities that might also correlate with success. Reading more of website's material, I think their view of an ideal "neurotypical" man would be one who is impulsive, codependent, lacking drive, lacking discipline, and completely pliable in the hands of his wife. All of the stock photos used on this website show women either having the smug grin of being in control of their partner, being pampered by a man, or being what looks like victim of a bad relationship. This website claims that it's gender agnostic, but they use "he" everywhere to the describe the troublesome person. It is definitely marketed towards women, and what I see is a business trying to convince women that they are the victim of a defective partner so that they could sell counseling services. I pointed out to my wife the biases of this source of information, but it didn't matter. She was already convinced that I was mentally deficient, incapable of providing her what she wanted, and her girl friends and parents and siblings provided all the confirmation bias she needed. It's important to be aware of businesses like this because there are whole industries marketed to women with the goal of getting them them to abandon a stable relationship rather than stay and work things out. Counselors make bank selling therapy. Child psychologists make bank testifying in court. Divorce lawyers make greater profits with more conflict. The state collects more taxes. If kids are involved, a whole bunch of other people can cash in on that too. And the better a provider the man is, the bigger a family he can support, the more loot there is for them all to plunder. In a twisted way, women are victims of capitalism because the marriage is sold to them, then the divorce is an even bigger sale. There conflicting idealistic lifestyles sold to women and plenty of services like this website to profit from them. Men are collateral damage, and nobody cares because we don't buy into this. 60 years ago Sean Connery could probably smack his wife and society would be on his side. The pendulum has swung far the other way. Society cheers the woman who finds herself at 40 and any excuse she can to smack her husband with divorce papers, breaking up her family. As a married man, you have the whole machine of society wanting you to fail. I don't know where we go from here, but we live in interesting times. Well Rusty thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to my thoughts about it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2:

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    10m - Jun 26, 2024
  • 525 - The Manosphere Goes Mainstream & Women Are Angry About It

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    Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

    This video Odium a musician out of Israel that's sponsored me before. I'll give everyone a link to his music so you can check it out where you'll see a link in the description. In one of the previous shout outs someone reached out to him and they have collaborated on an album. He literally had to deal with the aftermath of a bomb knocking him off his feet and a kidney stone and the collaboration kept him sane. But with no topic I thought I'd cover something from the going your own way forums before they are gone. Here's what a guy named Edward has to say on there and I quote: "So recently I checked out a popular forum amongst young men that I hadn't been to much since my 20s. This is one of those places that doesn't have much rule enforcement so people can say what they want. What did I find? Red pill truths completely dominating the forum and discussions. About every 4th or 5th topic was something about discussing women and their true nature...with almost every young guy in agreement. I was amazed at the amount of young men that spoke like they had been going their way for 20 years." unquote. I'm seeing the same thing in real life. I mentioned a while back that I spoke with a 13-year-old not wanting to get married and instead focus on going into the trades. That's what I like to see and I guess I'm at least partially responsible for making it mainstream. This is what I wanted. I'm seeing posts everywhere about the wall, the 80/20 rule, single mothers and gold diggers. Those have been getting the most retweets on my Twitter profile as well. I was entertained by stuff like that in 2014 or 2015 so I'd say that the average guy consuming today's red pill content is somewhere about 8 years behind me. He still has yet to go through the red pill rage 2.0 and when that happens look out below when it comes to fertility rates. The fertility rates are 1.45 right now in Canada and 1.65 in the United States. But I suspect they will go down to 1.1 or 1.2 at least in ten to fifteen years just from the manosphere going mainstream. Even cnn is making videos. Men talking about female nature used to get demonitized and deplatformed. But now YouTube has re-monetized Hammerhand, Undead Chronic, myself on my Sandman 2 channel and many other guys that were unmonetizable. What was socially unacceptable in 2018 is perfectly fine in 2023. I suspect that's happened because creators like Just Pearly Things, Fresh & Fit and now whatever are on the scene collecting tens of millions of views each month. Rollo Tomossi is calling everyone grifters while defending fresh and fit saying that Pearly just took their content and his. Which is strange because Fresh and Fit definitely were influenced by the book the rational male by Rollo. I guess he doesn't go after them because they promoted him on their channel. As for the Whatever channel that looks like a grift. He started off as a prank channel back in the day and suddenly he's up to seven or eight million views a month once he starts doing manosphere content. I believe that YouTube demonitized prank videos so he's just reinventing himself in a format that looks like Fresh and Fit except he's white and more like Elvis stealing content from black men. He also has four million subscribers so that's going to give him tons of clout. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline Investments:

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    10m - Jun 23, 2024
  • 524 - WTF Happened To Keanu Reeves?

    Haakon The Good

       • The Philosophy of Self-Preservation  

    Keanu Reeves and his Mom Patricia Taylor arrive at 2020 Academy Awards

       • Keanu Reeves and his Mom Patricia Tay...  

    Bill & Ted's Alex Winter Reacts to Keanu Reeves and Alexandra Grant's Relationship


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    Hi Everyone Sandman,

    This video is brought to you by a donation from AJ and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, Any thoughts as to why Keanu Reeves is dating a woman that easily looks like she could be his mother, despite only being 50? Why go for an old granny when he could have anyone else? In fact, in the cited video attached, Keanu makes attempts at feigning a few PDAs on the red carpet, but his tight lips and open eyes suggest that their relationship isn't even real."Well AJ thanks for the donation and topic. In case people are wondering who Alexandra Grant is here's a picture of her and here's a picture of Keanu's mother. My thinking that Keanu has a case of male mother need. His parents were divorced while he was small and he lived with his mother and his mother kept re-marrying over and over again. He's been single for a very long time and I thought that he was going his own way especially when you see those pictures of him eating alone on a park bench. He's also not fifty, but in his late fifties and yeah he could easily find an attractive woman in her thirties or early forties and have a relationship. But I think Alexandra being a writer he uses her as bit of a muse. The kiss in the video seems forced and his facial expression changes from happy to upset the moment the kiss is over. His eyes were open during it and I just think the guy is socially awkward. I do believe the relationship is real because if she's just his beard he would have found someone much younger and prettier. The guy is emotionally damaged from his childhood with three different step-fathers and being ferried around by his mother everywhere. Plus he faced another tragedy in 2001 when he lost his wife in a car accident and a child that she miscarried. There's another video I made about this back when they first got together and spoke about how he got together with her most likely because she has a lot of qualities of his mother. I also spoke about how their relationship gives all the middle aged milfs and gilfs tons of hopes that they might get their own Hollywood hulk one day and that they don't have to look like a movie star or be all that much younger looking than him.

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    9m - Jun 21, 2024
  • 523 - How Women Control Men

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    Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

    This video is brought to you by a donation from Ms. Fat Cat. She's clearly not Shakespeare so I had to rework her words. It took me longer to make something coherent out of them instead of just write something myself. She wants us all to believe that her and her husband getting together and staying together is just something random instead of being somewhat planned and premeditated by her. Here goes and I quote: "Sandman I have no idea what I'm suppose to tell you about my husband. I have no idea why we started dating or why he's still even here. Not from his perspective anyway. After my car accident I figured my scars would be my biggest problem. Turns out I'm extremely picky with men and would lose interest quickly. When girls would go on about some movie star or boy band, I had no idea who they were and I could not bring myself to care. Not for them or the popular guys at school. I did wonder about my lack of interest. Anyway I met hubby at an off line meet-up of 30 people. He looked great and I remember being so surprised not being put off when he spoke. During those 8 hours a hardly said anything to him. Just hello. For some reason I got to sit next to him during the movie we all went out to see as a group. After that I went home on my own. Next time I met him by chance. Several months had past and I had a boyfriend in between. To be honest, I was quite fed up with men at that point. I did not expect him to great me so warmly. I figured I was trying to impress the other girl by being nice to me. I didn't see him for the rest of the day and when I bumped into him again at night he asked me to go drink. The next day we hung out and exchanged phone numbers. At some point I moved in with him and after my car accident settlement, I got a house and ask him to come with me. He did, despite knowing what its like being with me. The more I got to know hubby, the more I liked him instead of being put off. Even now I'm still learning things about him. He knows I'm an extrovert by nature. The only reason I need to be an introvert is due to my medical problems. He helps out at home. There are so many things he does. I think it's quite sexy how he never gets jealous of me interacting with other men. Worst he does is be slightly rude to people, but even that has nice duality about it. I've been told quite often how lucky I am. About a week ago I had a bad day. Hubby tried helping me. I was close to growling at people and told some guy to shut up while out on errands. I did not want to go home. I was embarrassed and did not want to escalate more then I already had or make my son deal with this. Hubby said I could go to hotel if I wanted. I staid at work because I did not want to deal with people and sat there for hours. I honestly don't understand why and how he's able to put up with me. My own family can barley deal with me.

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    10m - Jun 19, 2024
  • 522 - The Future Is Female Cyborgs?

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    - MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia

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    Scientists create mice with two fathers after making eggs from male cells


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    Hi Everyone Sandman here,

    This video is brought to you by a donation from Nicholas and here's what he briefly has to say: Hi Sandman, looks like the future is male, not female as many have said. Technology, not love will conquer all. When you add this to future tech like artificial wombs, it's not hard to see how feminism is writing women out of existence. They have made themselves obsolete, who would have thought?" Well Nicholas thanks for the donation. You sent me an article called: "Scientists create mice with two fathers after making eggs from male cells" which I put a link to in the description. Scientists have been able to create mice with two biological fathers by generating eggs from male cells. We are on the cusp of a sexual revolution for men with things like virtual girlfriends, sexbots and we will reproduce without having whamen in our lives. Women already had theirs in the 1960s and 1970s and men let them have it. I don't think women are going to let us men have ours all the easily. They will fight men gaining equality in the sexual marketplace and eventually dominance. AI generated adult material is here and soon we will see virtual girlfriends, sexbots and the ability for men to reproduce without needing to have a girlfriend or wife. 2 male friends choose to reproduce and co-parent and the child's household will be a lot more stable. Two men paying for surrogacy won't be that expensive. The child will have a financial headstart and won't have to deal with as much drama in the household. The article says it could pave the way for two men to have their own biological child. But do you really think that gynocentric governments' are going to allow that to happen without a fight? Let's not be naive about it. The way to sell the technology would be to women first. Get old childless cougars that have delayed having children are now infertile to fight to push the science forward. If it does become available you know what will happen don't you Nicolas. Women will delay having children into their fifties or sixties when they should be grandmothers. But if they have those kids that will hopefully get us closer to replacement fertility so governments with collapsing populations may actually embrace it out of desperation. Ethics be damned. I would also get gay couples to fight to make this legal. So how is this possible? Katsuhiko Hayashi and Japan's Kyushi University has made two male mice have offspring and believes we are 1 decade to create viable eggs from human male skin cells. But unfortunately wha! for whamen science hasn't figured out how to make sperm from women's cells. So it will most likely be men that have the option to reproduce in this way. More realistically it's going to take 10 or 20 years for this to become a reality. Hayashi is in favour of this technology being used clinically to allow two men to have a baby if it were shown to be safe. But many of his colleagues believe that he's too optimistic and that we don't know enough to do this yet. I think that cloning will be something that shows up on the scene first because afterall we are able to clone pets right now. It's simple. You take dna from your cel and swap out the dna of an egg. Plus cloning is a sort of pseudo immortality. You live on or should I say your younger twin lives on. Given the choice between reproducing with another dudes' skin cells or cloning myself I would choose the clone and I would have a much more rewarding parenting experience raising a younger version of myself because I already know what I like. But the ethics of cloning would be a lot more complicated than those of two dudes having a child together. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Profit Specialist Group:

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    10m - Jun 16, 2024
  • 521 - Gen Z & Millennials Think Women's Rights Have Gone Too Far

    Sponsor Link:

    - MGTOW's Guide to Retiring on $200K in SE Asia

    - http://www.mgtowbooks.com

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    Gen Z, Millennials think women’s rights have gone too far, according to new survey


    Mystery Link: https://fxn.ws/3n81Rai

    Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2039428

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    Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv

    Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

    As donations with topics keep drying up I'm strongly debating just deleting the content on Sandman 1 and getting remonetized the way my Sandman 2 channel has been on YouTube. At least that way I'd get about the same amount of money as if I would have if people were supporting me. Just giving everyone a bit of a heads up in case I decide to do that. Anyways, now on with today's topic. I put a link in the description to an article called: "Gen Z, Millennials think women’s rights have gone too far, according to new survey" It looks like Gen Z is swinging back to traditionalism because it's rebelious to be traditional these days. It's like the new punk rock don't you know. If you think that's crazy then look at the trad wife phenonmenon where women want to bake cookies at home and submit to their husbands. Look at women entering the manosphere like Just Pearly Things with over a hundred million views in a month. You don't think that's a reflection that you people are sick and tired of gynocentrism? She's making it socially acceptable and cool for women to push back against feminism. The youth in every culture tend stand up to authority and the ideas it promotes because they see those ideas as old fashioned. In this case with wokeism and women's rights going too far they are rebelling by doing the opposite which is trying to become old fashioned. If the teachers are telling them it's ok to be gay and it's socially acceptable to do so they are starting to think it's not cool anymore. In fact you're starting to see the rebelion with language itself. I'm noticing people in their early 20s using the term based instead of cool. Cool his withstood the test of time all the way from the 1950s to today but it's finally starting to die out as the zoomers start replacing it with based. Change is inevitable. The kids that do buy into the woke ideologies and women's rights are probably the weak minded ones or the ones that are trying to brown nose for a better grade or so their professor likes them. The author of the article seems worried that there are disturbing views from young people that the battle for women's rights has gone too far. Over half of people in younger generations, millenials and zoomers believe the push for equality is negatively impacting men and that men are doing too much to support women. Around 53% believe that while it's 46 percent of gen xers and 40 percent of boomers. I think Gen xers and boomers aren't aware that the pendulum has swung so far because they are either married or longer term relationships or have an issue with the way they perceive time. The woke madness has only been happening for the last five to ten years. Most of 40 to 50 year olds memories and life experiences happened before that so for us it's basically a blip on the radar. What this is telling me is that younger people are consuming tons of manosphere content and listening to people like Andrew Tate and Just Pearly Things and starting to understand the issues that men are facing being marginalized. I think this trend is only getting warmed up. Is soyciety coming to it's senses? Or is this just about teenage rebellion. I think it's just a reaction by the young trying to avoid the ideas and attitude of the old. Also Gen Z and Millennials were the generations that most believed a father who stays home to look after his children is “less of a man”, with 30 per cent of both groups agreeing with this statement. This went down to 22 per cent for Gen X and reduced even further to 14 per cent for Boomers. So this is probably one of the reasons that the trad wife phenomenon is also gaining steam. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2:

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    9m - Jun 14, 2024
  • 520 - Would You Get On This Plane?

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    The mother daughter pilots forging a path for female aviators


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    Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2039428

    Odysee.TV: https://odysee.com/@SandmanMGTOW:c

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    Sandman 2:    / @sandman2317  

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    Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv

    Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

    This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to cover this article called: "The mother daughter pilots forging a path for female aviators". This is in line with another story I recently covered with women becoming truckers. I thought this was a new story but apparently it's from a few years back and I missed it. I know a lot of guys get anxious flying these days if there's one woman in the cockpit let alone two of them or two of them that are a mother daughter duo. Someone should ask the question when are these two going to go on lonely fans. I don't think any of us want to see that. The story was originally on CNN and the article. It covers Donna & Suzy Gerrett a mother daughter flying dove duo. Donna's mother as well as her father are pilots. It makes me wonder did her mother get together with her father to help her become a pilot in the first place? You know for mentorship through matrimony. Suzy Garrett, her mother, was one of the first pilots for regional carrier SkyWest. This idea of a man doing something and then the woman following in his footsteps is pretty common. I did the same in the

    early 2000s when I was building a web business and was working with my girlfriend at that time. As for Skywest their ESG score must be so high that it's up in the air, literally and figuratively. They went viral and passengers were taking pictures with them. Probably some to send their life insurance agent just in case they didn't make it back alive for proof. Flight attendents and rampers were asking for pictures too. I was also right that Suzy looking for a mentor because she was dreaming of becoming a pilot since the 8th grade. What better way then marrying a man that's a pilot that can also help her out. But 30 years ago the landscape of aviation has been dominated by white males and that is little changed she says. 94% of pilots are white and 92.5% are male. That seems to match up with the Statistics that 7-8 percent of long-haul truckers in the United States are women as well. In the trucking video I mentioned earlier one of the truckers, a 36 year old woman had a husband that was also a trucker helping her out. I don't think people understand how important mentorship is for women in such fields. Apparently the number of astronauts is similar

    with 90% being male so far. There are now organizations like Sisters of the Skies trying to get scholarships for female pilots as well as mentorship. Good luck in this world of metoo. Now it's never going to happen and I suspect that the number of female pilots may actually fall in the future. Suzy says she never faced discrimination in the cockpit and feels she got the same opportunities as male counterparts. So there you have a woman saying there's no sexism. In fact she probably had tons of men help her out. She says it was mostly the people outside the job, passengers that weren't too happy about flying with a female pilot. I've also noticed the pattern where the father and or mother do something and then their children also tend to go into that field. Of course she would if she has the genetic advantage where both her parents were able to make it in that industry. She probably inherited the same brain. Donna Garrett started flying in college after her father taught her the ropes. So her father mentored her. No risk of sexual misconduct there unless they were flying to Epstein's island or something. The mother daughter flying duo see themselves as a good example to encourage other women to become pilots. Of course they probably won't receive the same mentorship. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline investments:

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    10m - Jun 12, 2024
  • 519 - Amber Heard Is A Broke & Unemployed Single Mom

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       • The Philosophy of Self-Preservation  

    Mystery Link:    • The 3 Things That Divide Men & Women ...  

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    Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

    This video is brought to you by a donation from Tony. He wants me to cover the strange case of Amber Heard quitting Hollyweird and moving to Madrid, Spain. And nothing of value was lost. Her career looks like the character she played in the recent version of the stand after she jumped off a skycraper. We all know that it's Hollywood that quit her first. Now if only she would take Megan Markle with her there would be justice in this world. She says she's probably write a book and we all know she's going to make millions off it and hopefully she trips up and Depp sues her for libel. She has a two year old daughter named Oonah that she had through surrogacy. She won't say who the father is but I'm guessing it's Elon Musk and he's probably paying her living expenses after Depp sued her into oblivion. She's bilingual in Spanish and is happy there, raising her daughter away from all the noise. One of her old friends shared this information and said that she's in no hurry to work in Hollywood. That's ok because they aren't in a hurry to hire her back. Plus she's 37 so in a few years the only roles she would be able to get if she hadn't destroyed her career are those of a mother. We don't know 100% that she's moved to Spain but she sold her Yucca Valley, Calif., home in July 2022 for $1.1 million and has been spending a ton of time in Spain. The court ordered her to pay $10 million in damages plus another 350k for writing that Cry Baby article hit piece about him in 2018. After losing in court and hopefully she brought her own bedsheets to Spain. I think Depp won't even take all the money. And if he does again I think that Musk might be supporting her to raise a kid that might be theirs. Again lots of speculation. She won't say who's kid it is but she was involved with Musk and was cheating on Depp with him. Now that she's done with Hollywoke, more like they are done with her I'm thinking of the Lonely Fans opportunities this opens up. She could also moonlight on some Dubai Porta Potty action. She's already auditioned on Depps bed sheets or should I call them bed shits. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Haakon The Good:

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    9m - Jun 9, 2024
  • 518 - Women Are Going Their Own Way Now!

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    Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

    This video is brought to you by a donation from Ms. Anonymous and here's what she has to say: "Hi Sandman, I’d like you to cover the subject of the SINKs movement. The acronym stands for single income no kids, and seems to be comprised of only women. Thank you." Well Ms. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. But there is no Sink movement. Just a bunch of women that chose to live alone, usually until they find someone worth living with or women that are introverts that just want to be independent and to be left alone. You shared an article from the Muffington Post Christine Deakers a novice contributor back in March of 2014. It's called Are You a SINK? The Manifesto for The-Single-Income-No-Kids Female What's the function of a woman who's married, yet childless? But I didn't see much regarding the manifesto. I wish more of it was covered. That part is just clickbait so that she can use her audience as an emotional tampon to vent all her frustrations about life to. The Muffington post gets free content and she gets to express her verbal diarrhea. She's not very clear and uses too much complexity in her language. I saw Dinks and Sinks in the 2000s. I was technically a dink. Dink stands for a couple that's double income and no kids. It's inevitable that the Dink community would give rise to the female sink community. Or men that go their own way because we are increasingly atomizing thanks to social media. I laughed when Christine said that Dinks take weekend trips to Toronto or other North American Cities on a whim. First off why the hell would anyone want to go to Toronto willingly? The museums are 2nd or 3rd rate, the architecture is mostly awful and the traffic is some of the worst in North America. Not to mention these days it's as dangerous on the Subway as New York was in the 1970s and 80s. I knew women that were considered sinks back in the 2000s but they weren't part of some sort of movement. They had usually gotten out of a long unsatisfying relationship and now wanted to spend their lives living alone or with a pet. Christine asks what's the function of a single woman in our culture who is single by volition, financially independent and has no kids? Her fuction is worker drone in soyciety. She's a tax payer. Spending most of her money on rent, a mortgage and basics like a phone and food. Keeping the money creation machine growing. Usually riding around on public transit because she can't afford a car on a single income. According to another tiktok video you sent me ms. Anonymous a different woman said this and I quote: "Can we start talking about the SINK (single income no kids) lifestyle and living alone in your 30's. If I decide not to get married or don't find a partner until later in life, that means I could pay up to more than $500k for living expenses compared to a married woman. SINK women will still need to earn a significant amount of income to life a comfortable life." Unquote. This is exactly why women are being told to be independent and that they should live alone and don't need no man. Because they won't have much savings and will spend most of their money simply to live. This makes them vulnerable to the system and their independence is an illusion and their life is a financial sink or sinking financially. Maybe that's what we should call their lifestyle instead. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline Investments:

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    10m - Jun 5, 2024
  • 517 - The Dangers Of Filipino Women

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    Mystery Link:    • Are Chinese Women REALLY LEFT OVER?  

    Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2039428

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    Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

    This video is brought to you by a donation from Rusty and he's got a bit to say and before I get to his words let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection Part 2: Anyways here's what Rusty has to say and I quote: Hey Sandman, In your recent video about Passport Bros, you cautioned Western men against going to the Philippines and having a son with a Filipino wife. As a man who is half-Filipino, I have some perspective to share. My dad is white & my mom was born and raised in the Philippines. I've never been to the Philippines and never felt a connection with it. Through my mom, I've seen the darker side of Filipino families. Women in my mom's family were all very gossipy and scheming against one another which is fitting since a branch of her family tree is descended from Spanish conquerors. Filipino women can also be loud and dramatic. The ones that I've grown up around love to shout their conversations. When I was small, my mom would get occasional phone calls from her family back home. It usually had something to do with a need for money and would make my mom very stressed out. One time my mom got scammed by a relative who convinced her to wire a large sum of retirement money to buy an investment. The person who received it disappeared and was never heard from again. At times when I was growing up, my dad and some of his friends would suggest to me "getting an Asian girl" because - according to them - they are subservient, good wives. But, my mom was anything but subservient to my dad. They would fight all the time. While growing up, I did not consider myself to be Filipino. I abhor the concept of racial identity because I don't want preconceived notions about groups of people to determine the interactions that I have as an individual. It wasn't until sometime in my early adulthood that I learned 5'6" is considered short for guy. There are still many women who are shorter, and I've had success with some very attractive women. I don't wish that I was any taller because my size allows me to more comfortably fit into spaces like small cars, airplane seats, playground equipment, and furniture. With regards to height I hate how I'm treated in the workplace. I'm a software engineer and have proven myself time and again to be a competent employee. On numerous occasions, I've improved products in ways that have a tangible outcome for the company bottom line. Yet, people I work with are often dismissive of my ideas when I first bring them up. My best successes in corporate world have come from taking over projects that someone else completely messed up and I turn it around into something good.

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    10m - Jun 2, 2024
  • 516 - The Sexbots Are Almost Here

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    A Candid R-Pill Discussion with The Legendary SANDMAN

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    Mystery Link:    • Where have all the good men gone OR h...  

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    Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

    This video isn't brought to you by any donations. If you want to request a topic you can do so at the Subscribestar, Paypal or the Bitcoin links below. A while back I sat down with the Rebel Against Defeat and had a conversation about the future, how we aren't going be to traditionalism. It's a fascinating conversation I'll share in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline Investments:

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    1h 18m - May 31, 2024
  • 515 - Women Blame Men For Everything

    Stoic Indifference:


    Mystery Link:    • AI Is Getting Out of Control in Blend...  

    Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2039428

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    Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

    This video once again isn't brought to you by any donations. At the very least give this video a like and watch it on my Sandman 2 channel on YouTube with is now monetized. The link is in the description. I've been thinking about the coming male sexual revolution with AI girlfriends and loverbots. First women will try and shut down such technology to keep the attention flowing their way. But eventually they won't be able to and men will go their own way from them. Then family formation and fertility rates I'm predicting will fall off a cliff and probably drop at lest 50% below replacement. All soycieties will start to see each new generation being half as large as the previous one and that means shrinking economies and the end of state sanctioned pension schemes because governments won't have enough tax revenue to pay for people to retire. Women will get pissed off and blame men for fapping off too much and loverbots for the crash in population. They will also blame men for not manning up and being a good enough catch. But they won't blame themselves for the fact that they have increasingly become difficult to be around with regards to attitude and appearance. They will blame anything except their own behavior for the coming demographic winter. Why is it that women have a hard time taking accountability when something goes wrong? I think it has to do with evolution. The ancestral females that took accountability were probably forcefully taken out of the gene pool by angry and violent men with a temper. The ones that survived with descendants probably just pinned the blame on some poor simp that didn't deserve. So the simp was taken out of the gene pool instead of her. The answer to why women blame men for everything is because taking accountability can be very dangerous as a woman in pre-history when you didn't have any way to defend yourself physically. That's my basic theory about female evolutionary psychology. Women still blame men today because their software hasn't had time to adapt to civilization yet. We probably have to live for tens of thousands of years in an advanced world before our descendants have time to adapt and women can finally take the blame. But they won't because it still doesn't provide any evolutionary advantage to do so. Also with the economy it's a zero sum game that will become increasingly competitive as the population starts to fall. Wealthy people are going to have to pay younger people more and more money to work for them. It's like what happened during the black plague. Suddenly the peasants had more land and opportunities because one third to one half of the population was dead and gone. I suspect something similar will start to happen as humanity shrinks rapidly. Those providing labor should be increasingly rewarded unless of course AI and robots start doing more of the work. That would actually be a good thing because it would free up a greater portion of our population to do the more complex tasks. But then again those would eventually be automated away as well. I keep thinking that women are going to blame men for the constant economic contraction brought about by the coming male sexual revolution. They will also blame us for not giving them the attention they need and for why civilization is depopulating. Of course they are equally to blame or more to blame because they are the ones that choose to get pregnant and keep the babies. Yet it's somehow going to get pinned on men that there aren't enough humans being created. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Stoic Indifference:

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    9m - May 29, 2024
  • 514 - Are Passport Bros Over? Women Can't Let The Good Men Escape

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    Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

    This video isn't brought to you by any donations. If you want to make a donation and suggest a topic you can do so at the sponsor link in the description. Thank you. Anyhow, I recently watched a video called "Is This The End of The Passport Bros Movement" and the two guys in it cover a CNN article called: "MP investigates alleged practice of sex tourism by American youtuber in Bahia. Today's not so mystery link is a bunch of passport bros telling black men to stay away from black women in Brazil because feminism got super strong down there. I know exactly how that happened as I've spoken to guys in Brazil in the MGTOW movement which was the biggest in the world. That's because Brazilian women are some of the most feminist women in the world. The fertility rate in Brazil is 1.67 which is lower than the 1.78 in America right now. But it doesn't matter because there are lots of scammers in the passport bros movement that are looking to sell men on the dream. Brazil is warning women about black American men in Brazil that go under the label of passport bros but that many are really there for sex tourism. The movement has grown and statistics don't lie. The US passport office says they have receive 30-40% more passport applications this year when compared to last year. Yes covid was still technically on this time last year but I'm sure at least some of those requests are coming from men that are looking to move overseas and find a trad wife. So it's conceivable that the Passport Bros are creating delays for the government issuing passports. I find it hilarious that Brazilian police are warning their women about guys seeking traditional wives overseas. As if they need someone to white knight for them. Are the police really that stupid and don't understand that women know exactly what's going on. According to that mystery link in Salvador Brazil Feminism is 10x stronger than it ever was. Another YouTuber in Bahia is under investigation for the alleged crime of sex tourism. I couldn't find the guys name but it looks like he's the face of the movement and he says that everyone making similar content is fake and copying him and a phony. About ten to fifteen years ago there was a group of black men that went on camera talking about how great the women were in Brazil. Things move in cycles. About seven years ago there was a guy that would fly American men out to Russia to meet women. Now it's starting up again and it's attracting the scammers. I was approached by a bunch of different guys recently sending me messages wanting to get me to promote their new passport bros businesses. I mentioned to those guys that there were tons of guys that fell for this about five to ten years ago. One guy back then would be flying out western clients and taking the money they paid them and used some of the money to buy them escorts or fake girlfriends. All I can do is warn guys. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline Investments:

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    10m - May 26, 2024
  • 513 - How Women Hide A Promiscuous Past From Their New Boyfriend

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    video:    • Cash Discount Program Explained  


    How to hide a promiscuous past from your new man


    Mystery Link:    • Mario Kart as Mad Max?! | by Midjourn...  

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    Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

    I wanted to cover this article sent to me by Jared with his donation called How To Hide a Promiscuous Past From Your New Man. Here's what someone named Anonymous X wrote and I quote: "Sometimes a guy is so great in bed that you can't risk scaring him off. Here's what you gotta do. First of all, let’s make one thing perfectly clear: There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a slut. The fact is that you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince, and in this year of 2023, people are free to experience sex no matter their color or creed. Also, your current partner is the only person it could possibly concern, and that means that a wild ride is by definition the past. In an ideal world, men wouldn’t care about our Number whatsoever. But seeing as this is still a White Supremacist patriarchy, we’re going to go ahead and assert that men absolutely will find issue with a woman having scored numbers on the higher end of the slut spectrum. And sometimes the copulation is so good you can’t risk scaring him off. This tutorial is for those times. Here’s what you gotta do. #1. Try to find out the number of people he has slept with! If it’s more than what you’ve bagged so far, chill. You don’t have to say anything. #2. Lie. It’s that simple. IMPORTANT: And then, follow up with an almost virginal act — but don’t overdo it. #3. Tell all, if you must — but with a twist! Like promoting a couple of bonks to an old boyfriend status… that way you can get down to telling tales of about two or three men in total. #4. Tell the truth? MAYBE… Some men are actually not bothered by a woman’s ‘lively’ past. But before you tell all, be sure that you are dating one such. How do you find out? Well, is he HAWT? #5. Pretend past lovers were terrible. And even if you have decided to reveal everything, remember that when you did, you didn’t enjoy it very much either. It’s not that it didn’t mean anything…, it’s just that with him it means so much more. So tamper your truth-or-dare with a bit of “baby, you’re the best”… always goes down well. #6. And say they abused you. Don’t let your man think too critically when you’re being creative with the truth. Toy with his emotions by hinting, or even saying outright, that a lot of these old “boyfriends” abused you. #7. Do your cyber op sec and do it right. You already knew to prune any evidence from your social media, but I bet you didn’t know you should also create a plausible cover story for missing information or blocks of time. Blaming it on an ex hacking and vandalizing your accounts after a bad breakup is the good old trusty, but you can really cook with your creative juices here. The more elaborate and preplanned the story, the harder it will be to crack for your new dude’s prodding questions. Have an answer to every question. Most importantly — have fun! #8. And finally: always bring trusted friends in on the conspiracy. One more thing, make sure your friends are briefed. You don’t want to be in a social situation where one of them suddenly blurts out, “Do you remember when we were in Ibiza and you did it with three men on one night?” in front of your man." unquote. Again thank you Jared for the donation and just remember that women have a culture of lying.

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    10m - May 24, 2024
  • 512 - The Vanishing American Woman

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    Perspective: The vanishing American man

    From college to the workplace to romance, why are so many young men not in the picture?


    Mystery Link:    • Woman Gets Herself Arrested Again Imm...  

    Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2039428

    Odysee.TV: https://odysee.com/@SandmanMGTOW:c

    Bitchute Link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/YIxe...

    Sandman 2:    / @sandman2317  

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    Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

    This video is brought to you by a donation from Doug and he says thank you for everything. I hope you find Christ, but the truth is the truth is the truth." Well Doug thanks for the donation. Since you left it at that I wanted to cover an article Called the Vanishing American Man by Elizabeth Grace Matthew. But I would argue that the reason men are checking out of soyciety is because women checked out first because they stopped acting and looking like women. In Matthew's article she mentions how former Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse had kids that came into his bedroom on a cool summer night complaining that they couldn't sleep because the air conditioner wasn't working. That's when Ben realised he didn't teach his kids the difference between something being "nice to have” versus “need to have.” Ben wrote a book called “The Vanishing American Adult.” in 2017. But Elizabeth doesn't agree with Ben she thinks it's more about the Vanishing American man instead. Where have we heard this before? Where have all the good men gone comes to mind. She says that young women are going to college at rates higher than men and out-earning young men in some cities. Just because men are staying put in their mothers basements while women work at their careers doesn't mean that women aren't vanishing. Femininity, proper etiquette and slenderness are being replaced by morbid obesity, bitchiness and a more masculine appearance. The women are still there it's just that guys aren't going to work themselves to death for a 35-year-old 250 pound rude female manager working at the Sizzler. It's shocking to some women that many men do actually have standards. She also says one of young women's strengths is that they are less likely to live with their parents. That simply means they aren't willing to move out in their early to mid twenties and pay rent money they will never get back. Women typically move away from home because they are most likely to argue with their mothers. Women are vanishing from traditional appearing womanhood a yes men are disappearing from higher education, participating less in the job market and fewer are looking for romantic relationships. That's because the juice is no longer worth the squeeze. Women just haven't figured that out yet because their life is more than an economic calculation. It's a social calculation intstead. Men avoiding college which leaves them unemployable with 200k in debt is not in their best interests. Increasingly men working for a wage that doesn't keep up with inflation while they dodge metoo allegations at work also isn't worth it. So a record number of guys are checking out of the labor pool. Men checking out of relationships is partially because women don't want to date down and also because the quality of the ogres with ovaries out there keeps going down. By 2030 60% of American women will be obese. For men the bigger a woman gets the less we notice her. Ironically she becomes invisible as a long-term relationship prospect. The Brookings Institute scholar Richard Reeves believes that one of the reasons young men are struggling is the lack of male role models in their lives. Others, including Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, contend that young men are vanishing because our culture is devaluing traditionally masculine virtues and skills. So basically because the world lacks more guys like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson and because masculinity is toxic. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

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    10m - May 22, 2024
  • 511 - Marriage Is Over! David's Bridal Slashes 9000 Jobs, Files For Bankruptcy

    Sponsor Link: Haakon The Good

       • The Philosophy of Self-Preservation  

    Marriage 'will be extinct in 30 years'


    Mystery Link:    • How Women Compete For Partners - Joyc...  

    Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2039428

    Odysee.TV: https://odysee.com/@SandmanMGTOW:c

    Bitchute Link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/YIxe...

    Sandman 2:    / @sandman2317  

    Twitter:   / sandmanmgtow  

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    Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ Gmail.com

    Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv

    Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

    This video is brought to you by a donation from PJ and he wants me to cover the story of David's Bridal going bust. They are the largest wedding dress retailer in America and control over a quarter of the market and now they have declared bankruptcy and are looking for a buyer to come in and rescue them. They already filed for bankruptcy protection in 2018. Many will say that covid ended them or an uncertain economy and inflation. So now they are looking for a buyer for their 300 locations around the country and they have been in business since the 1950s. They say that might also be online competition but you can sure bet that other bridal companies are suffering too. Another excuse is the shift to casual weddings. I haven't really seen that as a wedding photographer and videographer. If no buyer comes in to rescue them they might have to close all their stores and liquidate. Good! Of their 10k workers 9k are gone and have been laid off. All of those reasons I read about are just an excuse. You know the real reason for their collapse if you've been following this channel for any length of time. The marriage rates are collapsing and men are going their own way. We've already seen jewelry stores impacted as well. I posted this story on Twitter a while back and one guy said that ChatGPT couldn't give one advantage to being married over just dating someone. But it gave him 50 reasons why marriage sucks for men. We are making a serious impact guys and we need to keep this up. Many people will say that the only ones crying will be the divorce lawyers. But it's also going to be wedding halls, catering companies, photographers/videographers, limo companies, churches, Diamond & Jewelry stores. As well as formal clothing companies, catering staff and not to mention all the money that won't be spent on wedding gifts. Then there's also travel being impacted with less honeymoons. But I suspect that money is going to be spent on twenty-somethings travelling the world looking for the perfect selfies. If David's is or was smart they would have closed all of their unprofitable stores back in 2018 and focused on top ten or twenty percent which are profitable in wealthier areas because people with money still tend to get married. They should have taken the money saved from the closed 80-90% of stores and invested it making the remaining stores as upscale as possible. That would have a better chance at working. But not to worry folks your order is safe and the women that ordered dresses will still be getting them. There's not much to this story so I thought I'd cover another article called: "Marriage 'will be extinct in 30 years'" from the daily mail. So even the lamestream media is accepting the fact that marriage is going to end. But boy have they still got it wrong. I'll cover that in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Haakon The Good:

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    9m - May 19, 2024
  • 510 - Men Are Walking Away From College & Soyciety Will Collapse

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    Odysee.TV: https://odysee.com/@SandmanMGTOW:c

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    Sandman 2:    / @sandman2317  

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    SubscribeStar.com: https://www.subscribestar.com/sandman

    Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ Gmail.com

    Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv

    Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

    This video is brought to you by a donation from The Leprechaun Cowboy 2.0 and here's what he has to say and I quote: "Hey there Sandman! The Goat! Heres my contribution for memes of the week! (hilarious as always) I wanted to know your thoughts on women who are self-proclaimed lesbians and the nature of them still having beta male orbiters around them. Wouldn't this in the very least mean they're bi? I mean not that I care one way or another. But I had a conversation with a self proclaimed lesbian and she was talking about her best guy friend and how all the guys she has in her life are adhering to an "unspoken conversation" that they, the guys, would not make a move on this girl. Clearly beta male orbiters but if she's lesbian, what is she doing with them? Thanks and hope your healthy, keep up the awesome work Sandman! Peace! Well Leprechaun Cowboy and everyone else listening I'll talk about men walking away from college in the second half. First let me deal with the lesbians. Some women are genuinely only interested in women but it's not like they can go around and find another woman to use as an emotional tampon. So that's why she finds a man. It takes a special sort of simp to listen to such a woman's problems, know he's not going to get any action and keep coming back as an emotional tampon. The only reason besides potentially hoping that she like one of the many lesbians change over to being straight in their thirties is because he's getting female validation. That he just wants a woman as a friend the way he would a guy and he can relax around her and not have to worry all that much about saying the wrong thing. I've hung out with butch lesbians in school and out of school where they were extremely masculine. Again it's simply a platonic thing. All women want beta male orbiters. Straight women use gay men as orbiters too. Lesbians use straight men as well. That may be one of the reasons why women were always very supportive of the gay community. Because they know those are men that can be easily emotionally exploited and they don't even know it. Gay guys have listened to me talk about this and said that after I warned them about being exploited by straight female friends they decided to stop talking to them because that's exactly what they were doing. I've know super unattractive women that had gay guys around hoping they would start pitching instead of catching if you know what I mean and they would be first in line in case that happened. For women they need the male emotional tampons because if they try and pull that sort of thing on other women usually it de-evolves into a screaming match. I know one middle aged woman that lives with her sister and neither of them have a boyfriend and it used to be hilarious watching their toxic emotional energy bounce back and forth from each other. Now when I watch it it makes me nauseous. There was an interesting talk I heard recently about how women's sexuality and attraction fluctuates based on what part of their menstrual cycle they are in. Women that are bi during their most fertile point might be interested in dudes. But later when they have their period or are late in their cycle might be more attracted to feminity so therefore might be more interested in women. I'll discuss more

    in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline Investments:

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    10m - May 17, 2024
  • 509 - How YouTube Censors Men & Promotes Women

    Sponsor Link: Moorescarts.com





    Mystery Link:    • Shorts  

    Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2039428

    Odysee.TV: https://odysee.com/@SandmanMGTOW:c

    Bitchute Link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/YIxe...

    Sandman 2:    / @sandman2317  

    Twitter:   / sandmanmgtow  

    SubscribeStar.com: https://www.subscribestar.com/sandman

    Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ Gmail.com

    Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv

    Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

    This video is brought to you by a donation from Brian and here's what he has to say: "Hey, Sandman. There is this content creator on youtube called Manosphere that experienced a lot of growth then had all his channel demonitized. Could you talk about that." Well Brian thanks for the donation and topic. I looked through his socialblade stats and he started about seven months ago and his channel immediately exploded in the first month with over two million views. He was approaching one hundred thousand subscribers and everything looked good and all of a sudden he couldn't make any more money. With YouTube these days there is a 6 to 12 month window of initial success and then you start to plateau and

    fade out. You get pumped up by the algorithm and die by the algorithm. I've seen stuff like this happen to dozens of creators over the last five years. That's when you learn who's in it for just the money and who's in it to make a difference, start a revolution or change the world. Manosphere was taken down for reusing content without adding enough of his own commentary. Meaning he was a clips channel playing mostly TikTok videos and doing it under fair use. Demonitizing him was YouTubes' way to discourage channels that just copy past content. Recently Carl Benjamin or Sargon of Akkad also got demonitized because apparently another channel was using his content. He's been on YouTube as long as my and started in 2014 and cleaned up his channel and didn't swear or break any of the rules and still got demonitized. He took to YouTube to complain about is and a few days later he was given a strike for bullying and harassment from YouTube. Clearly they have it out for him and a lot of guys. Twitter has recently started doing so shady stuff too. I'm paying 10 bucks a month so I don't get spammed by ads and yet Twitter is putting the ads in my feed over the last week. A while back they also gave me a 12 hour suspension for something I posted. They forced me to take it down but they didn't explain to me what the post was. They wouldn't let me see what had offended their policy. They wouldn't tell me which rule I had broken. All I'm doing is retweets from other. It's hard to know what it was because I post 20 to 30 times a day. So I won't be copying memes as much, reuploading them and posting them. I'll just repost them with a quote. That way Twitter won't be able to take me down again. But I'm sure they will come up with a reason. As for YouTube demonitization the best thing that might have ever happened to me might have been demonitization because I promoted the Brave Browser and made a boat load of basic attention tokens. That forced me to learn how crypto works and conveted them to Bitcoin which I never would have bought with my own money. And a couple of years from now I might be a multimillionaire. My advice for the content creator Manosphere would be to look into selling his own merchandise, advertising on his channel as well as getting something like Subscribestar up. You can't just rely on the advertising revenue from YouTube itself. It also looks like Manosphere stopped producing content for a month and disapeared after being demonitized. He pulled a ton of his content, probably re-applied for monetization and didn't get it so then started a second channel. That worked for me with my Sandman 2 channel but YouTube isn't treating me kindly giving me views. It was smart for Manosphere to do what he did but I doubt he's going to get to 97k subscribers on the new channel like the old one in six months and make five to ten K a month like he was probably doing. These days you also have to fight for every inch of exposure. Be it on Rumble, Bitchute, Twitter, or YouTube. Use every platform to grow. Use Subscribestar, Patreon, Cashapp, Paypal. You can't put all you eggs in one basket because some purple haired freak is going to come and smash that basket. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about

    today's sponsor Moorescarts:

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    10m - May 15, 2024
  • 508 - Men Are Checking Out & Women Are Screwed

    Sponsor Link:

    Profit Specialist Group

    video:    • Cash Discount Program Explained  


    Low Birth Rates Could Doom Retirement

       • Interview – Alison Morrow Interviews ...  

    Mystery Link:    • "Elon And I Agree, This Is A Serious ...  

    Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2039428

    Odysee.TV: https://odysee.com/@SandmanMGTOW:c

    Bitchute Link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/YIxe...

    Sandman 2:    / @sandman2317  

    Twitter:   / sandmanmgtow  

    SubscribeStar.com: https://www.subscribestar.com/sandman

    Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ Gmail.com

    Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv

    Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

    This video isn't brought to you by any donations. So I decided to discuss a video I put a link in the description called Low Birth Rates Could Doom Retirement by one of my long-time sponsor Chris Whalen. I'm just doing it as a thank you and he says that today those over the age of 60 in the United States makeup 23% of the population. But in another thirty years they will make up 29.5% percent of the population. Almost 1 in 3. The population will continue to grow overall but the tax base per old person will go down and social security and medicaid are already technically bankrupt. The fertility rate is 1.78 and falling. That's assuming the tax base will be there. But men that aren't getting married aren't working as hard killing themselves at jobs for their families and to pay government taxes. He says they can't increase taxes on younger people. But taxes will have to go up. This destroys his idea that immigration will continue into America. If young people from outside are just working to pay for food, shelter and taxes to keep the old people in depends then odd are they won't come to a place like America or Canada. There was a Russian living in Vancouver talking about this six months ago and he was struggling to make ends meet as a software engineer. This situation isn't going to be pretty but he does mention that for many the solution will be medical tourism in South America or Eastern Europe. As a guy going his own way going into his 60s, 70s and 80s in 2050 you're going to want to plan now for what comes next. Remember there's already a shortage of specialist doctors in the west. Nursing homes are closing in some cases and assisted living will cost you 8-10k a month right now. Even if you're doing ok financially that might deplete all of your assets in only five to ten years. I'd suggest guys start doing preventative medicine right now. Which means get the three most important things under control. Those being diet, exercise and stress. Lose weight and cut out the sugars and corn starch. Exercise by at least walking half an hour to an hour each day. I do those but stress is also extremely important. Living a low stress lifestyle versus a high stress one is the difference between dying in your early sixties of heart disease versus living into your mid 80s with no issues. Stress also elevates cortisol and blood sugar levels. If I want to have a decent retirement I'm going to have lower my stress to keep health issues at bay. I think it's every man for themselves at this point. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Profit Specialist Group:

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    10m - May 12, 2024
  • 507 - Korean Women Are Finished

    Sponsor Link:

    - Red Pill Ring

    - https://www.redpillring.com/

    Mystery Link:    • Men Around The World Have FINALLY Sta...  

    Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2039428

    Odysee.TV: https://odysee.com/@SandmanMGTOW:c

    Bitchute Link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/YIxe...

    Sandman 2:    / @sandman2317  

    Twitter:   / sandmanmgtow  

    SubscribeStar.com: https://www.subscribestar.com/sandman

    Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ Gmail.com

    Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv

    Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

    This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to share more about how South Korea and pretty much most of the advanced world is in trouble because fertility rates keep on falling and it's worse than you think. Korean women are the most feminist in East Asia. That's because many used to be Christians, they lost their faith in Christ and replaced it with their faith in their Cooch. Souel the capital of Korea saw it's fertility rate dropped to 0.64 during the pandemic and that means that only 30% of the current population in that city is being replaced. A year ago I read that at then fertility rates there would be no more Koreans in about 500 years. Of course in theory that could be sooner but population will never go to zero. Once the population falls too low we will simply re-ruralize and the cities will collapse and look the way Rome did during the middle ages. That is unless we take women's rights away and put them back in the kitchen which I'm not advocating for. Or if the government starts to have it's own breeding programs and orphanages like brave new world. But governments have proven they can't raise children properly if you look at the crazy experiments in Romania during the cold war. So that means that women in Korea and just about everywhere else are finished when it comes to working at a career for a pension. In South Korea with no immigration and a 30% replacement rate in cities like Souel it means there won't be enough money from young workers to pay for the social safety net for older whamen. That might be enough to entice many women to start having children so there's someone to look after them into old age but we all know how great women are at long-term planning. I'm thinking that the inevitable is going to be ruralization once the population falls to some insanely low level. Imagine a world with only one to two hundred million people in a thousand years. with ruins everywhere and only a few places left that are advanced enough to be industrialized. At that point whichever group takes women's rights away and turns them into baby factories will have a decisive advantage so long as their military technology is comparable to their enemies. As for Korea in late 2022 the fertility rate for the whole country was 0.79 or 62% below replacement. So what led to women there not wanting kids more than any other place on earth. They are already close to Japan and Singapore in numbers but I think it's feminism that pushed them down to that world record. Just like other countries their policy to urbanize the country led to all of this. The government has even tried bribing their women to make babies by handing out 200 billion over the last 16 years to increase the population and it's had the opposite effect. Besides we've all heard the statement I'm from the government and I'm here to help before. Usually it has the opposite effect like we're seeing in this case. Birth rates will be lower years down the line because people didn't meet and fall in love as much during covid. Someone posted recently that there were baby booms after especially cold winters. But during the pandemic that didn't happen. And he was surprised by that. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

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    10m - May 10, 2024
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