5: Zambia -Education & COVID

Season 1 | Episode 5
23m | Sep 20, 2020

Although the Zambian government has been working tirelessly to provide access to education for every child, the pandemic forced school closures and, subsequently, the disruption of education. In an attempt to provide some form of instruction, the government-sanctioned the creation of e-learning channels for grades one through twelve on topics like literature, science, mathematics etc. While this was a commendable effort, the lack of reliable internet access left many students unable to access the programs or school work provided by their teachers. David Willima, a teacher in Zambia, will provide in-depth information on the state of education before the pandemic, the issues of internet reliability, governmental policies, and if the educational system will be able to return to normal. 

Host: Diana Muteba

Guests: David Willima, Primary School Teacher in Lusaka, Zambia. 

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Covid Around the World