S2S Sisters: "God’s Design for Womanhood: Valuable, Gifted, Feminine, Meek" by Mariel Frost Frost

1h 20m | Feb 3, 2024

Strength to Strength welcomed Mariel Frost to discuss God’s design of womanhood.

This talk is specifically for sisters only. Thanks!

Whether you’re single or married, a mature Christian, or new to the faith, you probably have questions about what it means to be a woman. Throughout the ages, Satan has been equally satisfied with two opposite tactics concerning women. On the one hand, he has promoted the abasement of women. He wants them used, oppressed, and subservient. He wants them resigned, discouraged, and powerless. On the other hand, he has also encouraged the exaltation of women. He wants them to be independent, brash, argumentative, and discontent. Either way, Satan wins.

But what does God want? What is God’s design for womanhood? Let’s explore what the Bible tells us…and what it does not. Let’s look at what a woman is… and what she is not.

An interactive question-and-answer period follows.

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Strength to Strength