0.28 Haiti 🇭🇹 Descends into Civil War... Again

1h 8m | Mar 12, 2024

Every Monday at 8pm Eastern. Tonight the Boys Discuss the Violence in Haiti. The Prime Minister refused to step down and now there is chaos, and he has fled the country. The man in charge, who calls himself "Barbecue" has apparently taken command of the capital city through establishing a monopoly on violence as him and his men fight other gangs and Government Forces. He is a former police officer and was removed from the force for some of the worst allegations I have ever seen. 

We are going to joke about this event today, as that is what we do, but the situation is very serious, dangerous, and many innocent people have been harmed. There are uncomfirmed reports of Cannibalism, and videos on social media of the destruction. Please pray for the Haitian People amidst this violence. 

Illegitimate Scholar:

Biting the Bullet:

Cult of Us:

In Liberty and Health:

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