81 - Neighbors

3m | May 24, 2021

Full transcript here 👋

Hey, good morning, good afternoon, good evening. This is your life. This is your chance. Listen.

The word for today is neighbors. I saw my neighbor out mowing yesterday, and it made me wonder how to value our neighbors more. My first thought is more time together. There’s a finding in the psychological sciences called the mere-exposure effect, where you begin to enjoy something just by being around it more. Do you open up your home to your neighbors? Our neighbors have invited us over more than we’ve invited them, but I’d love for that to change. During the pandemic, I had a vision of being able to send out a notification to our neighbors about what we were making for dinner that day and ask who wants to join us. At this moment, that doesn’t seem very realistic, but maybe we could have a regular potluck get together or something.

Today’s concrete challenge is to find a way to show appreciation to your neighbors. You could host a karaoke night for adults or an egg/treasure hunt for kids. My daughter likes to bake and deliver sweet treats to people on our street. Whatever you choose, put it in your calendar and announce it with plenty of notice so that your neighbors can commit.

I’ll keep the music playing while you fill in the blank of the following phrase, and don’t miss the soundtrack at the end of this episode.

In order to appreciate my neighbors even more, I will _______.

Before you go, repeat the following soundtrack, “I am the kind of person who shows appreciation and warmth to my neighbors.”

Let me know if this made a difference in your day by leaving a comment in your podcast app or at

Check back tomorrow for a new challenge. Until then.

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