79 - Intent

3m | May 23, 2021

Full transcript here 👋

Hey, good morning, good afternoon, good evening. This is your life. This is your chance. Listen.

The word for today is intent. There’s a famous phrase that says, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” While I don’t generally agree with the sentiment, that phrase makes an interesting comment on intent. It’s not enough to desire. Wishing is insufficient. Intention is only the beginning, because action is what makes it real. Life is really that simple. Desire, followed by action, followed by repetition. That’s the recipe for success. The part that I’m learning at 40, though, is sticking with the action long enough for it to produce fruit.

Today’s concrete challenge is to choose an action that you want to continue. What are some shoulds and woulds that you can let go of in order to focus your important intentions into action?

If you want to commit, say the following phrase: “I will choose one action to stick by.”

I’ll keep the music playing while you get it done, and don’t miss the soundtrack at the end of this episode.

Before you go, repeat the following soundtrack, “I am the kind of person who picks and sticks.”

Let me know if this made a difference in your day by leaving a comment in your podcast app or at

Check back tomorrow for a new challenge. Until then.


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