Episode 94: The Wizard and The Dove (PATREON SNEAK PEEK)

Episode 94
1h 15m | Nov 9, 2023

Hello! In today’s Patreon sneak peek episode, we travel back in time to Victorian England. In the 1850’s, a troubled young man named William Dove was in way over his head. At the advice of a friend he contacted the Wizard of the South Market, believing that he was his only hope at a bright future. But when the future the Wizard foresees is darker before it gets brighter, William has to make the choice if he wants to ride out the storm, or take matters into his own hands. This story has it all: wizardry, deception, escapism, poison, and two of the most insane trials of the day. To gain access to more stories like this one AND to gain access to all of our content ad free, join us over on Patreon!

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