55. My Story - From Depressed, Disempowered, and Dependant, to Flourishing within an Incredible, Purpose Driven Life I've Created5

59m | Apr 29, 2024

When people hear my story, they're typically quite shocked. Partly because it's well, kind of crazy... but also because looking at the woman standing in front of them, you would never expect what I've been through and where/who I used to be.

From ankle length skirts and being told it was sinful to show my body or dress in a way that called attention to myself, to being a full-time fashion influencer with tattoos who loves to dress in a way that flatters her body and stands out.

From my first time kissing someone being at 24 and marrying that person 6 months later, to being happily single with great experiences (generally + sexually) while dating at 34.

From being incredibly shy, insecure, and not knowing how to make a decision for myself to save my life, to being extremely confident, public speaking, and coaching women on how to create the life of their dreams.

and I could go on and on and on...

My story is one of massive transformation, growth, and rebirth.

And today I'm finally sharing it more in depth.

My hope for this episode is to not only share it so anyone else who's been through the things I have can feel less alone, seen, and heard,

But also to inspire anyone who has been a victim, struggled, or so far from who, what, and where they want to be, that *anything* is possible. And not just anything, magic. Magic is possible.

Magic that comes from first making the choice to no longer be a bystander or victim, and then doing the deep work of facing and making peace with your pain, your fears, and most importantly, yourself.

And Magic that then looks like a life marked by peace, joy, purpose, fulfillment, and endless synchronicities while all of your dreams and desires start to manifest into your physical reality.

You deserve a Magical Human Experience, but creating that is completely and entirely up to you. The only person that can ever come and save you, is you.

Much more to come on all of this, but in the meantime, I hope you enjoy and get exactly what you need out of this week's episode. xx


My Instagram: @jordanlaurelle - come say hi!

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The Magical Human Experience Podcast